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Online hanoi Games
Towers of Hanoi Game

Plays: 4418
Category: Puzzles Games
Tower of Hanoi - A free online version of the classic disc moving solitaire puzzle game.
towers of hannoi Game

Plays: 3996
Category: Customize Games
Ancient game, use your mind to change the disk in a proper order with the minimun movements, can chose multiple levels.
Thang Long 1000 years-Traditional Vietnamese Girls Game

Plays: 3527
Category: Dress-Up Games
10-10-2010 is Thang Long 1000 years - go to Vietnamese to see Traditional Vietnamese Girls in Aodai custom
Tower of Hanoi Game

Plays: 3463
Category: Puzzles Games
Tower of Hanoi - classic logical game. Most of people can not do it with more than 5 discs.
Towers of Hanoi Game

Plays: 3141
Category: Puzzles Games
An original classic. Move the rings from the left pole to the right pole.
Pyramids of Hanoii Game

Plays: 2823
Category: Puzzles Games
The game is simple: get all the blocks from the left to the right pyramid. The goal is to accomplish this with the least amount of moves. To move a block, simply click it, drag it to the correct pile while holding the left mouse button, and then release the mouse button to drop the block. There are a few rules, though.. You can only pick up the highest block on a pile. You can only put a block on top of a larger one. And you can only move one at a time. Have fun!
Learn to Solve the Tower of Hanoi Game

Plays: 2809
Category: Puzzles Games
Learn how to solve the infamous Tower of Hanoi puzzle with this simple game. Contents include a full tutorial, a step-by-step solver, a quiz system, and a "free play" mode.
Kryeqytetet - Pjesa e parë Game

Plays: 2762
Category: Education Games
Ky është një kuiz nga Gjeografia.Në këtë kuiz janë pyetje për Kryeqytetet e botës .Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione apo përgjigje ku vetëm njëra është e saktë.
Tower of Hanoi Game

Plays: 2722
Category: Puzzles Games
Is a classic puzzle where you have to move some disks placed on a tower in order to take them to another tower, following just two simple rules: No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk and each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the rods and sliding it onto another rod, on top of the other disks that may already be present on that rod.
Squirrel Towers Game

Plays: 2683
Category: Puzzles Games
Move blocks from one tower to the tower marked with arrow (Hanoi Towers).
tower of Hanoi Game

Plays: 2275
Category: Puzzles Games
tower of Hanoi
Traditional Vietnamese Hanoi Showcase Game

Plays: 2199
Category: Customize Games
Have you ever tried Dresses Traditional Vietnamese Hanoi Showcase? You would be really gentle, comfortable and stylish in this Dresses for this season.Try out these dresses in this collection then you believe in my words.
Hanoi right Game

Plays: 2097
Category: Puzzles Games
Move a tower to a new rod in fewer strokes.
Tower of Hanoy Game

Plays: 1519
Category: BoardGame Games
The goal is to build a single vertical column of nine cards, the 9 at the top and the Ace at the bottom. At the beginning there are three columns of three cards each. The player can move cards between different columns following these rules: only the exposed card in each column can be moved and only if the exposed card in the destination column is higher in rank.
Hanoi Tower Game

Plays: 1419
Category: Puzzles Games
This is a mathematical game - move the discs from one side to the other.
Tower of Hanoi Game

Plays: 126839
Category: Strategy Games
The object of this game is to move all the rings from the first column to the third column. The rings should be moved one by one and a ring cannot be placed on top of a smaller ring. This game tests your organizational ability to see if you can systematically move the rings.

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