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Online heads-up Games
Clown Squirt Game

Plays: 5005
Category: Shooting
Shoot the clown in the mouth. Make sure you are quick and rid the screen of as many clown heads as possible in Pulados rendition of the classic carnival game Clown Squirt.
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No Mo Obama Game

Plays: 4488
Category: Shooting
Its Simple..........Take Out All The Obama Heads, Collect All The Money, And Don't Get Hit!!
Fupa Nerd Battle Game

Plays: 4411
Category: Adventure
You are a nerd in the fupa world and have been being picked on by the jocks and meat heads in fupa world, Make sure that they never pick on you like that ever again by taking revenge to them. Good Luck!
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Sift Heads 0 Game

Plays: 27310
Category: Shooting Games
The Starting Point is where Vinnie's story all begin. In this game, you need to complete the first couples of mission Vinnie had and learn your way out of school. Vinnie is like this for some reason so fin out how he became the greatest killer and top menace for all criminal organization in this fun to play flash online game available here on ! Try it out !
VSY 3 Game

Plays: 20710
Category: Shooting Games
Vinnie's back with new weapons and some great action - shooting style gameplay! In this 3rd version of his shooting yard, you will be able to chose from 4 new types of weapons. A M82 Sniper Rifle with some hardcore .50 caliber and 3 others that, well, you'll se them in the game! Those 3 new weapons have a 'unique' style of their own. To this day, those wepons were unused in this serie. A lot of comment were made about some of these on the forum and, well, we listen to you all!
Castle Clout Game

Plays: 17017
Category: Shooting Games
Time the launch of your trebuchets' ammunition to cause maximum damage to the opposing castle and its occupants! Get bonus points by knocking off the soldiers heads!!
Word Reaper Concept Game

Plays: 11150
Category: Action Games
Use your keyboard skills to type the words above the enemy heads. Can you type fast enough to hold out long enough?
Sports Heads Football Championship Game

Plays: 79290
Category: Sports Games
More Sports Heads Football, now with more heads, a league, upgrades and more! Prove your Soccer Head is the best in England...
Sift Heads 5 Game

Plays: 40760
Category: Shooting Games
Sift Heads 5 is our biggest game ever. 20 intense missions, up close shooter action, character interaction, sniping modes, 9 weapons of choice, custom clothes, bonus cheats and more. Vinnie is back in town and doing what he does best... sifting heads. But a deadly assassin is about to cross his path with a mission to kill him, fuelled by revenge!
Heads Up Game

Plays: 39046
Category: Sports Games
Play kick ups with your own and your friends' heads!
Sift Renegade Game

Plays: 26904
Category: Adventure Games
Sift Renegade features the Yakuza member Kiro, who is on a mission to seek the truth and take revenge! The game features multiple game play, and has an exciting and suspenseful storyline. Fight tons of enemies with your katana, escape from your assailants on a wild bike chase, or combat at close range with your shuriken stars!
Taz' Football Frenzy Game

Plays: 25296
Category: Sports Games
Make the biggest score you can by making as many touchdown as possible and neutralizing the opponents on your way. You'll get rid of the goons if you jump on their heads or if you whirl on them after eating a hotdog powerup. You have three tries.
Vinnie's Rampage : Desert Road Game

Plays: 24364
Category: Shooting Games
Help Vinnie sift those responsible for ramming into his sweet Shelby! Sift some heads with the option of three weapons. A comeback to one of the original SiftHeads scenes.
Vinnie's Shooting Yard 5 Game

Plays: 23725
Category: Shooting Games
Vinnie has just completed an intense mission and now wants to sharpen his sifting skills! Sift as many heads as possible with your weapon of choice; Desert Eagle, Uzi, Shotgun, and Barrett Sniper. Vinnie’s Shooting Yard 5 is the best game of this shooter series!
Hitstick Game

Plays: 21232
Category: Shooting Games
Homage to Hitman, Hitstick is a shooter game with awesome graphics and 4 exciting settings around the world. Select between two guns, your choice of difficulty and try to sift as many heads as possible!
Sift Heads 4 Game

Plays: 21011
Category: Shooting Games
In this 4th game of Sift Heads, you get to Sift some Heads all around the world on Vinnie's vacations! Chicago's streets are all cleaned up because of you. How bodering time is for Vinnie with no job. Prepare for an international hunt in this great game!
Vinnie Shooting Yard 2 Game

Plays: 20467
Category: Shooting Games
You act in this game as Vinnie from the Sift Heads serie. You can play with a 9mm, shotgun, shuriken and a M16 Rifle. Have fun shooting around practicing on targets and making high scores.
Sift Heads World - Ultimatum Game

Plays: 19126
Category: Action Games
The team is back with an unstoppable fury as they are being chased by the police, Alonzo and Yuuma. Vinnie, Shorty and Kiro’s skills will be put to the test.
Sift Heads World - Act 3 Game

Plays: 19112
Category: Action Games
After a hard-hitting blow from Alonzo our team is back on the hunt. But it won’t be so easy this time, cause Alonzo has some very influencing friends in high places. Vinnie and his partners will need the help of the Mayor in Chicago
Sports Heads Football Game

Plays: 14814
Category: Sports Games
Sports Heads is back, and this time it's all about the goals, headers and volleys...
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Tips: Enemy graphics do not need to move. Movement is taken care of by the engine. Animals and things should walk in place.