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Online jet Games
Lord of The Skies Game

Plays: 34804
Category: Adventure
Take on massive fleets of jets in order to become king of the skies! Avoid enemy bullets and rockets, good luck!
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Graviton X Game

Plays: 27137
Category: Action
You are one of the greatest pilots in the intergalactic armada. Extra-dimensional alien beings have invaded the cosmos and are wreaking havoc on all peaceful planets in the federation. Most of the armada's ships have been destroyed by the hoards of hostile aliens. You are the armada's last hope. Good luck soldier!
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Last Line Of Defense Game

Plays: 12573
Category: Action
Aliens ave invaded Earth and you are one of the last remaining fighter pilots left. It is up to you to defend Earth and save the Human race! You are the last line of defense against the Shadow invaders!
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Epic Dog Fighter Game

Plays: 11968
Category: Adventure
You are a special ops team that has discovered an enemy base with mixed countries, fly in and make sure their plans of attack on America are destroyed!
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Stealth Bomber 2 Game

Plays: 9900
Category: Action
After your success with your last stealth missions you have been ordered to take out some enemy military, that hold intel of America's plans for war! Take them out!
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Graviton X2 Game

Plays: 6501
Category: Action
The interdimensional struggle continues as you fight along the outer rim of the observable universe.
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Desert fighter Game

Plays: 4257
Category: Action
Take out the enemy planes with your plane
Markiplier flies in a jet and kills things Game

Plays: 2618
Category: Action
Markiplier must play its your jet
World War:Final Frontier Game

Plays: 2508
Category: Shooting
Your time has come to get into a fighter jet and take off and fight for your freedom!
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Battle for Paris 2: The Recked Air Field Game

Plays: 1584
Category: Action
We invinted the laser jet so you can go through the building but becareful because you can hit the top and bottom but bigg enough for an airplane
Squirt Man Game

Plays: 48073
Category: Shooting Games
A nuclear war has devastated your once beautiful planet. The world has gone to hell, as have all life-forms. Everyone and everything has mutated into horrible horrible creatures. You too have been turned into a mutant, but with one notable difference - you have big guns and a funky slime powered jet pack unit! It's a battle for survival. You need food, the other mutants need food, it's either you or them. Kill anything and everything that gets in your way and maybe, just maybe you'll get through the nuclear holocaust alive. Choose from your stash of weapons to kill the mutants. Each weapon gains XP points the more enemy you kill. Look out for power-ups after you kill the enemy, you're going to need 'em. Good luck!
Bumper Bounce Game

Plays: 20707
Category: Shooting Games
Bounce your space jet to highest place and get scores by shoot a car.
Virus Game

Plays: 6341
Category: Shooting Games
Dr Evil flies across the earth in his jet plane and spreads the virus anywhere on earth. The nature of the virus is such that it spreads both on land and sea. You can hit his plane by firing rockets from the spaceship. Press the left and right arrow keys to set the angle of the rockets. Press the space bar to fire the rockets. You can select the auto firing option also. If the rockets hit the enemy, the enemy health gets reduced by 5%. If the enemy health becomes zero the game ends. If the game ends within 60 seconds you win the game and go to next level.
Space Hawk 2 Game

Plays: 5872
Category: Shooting Games
A vertical scrolling space shooting game. Pilot your space jet code named Spacehawk 2 to battle the invasion of the Arlozaxian galaxy's space fleet. With five different weapons, weapon upgrades, secondary weapons and several monster types , this game is fun for all ages.
Math Lines Game

Plays: 1167889
Category: Puzzles Games
If you enjoyed Marble lines but love math then look no further! In the game of Math Lines it is your job to get rid of all the balls before it reaches the hole. When the balls you shoot and the balls beside it add up to 10, these balls will be destroyed. You can also destroy a group of same numbered balls with only one ball. When you destroy all the balls you can proceed to the next level, but be careful because if you take to long or are unable to match many balls up they will fall in the hole and you will lose! Fun game tip: Occasionally there will be coins that appear on the screen, you can shoot the coins to get the colours of the balls sorted for a while which will help you a lot! Also you can use the space bar to swap out balls. This game is sure to sharpen and quicken your math skills as well as provide an immense amount of fun!
Airport Madness 3 Game

Plays: 115948
Category: Strategy Games
If you love airplanes and the job of air traffic control than this game will be super fun for you! This game that involves runways and taxiways. Your job is to strategically give takeoff and landing clearances to avoid midair collisions between commercial jets while moving airplanes as fast as you can. Be quick and strategic because you do not want the planes to miss there landing!
Flash Flight Simulator Game

Plays: 40088
Category: Action Games
Flash Flight Simulator, with authentic planes and realistic aircraft handling tear through the sky performing various extreme maneuvers in different game modes in over 20 unique planes. Flash Flight Simulator, with over 20 authentic planes and realistic handeling tear through the sky in diffrent game modes. including Free flight mode and Missile Evasion modes to compete to be the ultimate ace in highscores, including authentic planes such as the F22 Raptor, F-16 and the Wright brothers plane! and the Sr-71 black bird and many others.
Jet Pass Game

Plays: 35915
Category: Action Games
Fly an F-16 through a tunnel using your microphone. You must watch out for the rocks in the tunnel and you also need to avoid nose diving into the hot boiling lava! This game is great for any airplane lover, but even if you are not someone who loves airplanes this game will provide you with an immense amount of fun!
Refinery Truck Driver Game

Plays: 32519
Category: Driving Games
Entire City is counting on you. Deliver Different Petroleum Products such as Rocket Fuel, F1 Fuel, Gasoline, Wax, Jet Fuel, etc. through out the City.
Water Jet Riding Game

Plays: 22107
Category: Driving Games
Water Jet Riding is a simple flash Boat Riding game. Your aim is to travel maximum distance without any collision.

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Tips: Export your SWF files to support Flash 8.