Mendel Quiz (Genetics) Game
     Plays: 13251 Category: Education Games Are you ready to take the Mendelian Genetics Quiz?
Gregor Mendel was a monk that discovered in the 1860's how traits are passed from parents to offspring. In doing so, he developed the principles that govern heredity. These principles are now called Mendel's law of segregation and Mendel's law independent assortment. And he is now considered the father of modern genetics. | Snurfle Meiosis and Genetics Game
     Plays: 4713 Category: Education Games Snurfles, just like any other organism, must reproduce in order to continue as a species! But how does this happen? By the end of this game, you will understand how MEIOSIS and FERTILIZATION work to make offspring! You will also see how GENETIC characteristics are passed on through these processes and the connection between meiosis and genetics! |