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pingalee Games

Online pingalee Games
PingaLee - Sunny Day Game

Plays: 8630
Category: Dress-Up Games
This coloring game takes us to PingaLee world when he starts a new day. Color this beautiful landscape while the sun is shining, the fish are plentiful and PingaLee tries to catch one for breakfast.
PingaLee and Friends Orchestra Game

Plays: 5463
Category: Other Games
In this detailed coloring game PingaLee and friends are practicing for their big performance. Make the scene even more exciting by coloring the friends and their instruments: the bird twitting, the elphant playing the cello, the drumming bear and many others. Don't forget PingaLee conducting them all!
Mother's Day Coloring Game Game

Plays: 5422
Category: Education Games
In our lives from the very beginning there's a very special woman that accompanies us when we take our first steps and when we go to school. Even when we grow up she is always with us with her heart. I'm talking about mom. Let's remember about her not only on this special day, but every single day.
PingaLee: Women's Day Game

Plays: 3851
Category: Education Games
March 8 is a special day, not only for women, but also for men, who on this occasion should make their wives, moms, daughters and friends feel exceptional. Those who ran out of ideas can see what PingaLee penguin does - he got his girlfriend a cabrio and some flowers and also planned a wonderful afternoon with cafe visit, some shopping and a movie.
PingaLee Celebrates New Year Game

Plays: 3672
Category: Education Games
Antarctica is usually very cold, but not on this special day. The clock is already ticking and the big countdown to the beginning of New Year has already started. Look how PingaLee and his family celebrate together with their guests - a bird and a fish. In a few moments the fireworks will explode, everything will become sparkly and colorful and a New Year will begin.
World Cup In Africa Game

Plays: 3621
Category: Customize Games
Everybody starts feeling the fever! And it's not the African climate fever, but fever caused by emotions, sport rivalry and World Cup that takes place in this very place - Africa. For this short period of time the arguments and wars diminish and people forget about their problems and just have fun watching soccer matches. Have a look at the boys in the picture and feel this mood just like they do. Let this image and the World Cup put you into action - call the boys and play some nice competitive matches!

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