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Online potting Games
Original Blast Billiards 2008 Game

Plays: 60357
Category: Sports Games
Can you score over 4000 and call yourself a playa? Pot the balls before they explode, and avoid the dynamite! A 2008 version of one of the web's most famous and popular games.
9-Ball Clear-Up Game

Plays: 22866
Category: Sports Games
9-Ball Clear-Up - simply pot all the balls 1 to 9 as fast as possible. Get bonuses for potting the balls in the correct order, for your best break and for accurate potting. Plus win special trophies. This billiards game has a nice physics engine that allows you to add spin to keep good position while clearing up the table.
English Pub Pool Game

Plays: 9868
Category: Action Games
Play 8-Ball and Straight Pool tournaments against fast thinking CPU Players to become Rank #1. Plus play Challenges and Time Attacks to set new high scores and to win trophies. There are over 60 trophies to be won by winning matches, playing challenges, making big breaks and shooting special shots. It has a nice billiards physics engine allowing you to play spin for better ball control. Human vs Human matches against your mates at home are possible too - no network play yet... Finally, you can set your preferred 8-ball pool rules in the settings options - e.g. do you play 2-shots, or no 2-shots on the black, or place the white anywhere after fouls? All can be changed to your preferred settings. This game includes the popular Random Potting challenge that has been played over 24,000,000 times and counting. Enjoy!
English Pub Pool: Random Potting Game

Plays: 7292
Category: Action Games
Pot as many balls as you can! You're allowed 5 misses, but potting the black will give you an extra life. Trophies are awarded for top scores and best breaks. You'll need to use spin to keep position and get a high score - Good Luck!
Car Pool Game

Plays: 2520
Category: Driving Games
Wouldn't pool be even better if it involved cars? And wouldn't driving be better if it involved potting balls? Time to find out!
Mini Pool Game

Plays: 2123
Category: Puzzles Games
This is a fun take on the ever popular 8 Ball Pool & Snooker Game. The aim of the game is to pot all the balls before the time written on the balls runs out. You have to start by potting the pink ball first as this has the least number of seconds on it and thus it's best to get rid of this ball first. Then one by one you must pot the red balls before the time runs out. There are lots of levels to play and complete. Each Levels introduces a better formation or level layout than previous levels.
Mini Pool 2 Game

Plays: 1725
Category: Sports Games
The aim of this mini pool game is to pot all of the balls as fast as you can, the pink ball is the first ball that has it's timer run out, so try to pot that first, after that you must pot all of the red balls in order to finish the pool game. The clock is ticking, so hurry up and get to potting those pool balls!
Blast Billiards Revolution Game

Plays: 1402
Category: Puzzles Games
Blast Billiards is back! A whole new engine, new challenges and more of the same classic addictive bomb potting action

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.