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Online public Games
Slug Designer 2 Game

Plays: 33487
Category: Dress-Up Games
The sequel to Slug Designer is here, and it's bigger and better in every way. Slug Designer 2 sacrifices the pointless Life Stories from the original Slug Designer for something even better - WAY MORE slug customization and features. But what do you do in Slug Designer 2? Simple. You design little cartoon slugs. But they're not just simple cartoon slugs - with Slug Designer 2 you can create a slug that looks like almost anybody, or anything. Celebrities. Your friends. Your cat. If it has a face, it can most likely be made into a slug, right here, in Slug Designer 2. But that's not all - you can even share your slugs with your friends with the Slug Code system! When you save a slug, you are given a code that you can then copy and paste wherever you like - an email to a friend, your blog, a public comments section, whatever, and then whoever copies that code and pastes it into Slug Designer 2 can see your beautiful slug creation! And if you're not feeling very creative, just hit the Random button, and presto! A randomized slug just for you! Have fun! *Slug Codes from the original Slug Designer are not compatible with this version, and vice versa.
Bathroom Simulator Game

Plays: 42902
Category: Strategy Games
Improve your public washroom etiquette with this little simulation. Choose the most appropriate stall in a variety of situations.
Kate Winslet Makeover Game

Plays: 24217
Category: Dress-Up Games
Enchanting Kate Winslet is a outstanding actress and the focus and worship is belonged to her.Makeover and dress up her in your mind and to the public.
Achtung, die Kurve! Flash Remake Public Game

Plays: 21756
Category: Strategy Games
Achtung, die Kurve! bears some resemblance to the game Snake, though in Achtung, die Kurve! Flash Remake, the main goal is to play against your friends and make your opponent hit the wall, his curve or your curve. You control the curve by only two buttons: one makes the snake turn left; the other, right. Although the game has primitive graphics, the gameplay is considered very good and the game is loved by many fans worldwide. It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master! Be warned though - it's addicting!
Public Viewing Game

Plays: 17672
Category: Action Games
You are a streaker in this fun game, avoid several waves of football players, maskots, security guards and and and... Buy funny dance-moves to draw the attention and to raise your score, ride on chickens, do the heliman and shoo clowns.
Trash Wars Game

Plays: 15071
Category: Action Games
There's a city-wide garbage strike and the public has been told to dump their trash at public dump sites across the city. As the weeks passed, rats began invading the trash piles. You must protect a dump site from being overrun with rats before the infestation gets out of control!
Public LiBEARy Game

Plays: 13629
Category: Other Games
After a partnership with an animal control agency that takes its name too literally, a local public library has employed a bear as librarian. Play as the bear as it sorts books, collects late fees, quiets noisy patrons, and fixes broken vending machines.
Croak! Game

Plays: 12145
Category: Action Games
A remake of the arcade game frogger. Croak was a game for the Amiga Public Domain which Ive created from that version.
FireworkZ Game

Plays: 9977
Category: Action Games
Create awesome firework shows across three different world cities. Will you be able to keep up with the challenge, and have public love your creations?
Hold 'em Game

Plays: 9490
Category: Casino Games
A tongue-in-cheek version of Texas Hold-'Em in which you play against computer generated opponents. The opponents are blind to all cards except their respective pockets and any public cards that have been dealt. They use Monte Carlo methods and slightly randomized, crude bluffing algorithms to play. Play until all but two players have gone bankrupt or until you've had enough!
Vampire Couple Love Kiss Game

Plays: 8653
Category: Dress-Up Games
The Twilight on and off screen couple Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are low-key in real life. But we catch them kissing in public! So epic! Play this fun makeover game and decide what they should wear for this sweet kiss! Have fun!
Mommy and Me Game

Plays: 7741
Category: Customize Games
Mom needs to pop out with her little girl, the thing is she will only be seen in public as long as she looks fashionable. Help the mom and the little girl look as good as possible for the streets of the big city. Downtown is lovely this time of year.
Diner Chef 2 Game

Plays: 6718
Category: Customize Games
The first restaurant was a big success. everyone loved the food and begged for more. of course, the diner chef responded to the public demand and opened a second restaurant. He is counting on your help!
Mall Kissing and Makeout Game

Plays: 6233
Category: Dress-Up Games
These to EMO style kids are deeply in love and don't mind performing public displays of affection for each other. The only problem is the other people are not too fond of public affection. Help these two kids kiss in public without anyone spotting them.
Celebrity Exclusive Pizza Stand Game

Plays: 5941
Category: Rhythm Games
Once again, the Teen of the Year Award has brought together all our favorite celebrities! Everybody is waiting to see who is the lucky one that the public has chosen. But... wait! Where did our celebrities disappear? Oh... just around the corner, that's where they are! Unde cover, almost unrecognisable, they have found a stand of yummilicious and exclusive pizza, made by the most famous Chef in the world! Good bye diet, good bye low carbs, this delicious pizza is totally worth it!
Star Lines Game

Plays: 5814
Category: Action Games
Spend some time with the stars!! Except without the tabloids, drug problems and public divorces. This beautifully addictive color-matching puzzle will have you seeing stars!
Steal This Election Game

Plays: 5735
Category: Other Games
Experience election fraud at it's finest, using the highly classified EYE-BERRY™ device. Pick from four different candidates, and then run ad campaigns in the swing states to sway the public.
Toilet King Game

Plays: 5445
Category: Strategy Games
Help Mr Brown Cloud make his dream come true and build a beautiful public toilet and become the ultimate Toilet King! You begin with a filthy restroom and work your way to the top. Keep an eye on customer moods and make them happy by serving their needs quickly as possible.
The Bus Stop Kiss Game

Plays: 5241
Category: Customize Games
The bus stop is always a hard place to kiss your partner, when kissing your partner it must be done discretely so people don't get upset with the public display of affection. If they spot you kissing they will get angry with you and the game will be over, there is plenty of warning before they spot you so keep an eye out, especially keeping an eye on the guy sitting by him self!...
Aerial Invasion - Seagull Poo Edition! Game

Plays: 4908
Category: Shooting Games
This is the first public game I have made, I made this game with my brother. You have to see how many points you get before you run out of lives. Just shoot the seagulls before they poo on you!

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Tips: Go to Gameplay and choose Win On Timer for games where the enemy doesn't shoot and there is no way for you to be destroyed.