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  Cupids Archery Range A Free Online Game
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Online uno Games
UNO - Card Game Game

Plays: 107877
Category: BoardGame Games
The classic fast-paced and exciting card game for all ages. Get rid of all your cards first and score points for the cards your opponents still hold. The first player wins.
UNO Game

Plays: 91135
Category: Facebook Games
Pull up a chair and draw your cards because it's time to play UNO®, the fast-paced online game based on the classic family card game is now on Facebook!
Find The Cat!! Game

Plays: 8362
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your mouse to locate the hidden cat, the higher you hear his voice the closer you are to him. The faster you finish means more points. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para localizar el gato escondido, a mas alto oigas su voz mas cerca estaras de el. A mas rapido acabes mas puntos logras Cuando obtengas tus puntos envia tu score! pero no cierres las ventana que se abra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
Multiplayer - Lucky 7 Game

Plays: 6909
Category: BoardGame Games
A multiplayer cards game - Combining Uno with Solitaire makes a 100% Unique Game that has been played in India with real cards for ages - A Hit Mix - Max of 8 Players with Lobby, Universal Login and High Scores.
UFO AttacK BBR Remixed Game

Plays: 5428
Category: Action Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO Move UP and DOWN with the cursor keys, use SPACE to launch the ball. Hit the UFOs with the ball and dont let them pass!! Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL Muevete con los cursores ARRIBA y ABAJO, usa la tecla ESPACIO para lanzar la bola. Golpea los OVNIs con la bola e impide que pasen!! Cuando consigas tus puntos envialos! pero no cierres la ventana que saldrá o no enviaras los puntos. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
3D Animated Puzzle Future Car Game

Plays: 5018
Category: Driving Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO Move the pieces with the mouse to make the image within the rectangle marked with the white line. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL Mueve las piezas con el raton hasta formar la imagen dentro del rectangulo marcado con la linea blanca Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos (Boton SEND)! pero no cierres la ventana que saldra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Word Mayhem Game

Plays: 4894
Category: BoardGame Games
Make as many words as you can from the allowed letters.
Mini Golf Egipto Game

Plays: 4570
Category: Sports Games
Mini Golf Egipto es un juego estimulante y divertido para uno o dos jugadores. Juega a través de 18 hoyos de golf en las ruinas de Egipto antiguo.
Forest Safari Game

Plays: 4117
Category: Other Games
Uno scorcio di foresta ci permette di ammirare splendidi esemplari, ma gli animali sono timidi: fai le foto prima che si nascondano! - A little forest where we can see some animals, but they are very shy: take a photo before they go back in the forest!
Stop The Bomb - Deactivator Journey - Game

Plays: 3908
Category: Action Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO ============== Press the red button waiting as much as possible before the count down reaches 0. Then in the circuit, folow the yellow line as fast as possible without touching the area outside of it. When you deactivate your bomb you will get your points. Be careful to not run out of time! your bomb can explode if it reaches 0 in the clock. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL ======== Presiona el boton rojo esperando tanto como sea posible antes de que la cuenta atras llegue a 0. Luego en el circuito, sigue la linea amarilla tan rapido como puedas sin tocar el area fuera de esta. Cuando desactives tu bomba se te daran tus puntos. Ten cuidado de no quedarte sin tiempo! tu bomba puede explotar si el reloj alcanza 0. Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos (Boton SEND)! pero no cierres la ventana que saldra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Air hockey tournament Game

Plays: 3791
Category: Sports Games
English Description: Air hockey: Tournament, is a classic game of air hockey. In campaign mode: You have to go defeating each of the 10 opponents at different scenarios to consecrate tournament champion. In quick match mode: You play just for fun, you can choose from three levels of difficulty, easy, normal or hard. ---- Spanish description: Air hockey: Tournament, es un juego clásico de air hockey. En el modo campaña: Tienes que ir derrotando a cada uno de los 10 contrincantes en sus distintos escenarios para consagrarte campeón del torneo. En el modo partido rápido: Juegas solo para divertirte, puedes elegir entre 3 tipos de dificultad, fácil, normal o dificil.
Fish Catchers Game

Plays: 3558
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== You have to capture as many fishes as you can. Use your glove for that. Be careful to not capture Bomb Fish without a Metal Glove. Every new fish you capture goes to your Aquarium. Move yourself with cursors LEFT and RIGHT Shoot the glove with SPACE BAR Some very rare especies and decorations for your Aquarium only appear in certain levels, try to get them all!! You will find items in levels, they work as follows: CLOCK - Gives you extra time for your mission ICE CUBE - Freezes time for few seconds, enough for you to catch what you need SHIELD - Gives you Metal Glove for the level, with this you can capture Bomb Fish Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Tienes que capturar tantos peces como te sea posible. Usa tu guante para conseguirlo. Ten cuidado de no capturar un Pez Bomba sin un Guante de Metal. Cada nuevo pez que captures va a tu Aquarium (Acuario). Muevete con los cursores IZQUIERDA y DERECHA Disapara el guante con la BARRA ESPACIADORA Algunas especies muy raras y decoraciones para tu acuario solo aparecen en algunos niveles, intenta conseguirlos todos!! En los niveles encontraras algunos items: RELOJ - Te da extra tiempo para tu mision CUBO DE HIELO - Congela el tiempo por unos segundos, suficiente para que captures lo que necesitas. ESCUDO - Te da el Guante de Metal àra ese nivel, con este puedes capturar el Pez Bomba Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos! pero no cierres la ventana emergente que se abrira o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
Bomb Ball Catcher Game

Plays: 3307
Category: Action Games
(ESPAÑOL ABAJO) Your goal is to send as many bombs to the fountain at the bottom of the screen. Click to place Pivots on the screen, bombs will bounce on them, but you can only have up to 7 at the same time. Pivots will get damage after being used for some time so stay alert to place new Pivots where needed! Be careful to not run out of time! you get extra time with every 2000 points. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL Tu Objetivo es mandar tantas bombas como puedas a la fuente situada abajo en la pantalla. Haz click en cualquier parte dela pantalla para poner un Pivote, las bombas rebotaran en ellos, pero solo puedes tener hasta 7 pivotes a la vez. Los Pivotes seran dañados despues de ser usados por un tiempo asi que mantente alerta para poner nuevos Pivotes donde sea necesario! Ten cuidado de no quedarte sin tiempo! consigues tiempo extra cada 2000 puntos. Una vez que consigas tus puntos envialos! (Boton SEND) pero no cierres la ventana que se abrira o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Power Touch Basketball Game

Plays: 3242
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Use your mouse to move the ball and throw it into the basket. Score as many points as you can in the given time. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para empujar la pelota y lanzarla a la canasta. Marca tantos puntos como puedas en el tiempo dado. Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos!! (Boton SEND) pero no cierres la ventana que se abrira o no se enviara tu puntuacion. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Find The Dog!! Game

Plays: 2573
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your mouse to locate the hidden dog, the higher you hear his voice the closer you are to him. The faster you finish means more points. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para localizar el perro escondido, a mas alto oigas su voz mas cerca estaras de el. A mas rapido acabes mas puntos logras Cuando obtengas tus puntos envia tu score! pero no cierres las ventana que se abra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
Power Touch Table Tennis Game

Plays: 2558
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move the racket with your mouse, make the balls bounce as much as you can, after every 10 bounces a new ball is added and every ball has different features. CLICK to change the side of your racket, RED side makes a small bounce while BLACK is for higher bounce. Dont let the balls fall, you can only loose up to 3 of them. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve la raqueta con el raton, haz que las pelotas de Ping Pong reboten en la raqueta tanto como sea posible, despues de cada 10 rebotes se añade una bola y cada bola tiene caracteristicas diferentes. HAZ CLICK para cambiar el lado de la raqueta, el lado ROJO crea un pequeño rebote, mientras que el NEGRO es para un bote mas alto. No dejes caer las bolas, solo puedes perder hasta 3 de ellas. Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos!! (Boton SEND) pero no cierres la ventana que se abrira o no se enviara tu puntuacion. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
3D Animated Puzzle Evening Chocolate Game

Plays: 2548
Category: Education Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO Move the pieces with the mouse to make the image within the rectangle marked with the white line. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL Mueve las piezas con el raton hasta formar la imagen dentro del rectangulo marcado con la linea blanca Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos (Boton SEND)! pero no cierres la ventana que saldra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Spot the Difference II Game

Plays: 2022
Category: Puzzles Games
Here comes another fast-paced and challenging picture puzzle! At each level of the game you will be given 2 pictures, and your task is to find out 5 differences between them within the given time limit, which is displayed between the photos. Click to circle the differences as you spot them, but be careful with your actions as a portion of time will be deducted if you click a wrong spot. If you cannot complete the task before the time runs out, the game ends. You have 5 chances to receive a hint by clicking the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen, but each time you do so 1000 points will be deducted. Upon completion of a level, the remaining time will be transformed into points. Compete with family and friends and see who is numero uno!
Hovercraft Racing Game

Plays: 1475
Category: Driving Games
Fancy an innovative racing experience instead of traditional motor events? Go aboard your hovercraft and blast through the laps! In this game, your goal is to race against 2 opponents and grab the trophy of the hovercraft championship. When the game starts, all three crafts will wait at the start line. When the lights in the middle of the track turn to green, the race begins. Simply use the up, left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to control your craft, and rush for the first place in each of the 10 laps. After you have finished a lap, a scoreboard will display your lap time. The most difficult (and fun) part of the game is that your craft will not firmly stick to the ground - it will drift and slide sideways when you turn. Fasten your seat belt as you prove yourself worthy of being numero uno!
Atrapa Peces Game

Plays: 1447
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== You have to capture as many fishes as you can. Use your glove for that. Be careful to not capture Bomb Fish without a Metal Glove. Every new fish you capture goes to your Aquarium. Move yourself with cursors LEFT and RIGHT Shoot the glove with SPACE BAR Some very rare especies and decorations for your Aquarium only appear in certain levels, try to get them all!! You will find items in levels, they work as follows: CLOCK - Gives you extra time for your mission ICE CUBE - Freezes time for few seconds, enough for you to catch what you need SHIELD - Gives you Metal Glove for the level, with this you can capture Bomb Fish Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Tienes que capturar tantos peces como te sea posible. Usa tu guante para conseguirlo. Ten cuidado de no capturar un Pez Bomba sin un Guante de Metal. Cada nuevo pez que captures va a tu Aquarium (Acuario). Muevete con los cursores IZQUIERDA y DERECHA Disapara el guante con la BARRA ESPACIADORA Algunas especies muy raras y decoraciones para tu acuario solo aparecen en algunos niveles, intenta conseguirlos todos!! En los niveles encontraras algunos items: RELOJ - Te da extra tiempo para tu mision CUBO DE HIELO - Congela el tiempo por unos segundos, suficiente para que captures lo que necesitas. ESCUDO - Te da el Guante de Metal àra ese nivel, con este puedes capturar el Pez Bomba Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos! pero no cierres la ventana emergente que se abrira o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!

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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.