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  Turret Rage Xtreme A Free Online Game
Great Gift Toss A Free Online Game
Great Gift Toss
McLaren RACE A Free Online Game
McLaren RACE
Touch Down Drill A Free Online Game
Touch Down Drill
Noodle Throw A Free Online Game
Noodle Throw
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NINJA WARRIOR A Free Online Game

Online whimsical Games
Dark Whimsical World Tour Game

Plays: 6457
Category: Fighting
ninja vs tank
Whimsical Game

Plays: 2882
Category: Adventure
very fun and exciting
Airport Mania: First Flight Game

Plays: 40885
Category: Action Games
Pack your bags for a trip through the skies in Airport Mania! Travel through amusing airports while you land a variety of planes, earn upgrades, and avoid delays. Stay on your toes as some planes carry precious cargo and will need to land in a hurry, while others might need a trip to the repair shop. But, with good planning, you'll make it to the gate on time! With unique challenges, whimsical characters, and fun that will put a smile on your face, Airport Mania is one flight you can't miss!
Whimsically Twisted Cake - Crime Scene Game

Plays: 3316
Category: Customize Games
Something with a little bit more of horror than you would usually feel comfortable with. For the twisted minds, a whimsical cake with the theme of a crime scene. Can you make it creepy enough?
Whimsically Twisted Cake - Time Game

Plays: 2624
Category: Customize Games
Time tics by, taking away youth and innocence as well as chances. This cake is themed on the darker side of the concept of time. Can you make it look creepy enough?
Wonder Sweets - Cheesecake Game

Plays: 2164
Category: Customize Games
Kam & Mik are whimsical creatures with a sweet tooth and a passion for imaginative decoration. They bring you the materials and ingredients for you to get creative, and give you tips for you to consider! Play around with the options and see what wonder filled cheesecake you can come up with!

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.