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Domino Blackjack
Domino Blackjack
color similarity
color similarity
Octagon Color Pong
Octagon Color Pong
Visual Perception Test
Visual Perception Test
All Fives Domino Solo
All Fives Domino Solo
Sliding Maze
Sliding Maze

Online zagrajmylanguagesen Games

Plays: 9228
Category: BoardGame Games
This is a very simple card game. The aim of the game is to collect the minimum number of cards in your hand, less than opponent. Cards rank is ignored in this game. The next card played must be of the same suit as the card on the top of the discard pile. If the player cannot play a card from hand, must find it with all the cards on the table. To finish turn next one card must be played. The round ends when the table is empty.
All Fives Domino Solo Game

Plays: 9147
Category: BoardGame Games
The goal of the game is to make the open ends of the layout add up to 5 (or a multiple of five - 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.). You can draw 10 times (or more) and at any time 1-7 tiles to make up your hand. The first double (1-1, 2-2, ..., 6-6) is known as the spinner. To this spinner next tile can be added vertically only and then next in parallel on both sides. The ends of the initial double do not count towards the point total once both sides of the tile have been played. If there are no dominoes left you can go to the next level and receive 3 bonus draws tiles and 100 points!
Linear Poker Game

Plays: 8259
Category: Casino Games
Take one card out of 5 visible in every movement. Before taking the next card one card is removed from your hand - first card on the left. After each playing computer randomly deletes one card also. Try to make most scored poker hands. The last score is an average of the results for one play. The first hand of the first 5 cards are scored twice!
Shikaku Rectangles Easy Game

Plays: 7158
Category: BoardGame Games
Some of the cells in the grid are numbered. The objective is to divide the grid into rectangular and square pieces such that each piece contains exactly one number, and that number represents the area of the rectangle. The game has many solutions, but only a randomly selected by computer is correct.
Kakurasu Draws Game

Plays: 6129
Category: BoardGame Games
The goal is to color in some of the cells to satisfy the clues. The number at the bottom of each column is the sum of the values of the black boxes of the numbers on the left. The number at the right of each row is the sum of the values of the black boxes of the numbers on the top.
color similarity Game

Plays: 5945
Category: BoardGame Games
Click on the colors around a random color (central). Get the best color similarity (%). If % of similarity reaches 70% you will get a bonus move, 80% - 90% = 2 and three bonus moves and extra points (when the all movements < 40)! Points start counting after 10 moves. Colors are mixed (RGB 1 + RGB 2) according to the formula: R 3 = (R 1 + R 2) / 2, G 3 = (G 1 + G 2) / 2, B 3 = (B 1 + B 2) / 2.
Poker Solo Game

Plays: 5047
Category: Casino Games
Draw one or more cards from closed pile. Before taking the next card (or cards) you can remove some cards from hand (previous hand). If you do not do this one card is removed from your hand - first card on the left. You can not replace only one card too often. After each playing computer randomly deletes one card also. Try to make most scored poker hands. The last score is an average of the results for one play. The first hand of the first 5 cards are scored twice!
Domino 23-STOP Game

Plays: 4524
Category: Casino Games
Plays another domino tiles that the sum of both sides (rows) of the tiles was a prime number and receive a sum equal to 23. When the sum of one side (row) of domino tiles (or both sides) is not prime you lose points. Domino tile with the number of 0 resets the sum. Domino plate with 1 place only when it gives a sum equal to the prime number - if it does not give prime number you lose 10 points. Obtaining a sum equal to 23 in a row gives you bonus: 50 points x number of obtained sums. Every three sum gets completed, you get additional draws tiles. Sum greater than 23 ends the hand and you lose points.
Adding Fractions Game

Plays: 4381
Category: BoardGame Games
Add fractions and create integers. When the number of the field is equal to or greater than 10 and the denominator the number is greater than 1000 you lose the field. Every 5 seconds you lose 1 point. Integer created is also added to the score.
Paraglider Game

Plays: 4181
Category: Action Games
You are the paraglider, which for unknown reasons, fell into a deep ice hopper. You fall down holes, holding an umbrella. You have to control it using the mouse to the green snowflake was the farthest away from you - so you earn points. By pressing enter you can change the green snow flake (- 3 pts.) Unfortunately, every contact with ice or snow flakes that your disaster.. Look at the green circle and a red snowflake - they should meet. They meet when the umbrella is as far as green circles.
Octagon Color Pong Game

Plays: 4138
Category: Action Games
Change the colors of the sides of the octagon (control: Z X C , .). The balls bounce the same color as the side of the octagon will get 3 points (good collision). When these colors will be different - you lose 1 point.
Shikaku Rectangles Game

Plays: 4082
Category: Puzzles Games
Some of the cells in the grid are numbered. The objective is to divide the grid into rectangular and square pieces such that each piece contains exactly one number, and that number represents the area of the rectangle. The game has many solutions, but only a randomly selected by computer is correct.
Klondike Domino Solitaire Game

Plays: 3667
Category: BoardGame Games
Move domino tiles on a free field and create the correct sequence. Domino tile can be put, when one of its halves, the left or right, is one less than a domino tile above. In the first top row of tiles can be placed only domino with six. When you can not perform the correct motion delete 1-1 tile, but then you lose half the points on this level.
Walking Dices Game

Plays: 3656
Category: BoardGame Games
The game consists of moving six dices on the board. You have 20 moves. You can also earn extra moves. Roll four dices. Select the first dice. The selected dice you do move on the board. Select the second dice - it will indicate the direction of motion. Select the third dice - it will determine the length of traffic. Fourth of dices are points.
Paint Colors Game

Plays: 3327
Category: Education Games
Mix the two colors to get the proper color of paint. You have 60 seconds and 30 tests on a random paint color.
Arithmetic puzzle mini Game

Plays: 3172
Category: BoardGame Games
Place the numbers and arithmetic signs to adjacent puzzle created as many arithmetic operations (both horizontally and vertically). Sqr X in the game is an element of X and X ^ is a square number of X.
Lyrics Game

Plays: 2972
Category: Education Games
The texts known hits were cut and mixed up - put them in the correct versions.
Chess Solo Game

Plays: 2945
Category: BoardGame Games
Move all the chess pieces on the field with a value of 1 (or lower) to complete level of the game. After placing the figures on the field this value decreases by one. The sum of all fields is your score. Putting figures on the field with zero or negative is a waste of 10 points. During the game you can change the figure before the move, but changing the king will lose one point.
Add The Line Game

Plays: 2939
Category: Puzzles Games
The goal is to add the numbers in the selected line to the next line, horizontal or vertical. The result of adding numbers is always the remainder of the division by 10 (mod(10)). When the rest of the addition is equal to zero we get points and the number is deleted.
All Threes Domino Solo Game

Plays: 2930
Category: BoardGame Games
The goal of the game is to make the open ends of the layout add up to 3 (or a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, etc.). You can draw 10 times (or more) and at any time 1-7 tiles to make up your hand. The first double (1-1, 2-2, ..., 6-6) is known as the spinner. To this spinner next tile can be added vertically only and then next in parallel on both sides. The ends of the initial double do not count towards the point total once both sides of the tile have been played. If there are no dominoes left you can go to the next level and receive 3 bonus draws tiles and 100 points!

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.