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Online water Games
Sunny Lagoon Game

Plays: 4436
Category: Action Games
Action-adventure game with relaxing effect. Nice girl dive in the sea and collect jewels. Player should find the optimal way take as many as possible jewels and come back to the sea surface.
Jumping Fun Game

Plays: 4424
Category: Adventure Games
This game is complete fun with 10 difficulty levels and amazing graphics. Its a single key game. In order to complete any level the player need to reach at the other end of the river by jumping on floating objects. While doing this the player needs to avoid falling in river. It's not an easy task as you need to have very good judgment and skills to do so.
Bouncy Bouncy Game

Plays: 4397
Category: Action Games
In this game you have to get the ball to the creature, You can do this by drawing a forcefield with your mouse. Click and drag. Press "GO!" to start the ball, "STOP!" to stop and reset the ball and "RESET!" to; stop, reset and redesign your level. It uses logic to succeed with gravity friction and a current in the water. Going too fast will result in you breaking through your restrictive barrier!
Toto in the Rain Game

Plays: 4388
Category: Other Games
Help Toto stay dry in the summer rain, as you avoid those heavy water drops
Urban Garden Game

Plays: 4356
Category: Other Games
The object is to manage an urban garden and meet all targets before time expires. Remember to water your plants quickly when they start to wilt. Also harvest your crops as soon as possible by clicking on them or they will go bad. Use pesticide when insects start to attack your crops. Good Luck!
Cascade Isle Game

Plays: 4341
Category: Adventure Games
The mysterious land of WuzuKallit is dying. Can you find out what is happening in this addictive matching game. Only the quick will make it through all 20 levels. Keep your eye out for hearts and +15 for extra time. Collect the elements fire, water, wind, earth and lightning for bonus points...Good Luck
3D Water Maze (Molehill) Game

Plays: 4337
Category: Action Games
Escape the water maze.
Water landscapes -1 Game

Plays: 4335
Category: Dress-Up Games
Water landscape coloring page game
Watergun Fun Game

Plays: 4330
Category: Dress-Up Games
It is summer time and Bonnie's mom decided to take her to the nearby park! Oh what a hot summer day!! On the way to the park, Bonnie's mom bought Bonnie some ice cream and a water gun! At the park, Bonnie fills up the water gun and starts having some fun with her mom. After that, they both lay in the grass to enjoy the sun and dry up. What a great day at the park! Maybe they will get ice cream on the way home. Mmmmmm... more ice cream...
Aquanoid Game

Plays: 4325
Category: Puzzles Games
Aquanoid is a revision of a classic game based on blocks. Destroy them all with the balls before the water touch the limit. This is a challenge! Features: - 7 types of blocks - 7 types of items (with different actions and points) - 6 backgrounds (the sponsor branding may be here!) - 30 levels - A nice girl, she makes faces and has a cool voice! - Direct access to the levels through a password system
Princess Ball At The Palace Dress Up Game

Plays: 4306
Category: Dress-Up Games
It's a beautiful day in the kingdom and with the sun in the sky what could be best than taking a walk in the palace's gardens, by the water fountain. The youngest of the king, this beautiful princess called Annabelle is cooling in the garden from the ball that takes place in the palace ballroom. Dress up the princess in one of her beautiful gowns and choose some amazing princess accessories for her as well. Enjoy

Plays: 4284
Category: Action Games
Hengel zoveel mogelijk vissen uit het water! En vergeet de bonussen niet!
Wind Fall Game

Plays: 4279
Category: Action Games
Your fishing vessel has floated directly into the path of an intense storm. Strong winds hurl aquatic life and debris into the air! Take control and collect as many fish as you can while avoiding debris that threatens to destroy your ship.
TAOFEWA - Knight of Water - Hero Creator Game

Plays: 4274
Category: Customize Games
Create your very own Manga hero by upgrading and changing the Knight of Water character from the TAOFEWA manga universe. The TAOFEWA Knight of Water has a unique magical water themed armor and is very strong with water magic. Use the TAOFEWA - Knight of Water - Hero Creator game to make your own version of the Knight of Water. You can select from several different weapons in several categories, - and even give the TAOFEWA Knight of Water mystical watery tentacles, a shield of dust, demon-like bat wings or a fiery barrier of fire!
Animal Olympics - Diving Game

Plays: 4260
Category: Action Games
Join the Animal Olympics and seize the gold in 10m Platform Diving! In this game you will play as the penguin representing the Penguin Kingdom to compete in the final of the diving competition. Your opponents include beaver, frog, seal, otter and kingfisher, and your goal is to beat these contestants by performing the best jumps in a total of 5 rounds. To ensure fairness, the contestants are only allowed to perform groups 1 to 4 in tuck (C) position and group 5 in free (D) position. The game begins with the penguin walking to the edge of the platform, and you can choose backward or forward as the jumping direction by clicking the corresponding icon. If you have selected a direction but would like to change your mind, you can click the other icon to choose the other direction. When you have made your choice, click the Dive button at the bottom, and the penguin will prepare to jump. A vertical power gauge will be shown on the screen, indicating the power of the jump. To set the power, simply click the mouse or press any key on your keyboard when the red line moves to the desired position. Then another guage in the shape of a sector will appear on the right of the power gauge, indicating the angle of the jump. Click the mouse or press any key on your keyboard to set the angle, and the penguin will perform the jump. The height and distance of the jump are determined by the jumping direction and angle. If the jumping direction and angle are set to the extreme, the penguin will hit the platform and become dizzy, resulting in an epic failure. If the jump is successful, the penguin can perform special tricks in the air before reaching the water. You can press the up or down arrow key on the screen or on your keyboard to perform a flip, or hit the left or right arrow key for a twist. Note that once a flipping or twisting direction is chosen, you will not be allowed to flip or twist in an opposite direction, for example, when you have pressed the down arrow key to perform a forward flip, you will not be allowed to perform a backward flip. It is also impossible to perform flip and twist at the same instance, therefore you need to release the arrow keys for flip or twist before performing another trick. When the penguin reaches 5m above the water, a blinking Spacebar will appear at the upper part of the screen, hinting the entry. Press the Spacebar on your keyboard, and the penguin will extend its arms forward and prepare for the entry. The flip and twist buttons on the screen will be removed, and another blinking Spacebar will appear at the upper part of the screen, hinting the suppression of water splash. Press the Spacebar on your keyboard again so that the splash can be minimized. After the dive is completed, each of the 5 judges will give you a score within the range of 0.0 to 10.0 based on the jump and the entry. The highest and the lowest scores will be eliminated, while the remaining 3 will be summed and multiplied by the Degree of Difficulty (DD) based on actual diving. The penguin will be delighted if the average score is not lower than 7.0, but it will be disappointed if the average score is lower than 7.0. The current score and rank of each contestant will be displayed on the leaderboard after each round. Upon the completion of all 5 rounds, the penguin will stand on the podium if it has won a medal. If the penguin receives no medal, you lose. Showcase your flawless jumps and spectacular movements to become the laureate!

Plays: 4239
Category: Action Games
Catch the falling men with your trampoline and bounce them back into the sky.
Water landscapes -2 Game

Plays: 4220
Category: Dress-Up Games
Water landscapes coloring page game
Flowers For Jolly Game

Plays: 4218
Category: Action Games
Help Jolly and Pad gather some flowers for their birthday party.
Prehistoric Pai Gow Poker Game

Plays: 4211
Category: Casino Games
With the game called Prehistoric Pai Gow Poker you travel back to the Stone Age. You can hear and see everything happened that time. For example, look at this prehistoric man. Hamlet's question 'to be or not to be?' converted to him into the question 'to eat or not to eat?' It happened like this. His native tribe lived in a beautiful valley, which was always full of food and water. As it was fool of food other tribes settled there too. In one of those tribes a good looking girl lived. She had big expressive eyes, her hands touched her knees, light and red hairs grew on all her body, and when the girl was laughing showing long white fangs the cave man wanted to die because of the happiness. Of course they had an affair, but it finished quickly.
Water Knight Game

Plays: 4211
Category: Puzzles Games
Have you ever heard about the Water Valor and the Water Courage? No? Then let me tell you the strange and wonderful tale of the Water Knight, who had no fear of the sharpest enemy arrows, nor the strongest steel of his enemy’s swords! The little Water Tribe lived in a beautiful kingdom surrounded by thousands of musical waterfalls. No souls in the world were more pure and happier as they basked in the iridescent rainbow light and listened to the melodies of the crystal stream. The most beautiful and pure of them all was Princess Iriel...

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Tips: For a collection style game that doesn't use any player projectiles you can upload a blank SWF to high the splash screen graphic.