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Online Zombie Games
Endless Zombie Rampage Game

Plays: 4066
Category: Shooting Games
Be sure to buy weapons and powerups between levels or you will be zombie food!
Infection Ascension Game

Plays: 4061
Category: Shooting Games
Fight your way to the top and survive the hordes of parachuting zombies. Survive as long as you can and fill the screen with as much death and carnage as possible for a high score.
Zombie rifle 3: Paper wars Game

Plays: 4050
Category: Action Games
Defend school bus from zombies
Zombieland Game

Plays: 4048
Category: Adventure Games
Stop the onslaught of carnival zombies with nothing but a baseball bat, a decent pitcher and a range of dangerous balls.
Museum of Science Fiction Game

Plays: 4039
Category: Action Games
After visiting the Museum of Science Fiction you find yourself 50 floors underground in a secret lab. Every disaster imaginable unfolds as the lab becomes a battle zone. You must fight your way through bloodthirsty lab zombies, anti-technology robots, and the mysterious five sisters as you try to reach the top floor. Can you make it out alive?
Bunnies and Zombies Game

Plays: 4037
Category: Action Games
A little shooting game I made for my BA of animation graduation project. Due to having to learn AS3 along the way as I created this game, you can see it is still incomplete for a full feature game. I'd like to collaborate with a professional programmer to complete it and/or work on other projects.
Crypt Game

Plays: 4036
Category: Shooting Games
Crypt is a horror rpg game. Go through 8 levels of the dark crypt with only a small torch and your loyal 9mm at your side.
Escape!!! The Haunted House Game

Plays: 4029
Category: Action Games
Timmy and his friends were playing around a haunted house one day and Kim and her friend came over to play. Later as the night grew over the house, Kim told them that this house is haunted and only someone really brave would enter and make it back here without running out crying. Timmy wanted to show off to everyone so he headed into the haunted house. After he entered the door he turned around and saw the door fade away. Before Timmy could grab the door it disappeared. And to add more to his bad luck, ghosts started to show up. Your goal is to help Timmy dodge the ghosts and find a way out. Good luck!
EEville Game

Plays: 4018
Category: Action Games
It's Halloween... You are all alone. The last man standing in front of the undead hordes... Can you make it through the night?
Zombies and Donuts Game

Plays: 4001
Category: Puzzles Games
The evil Zombie is trying to steal your friends brains....not to mention your own. But you can save the day! Fueled by Donuts, you must lead your friends to safety.
Santa's Battlefield Game

Plays: 4000
Category: Action Games
Santas Battlefield is an awesome Zombie/Monster shooter where Santa has to battle an endless barrage of zombies and monsters unlocking awesome weapons and upgrading them Dont forget to upgrade your weapons below by clicking the guns (upgrade costs $300 per upgrade)
Boxhead More Rooms Game

Plays: 3997
Category: Action Games
More Boxhead, more rooms, more zombie Kabooms!
Zombie Survivor Game

Plays: 3985
Category: Action Games
You and your shotgun versus hundreds of zombies. Can you last 60 seconds?
Army of the Dead Tower Defense Game

Plays: 3977
Category: Action Games
Launch arrows at an endless swarm of zombies to protect your castle. **Leader board now added**
Zombie TD Game

Plays: 3967
Category: Fighting Games
Zombie TD is a tower defense game. Start your Campaign to Stop the Zombies from entering your territory. Use strategy to defend your towers. Earn money in each wave to Upgrade your towers.
Zombie Eastern Game

Plays: 3963
Category: Action Games
feed the zombie.
Sista Gunner Episode: Zombie Killer 2 Game

Plays: 3951
Category: Action Games
Help save the town by killing the zombies. This version you can buy weapons and armor with rank titles.
dizzy zombie survival Game

Plays: 3949
Category: Action Games
a zombie survival game
Nerd's Journey Halloween Night Game

Plays: 3946
Category: Action Games
Hello, Halloween Night is a retro-styled game that aims for Addictive gameplay and Great Upgrades. The goal is to Collect as many CDs as you can. By collecting CDs you turn into different Monsters from Halloween, like A Vampire, a Ghost, a Mummy, a Zombie, a Werewolf, ect there are over 9 Monsters to become plus the main character is 10. There are 6 levels with a rank system built in, there are two comic style movies in this game, there is also a full-upgrade system that you will need to earn money to buy upgrades, You earn money by fighting monsters and collecting CDs. Thank you for taking the time to read this. IS THERE ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO ADD TO THE GAME OR CHANGE FEEL FREE TO ASK. Story: A boy named Nerd headed out of Happy Town unknowing to him he was entering the town of Halloween Night. A town filled with monsters and magic. As he headed past the sign that read GO BACK! He was about a few minutes in town and that's when it happened! The sky grew darker and from every turn were shadows! The Nerd grew scared and started to run wishing he never came here because he didn't know why he came? As he ran he could see Zombies, and Ghosts. He ran so fast he hit in to some big green monster known as the Dr. Monster. Yelling in fear he jumped over him and took off. After he ran for a while he made a stop to see where he was. He found him self lost! And then he heard a loud sound. He turned and again he heard the loud sound. He then heard it again but this time it sounded more like a roar! He started to run again without looking until he ran into someone! It was a werewolf! the Nerd screamed and ran into a tomb to find a Sleeping Mummy and behide him a vampire sneaking up to him. As he was about to be controled by the vampire's gaze. He ran away seeing a small light. He ran to it leaving him outside once again, that's when A witch flew past the Nerd laughing and laughing! The Nerd kicked and screamed! as he ran making a stop by a lagoon that's when a Monster jumped out of the Lagoon. As the Lagoon monster jumped all the nerd's clothes were filled with green ooze. He started to ring his clothes out but as he did he heard a sound from behind. It was a Lagoon Monster about to grab him. But before he did the Nerd dodged and started to run as fast as he could. He found himself in a Pumpkin Field that's when he saw a man, but not like any man this man had a Pumkin for his Head...He threw his head at the nerd making the nerd have to run faster and faster to out run it. That's when he fell into a deep hole. As he fell he could see all the monsters that he met before falling with him going into the deep... deep ground. When he made impact with the ground he felt like he was shielded by a magic defense but not taking any chances he ran inner. That's when he saw that he was at a dead end. There was nonthing here only a CD and The only way out he could see was up from him, but He saw all the monsters he met starting to Surround him. That's when the Nerd started to yell for help and that's when The Cd behide him started to spin and Tremble that's when a big bursts of light shot out. Pulling every monster to the CD, after the light faded all the monsters were gone. He started to feel like he was being pulled to the CD like it were calling him. That's when the CD started to talk to the nerd in his head. Saying I have been waiting for you, pick me up and lets save this world! The Nerd now knew why he came to this town It was calling him. This is why he came here in the first place. As he Grabbed the CD he could feel a magic shock to his whole body, the nerd smiled and started to exit this unknow place. That's when he found him self in the middle of town and a group of monsters starting around him. That's when he knew deep down inside. This was going to be the start of a quest he wouldn't forget!
Living Night Game

Plays: 3945
Category: Action Games
Zombie Sniping Game. Shoot Down All Zombie before they are escape

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