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Online Planet Games
Robot Mom Game

Plays: 11592
Category: Action Games
It's an unknown year and our story begins on the moon, near a nameless planet. You are a little robot trying to escape the facility on the moon. Get back to the nameless planet where you might find your mother. Use your mouse to point and click causing a chain of actions and reactions.
Whipix Game

Plays: 7378
Category: Other Games
Save your planet with gravity as a whip...Addicting real-time game with heavenly bodies + a glowing orb, try to hit a combo!
They Came from Planet X! Game

Plays: 5437
Category: Shooting Games
When Base #4432 is attacked by the evil Planet X Alliance, Galaxy Defense dispatches a single pilot to save the day. You are that pilot!
Encounter Game

Plays: 4731
Category: Shooting Games
A space ship from an enemy planet lands in Andria Desert. All efforts to destroy the spaceship fail. Finally Mr. Sharpshooter engages the enemies in a gun battle and makes them to retreat to their mother planet. Controls: arrow keys, space bar, and mouse, as per the instructions displayed during the game.
Chobots Game

Plays: 116684
Category: Multiplayer Games
Once upon a time faraway in the Universe there was a life-giving energy. The citizens of the adjacent planet called it Cho...
Squirt Man Game

Plays: 48052
Category: Shooting Games
A nuclear war has devastated your once beautiful planet. The world has gone to hell, as have all life-forms. Everyone and everything has mutated into horrible horrible creatures. You too have been turned into a mutant, but with one notable difference - you have big guns and a funky slime powered jet pack unit! It's a battle for survival. You need food, the other mutants need food, it's either you or them. Kill anything and everything that gets in your way and maybe, just maybe you'll get through the nuclear holocaust alive. Choose from your stash of weapons to kill the mutants. Each weapon gains XP points the more enemy you kill. Look out for power-ups after you kill the enemy, you're going to need 'em. Good luck!
Slingshot Orbit Game

Plays: 18425
Category: Puzzles Games
Launch your ship to the goal by using the gravitational pull of planets, collecting power-ups and avoiding obstacles along the way.
Planet Smash Game

Plays: 7826
Category: Shooting Games
Planet Smash is a top down shooter arcade game.
Lionga Galaxy Game

Plays: 6721
Category: Multiplayer Games
Lionga Galaxy is a multiplayer realtime strategy game. It challenges the players to conquer a Planet System. The integrated Lobby shows currently running games, players can chat there and find an opponent for the next game. Games can contain upto 6 Players, gain points an climb in daily and all time Leaderboards
Space Bubble Game

Plays: 6582
Category: Strategy Games
Oraganize the planets to help the Space Bubble safely travel to its home planet.
Clash N Slash: Worlds Away Game

Plays: 6565
Category: Shooting Games
Defend your planet from pesky aliens coming from all around the galaxy.
Last Defense Game

Plays: 4263
Category: Shooting Games
Defend your planet from alien missile attacks! Be fast, be accurate, only the sharpest minds claim victory!
3 Minutes on the Beach Game

Plays: 51423
Category: Puzzles Games
In the game '3 minutes on the beach' it is your duty to form three columns or rows of three or more similar gems. You can swap any two gems any time or move them to an empty space. You have three minutes until the end of the day are you ready to get started?
Sheepish Game

Plays: 48241
Category: Puzzles Games
Old MacDonalds sheep station is suffering from a nasty drought. The sheep are quickly running out of grass, and all grassy paddocks look more like prickly hay bales! The neighbouring station has plenty of grass but is very far away. Cross more than 50 levels of barren deserts and haunted graveyards over two islands as you complete tricky puzzles and puzzling obstacles to get to the fresh grass. There are also hidden secrets along the way. Try to find them all for the biggest highscores and bonuses! Place pipes, trampolines, switches and other items in the path of your sheep to help guide them to the exits.
Cute Fish Aquarium Game

Plays: 40518
Category: Customize Games
Decorate your very own aquarium! Pick and drag all the items of coral, rocks, sea grass, sea animals, and a beautiful mermaid in the aquarium. Making it the greatest aquarium on the planet! Also, see if you can create the demo aquarium from memory. Lots of fun things in store under the sea and crashing waves. Watch out for the shark!
Plazma Burst: Forward to the past Game

Plays: 38942
Category: Action Games
On our planet impending. Scientists invented the time machine, which should send two volunteers with equipment in the past to change the course of events. One of these volunteers and you have become. However, since teleportation you understand that this is not the place where you should send... And maybye it is not the correct time...
Gravity Game

Plays: 37382
Category: Action Games
Simple gravity-based game.
XBlaster Game

Plays: 34994
Category: Multiplayer Games
In the year 2053, a terrible war broke out over the last resources on earth. It didn't take a brain surgeon to realize that whoever won the battle would control the basic resources of the entire planet. As many feared, however, there was no clear winner, and the world as we know it ceased to exist. Green forests disappeared, large cities decayed into ruins, and what used to be a living planet became a graveyard. But some humans survived the destruction and founded a new culture. It was a cruel and callous society - but fitting for the environment in which it was forced to exist. In order to escape their fate, if even for only a short period of time, the medieval tradition of exhibition fights, reminiscent of the gladiator combat in old Rome, began to grow in popularity. Today, these arenas serve as a battleground for huge war robots known as mechs - controlled by daredevil pilots - to placate the masses. You are one of these daring pilots: Your battle prowess has brought you prestige and fame - and it secures your survival chances in this menacing world. Danger is everywhere: you are not alone!
Little Space Heroes Game

Plays: 32610
Category: Multiplayer Games
The dastardly Lord Shadowbot has stolen the Glows! This not-so-evil villain's bizarre fear of the dark led him to our heroes galaxy where he discovered the Glows, a curious light emitting creature with amazing powers. Wanting the Glows all for himself, Shadowbot and his minions landed on the Glow's Crystal planet home world and began to Glow-nap them! Stealing away our little friends to light his way through the Galaxy and power his minion ships ... the Nauts. Exploring deep space, Ace and his pals Kira, Sparky, Krill and Zed made haste back to the galaxy, and using Professor Q's Bubble Chi powers, the heroes succeeded in banishing Shadowbot from their home - but not before he had damaged the Crystal Palace and stolen away most of the Glows. In the months that followed, no matter how hard they tried, no trace of Shadowbot or the Glows could be found.
Crashland Game

Plays: 32579
Category: Adventure Games
Your ship has crashlanded on an alien planet, you must explore the planet looking for parts to repair your ship with, use the arrow keys to move left and right, with space to jump.

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.