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Online election Games
Tendangan Maung Game

Plays: 3463
Category: Action Games
A funny physics soccer game. Play one on one match against computer and unleash your skill. (Election Campaign Version))
Kevin McCarthy Game

Plays: 3440
Category: Customize Games
Play this hilarious parody game of Congressman Kevin McCarthy. You get to slap all of the corporate logos of his donors onto his racing suit! Each time you add a new donor to Kevin McCarthy the unemployment in Kern County and Bakersfield go up. This is because the unemployment in Kern County Bakersfield - Delano has doubled to almost 15% since 2006 when Kevin McCarthy took office. He is the MajorityWhip and GOPWhip in the House of Representatives. He also voted for CISPA and NDAA which reduce privacy rights and allow for indefinite detention of Americans.
Downing Street Fighter Game

Plays: 3195
Category: Fighting Games
Downing Street Fighter is using the concept provided by Street Fighter of fighting a hierarchy of enemies to achieve champion status and turning it on its head. Instead, of fighting to be champion, you are fighting for the freedom of the British people. As the looming General Election of 2010 is almost here and the public still knows nothing of what any of the three parties stand for, it is certainly a novel idea and one that is rather poignant. Created by the leading UK based games design and development team at Tentacle, the game is of a high quality and is completely unique. There are no bugs and glitches in the game at all so you can just get on and play very quickly and very easily. Tentacle designed, developed and produced this game in response to the hottest issue in the British news at the moment, or rather the hottest question – who will be the next Prime Minister? Given the way the polls are fluctuating, nobody knows but that does not mean that the people cannot have a little fun along the way! Tentacle is renowned for its production of virals based on topical and controversial news stories and so Downing Street Fighter fits the bill well. As a reputable company, Tentacle will only ask for relevant information from individual players to register high scores, enable communication and other similar activities that are made transparent on the site. No further information will be requested at all and no details collected will be used in any way, shape or form outside of the game format and service. As such, you can play the game with peace of mind that all that is required from you is a little imagination and fun! What are you waiting for? Get playing Downing Street Fighter today and protect the British people from the Blair Witch now!
Obama VS Stickman Game

Plays: 2848
Category: Action Games
if Obama win the Stickman, he will win the presidential election of 2012.
Campaign Race Game

Plays: 2620
Category: Adventure Games
Now these politicians are on the race to win the election. Choose your favourite politician you would most like to race with, Get on the bike and finish every level in first place.
Zombie Incumbents Game

Plays: 2392
Category: Action Games
Zombie incumbents have taken over Congress. Congress has a ~17% approval rating. It's time time to get rid of the incumbents in Congress! Your job is to vote as many of them out as you can. Don't get overwhelmed!
First Election Game

Plays: 2333
Category: Dress-Up Games
How are you going to shape the future of your country? Take the time to speak your mind and vote for your favorite presidential choice! It's about who's going to be the best choice for this country; who's going to lead us back to prosperity; who's going to ensure our freedom and the freedom of future generations.
election memory game Game

Plays: 2259
Category: Puzzles Games
?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????
Election Day 2012 Game

Plays: 2041
Category: Dress-Up Games
Election Day 2012 dress up game
First Election Game

Plays: 1490
Category: Dress-Up Games
How are you going to shape the future of your country? Take the time to speak your mind and vote for your favorite presidential choice! It's about who's going to be the best choice for this country; who's going to lead us back to prosperity; who's going to ensure our freedom and the freedom of future generations.
American Chess 2008 Game

Plays: 52861
Category: Fighting Games
Choose your candidate to fist fight for the White House. GutarHero-like gameplay makes it easy to enjoy a dogfight. P.S. No future presidents harmed during development of this game.
Obama-McCain Debate Simulator Game

Plays: 19993
Category: Other Games
Ever wanted to know what it was like to be Barack Obama or John McCain and argue over the fine intricacies of our national government, lie about important issues, and make up excuses on the spot? Then this is the game for you!
Palinisms: Ask Sarah anything! Game

Plays: 16467
Category: Other Games
Ask Sarah Palin a question and see her response.
On The Campaign Trail Game

Plays: 7839
Category: Strategy Games
A political tower defense game. The selection of the next president is in your hands!
BB Gun Fire in Tiwan Presidential Election Battle Field Game

Plays: 6609
Category: Action Games
BB Gun Fire in Tiwan Presidential Election Battle Field.

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.