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  Sandy Bridge DRM Attack A Free Online Game
Defend The Tree Ship A Free Online Game
Defend The Tree Ship
Paper Plane War A Free Online Game
Paper Plane War
Llama Collector A Free Online Game
Llama Collector
Project Mayhem A Free Online Game
Project Mayhem
Spider A Free Online Game
The Outworld Of Doom A Free Online Game
The Outworld Of Doom

Online enemies Games
Ninjas2: Ninjas of the dungeon Game

Plays: 1133
Category: Fighting
James and Lou fought zombies as ninjas in zombania but now they are at the dungeons of monsters more zombies and new enemies
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Omnitrix Unleashed Game

Plays: 34675
Category: Adventure Games
Now that the security guards have been hypnotized, you can use the Omnitrix and help Ben and his friends fight the remaining enemies!
Jack Frost Game

Plays: 29669
Category: Adventure Games
Ice the competition in MTV Arcade’s Jack Frost. Our twisted version of Jack takes you through nearly 40 frost free levels! Ice enemies, avoid fire and keep your cool by freezing everything in your grasp. Play single player or grab a friend for some head to head competition in two player mode. Who knew a game this hot could be so cold?
Sonic the Hedgehog Game

Plays: 28004
Category: Strategy Games
Get Sonic to the end of the level while avoiding or bouncing on the enemies. Collect rings to keep alive and for bonus points.
Vortex Game

Plays: 26270
Category: Puzzles Games
Vortex is a unique mouse avoider game featuring 'intelligent' enemies and obstacles, as well as a cheat menu. Vortex is harder and more addicting than your average mouse avoider game and I hope you enjoy playing it. I made a basic version of this game some time ago, but have updated the graphics and added some new features. Have fun!
Crazy Ape Game

Plays: 23146
Category: Shooting Games
Attempt to survive 15 levels of fast paced platform action in the world of the Crazy Ape. This game is a side-scrolling platformer. Unlike traditional platformers, Crazy Ape does not require the player to navigate through platforms to find a way through. The key gameplay feature here is survival. The player must survive by avoiding, or shooting enemies.
Replicator Game

Plays: 22993
Category: Shooting Games
The eggs keep hatching... the bugs are out of control... it cannot be done... it's insane! Destroy the bugs before they hatch more eggs. And remember... "the only good bug is a dead bug". In this arcade shooter, the player finds his/her ship surrounded my eggs. After a short time the eggs begin to hatch revealing bugs, which will seek and destroy the player. The bugs also produce more eggs. These will also hatch after a certain time. The player must destroy all the bugs and eggs on the screen in order to proceed to the next level.
Twee Game

Plays: 17729
Category: Adventure Games
A cute retro platform game. Jump 'n run through 12 lovely maps. Collect power-ups, flatten enemies, jump over traps, rescue the girl. Have Fun!
Malle and Lenny Game

Plays: 16729
Category: Adventure Games
Jump over objects, push boxes, and hammer things. You can hammer environment to kill enemies.
alien fury Game

Plays: 15970
Category: Strategy Games
Defense game with a lot of stages, weapons,armors,special power , enemies and blood splaters. Excellent graphics
ParaSpammer Game

Plays: 14915
Category: Shooting Games
Gameplay: Kill all spammers. Survive 25 waves and win, or compete other players in Survival mode for longest survival time. Game features: Sound and blood splashes could be turned off. Different types of enemies and allies. Four types of bonuses/powerups. Five types of "bad bonuses". Seven weapon types. Weapon overheat. Two play modes - Survival and Waves. In-game pause and pause when mouse out of game screen.
Bumper Bowl Game

Plays: 14735
Category: Strategy Games
The skill game Bumper Bowl is an entertaining sportmix of sumo, curling and robot battle. Knock enemies into hazards to destroy them.
Pawel & the Teutonic Castle Game

Plays: 13754
Category: Shooting Games
Pawel is a young Polish knight who wants to get rid of the Teutonic knights that have invaded his land. Use your mouse to select and kill the enemies and the keyboard to move left or right.
Sketch Quest Game

Plays: 13454
Category: Action Games
Sketch Quest is an action-platformer that uses a unique drawing mechanic to have the player customize their character. You control a character in a high-school student’s notebook and earn/draw weapons and enemies as you advance through the levels. Share your feedback in the comments. Share your drawings on our Facebook!
Bionoids Game

Plays: 11487
Category: Adventure Games
You're fighting against other contenders to become the Master of War. Build your unit of Bionoids to become the strongest and most powerful. Upgrade your units with the most recent and most advanced equipment in order to take down enemies as quickly as possible.
colourPod Game

Plays: 10896
Category: Shooting Games
Released Jul 2007 without sponsor, colourPod is an innovative defense game that requires double think to both collect coloured fragments (thereby accumulating coloured powers) and destroy colourless fragments. The game progresses with more complex coloured abilities and more cunning enemies in the ultimate goal to restore as many pixels as possible. colourPod has more than 75 000 plays on Kongregate, won weekly 3rd prize, and maintains a rating of 3.59 with more than 600 favourites. It also won daily 5th prize when released on NewGrounds. The sequel to colourPod will be released early August 08. It has been been reprogrammed completely, and is better in absolutely every way. It's going to be BIG. So, get your piece of the pie now by buying a non-exclusive license to colourPod.
Knuckleheads Game

Plays: 10605
Category: Action Games
Knuckleheads! Use your noggin to bash enemies and collect bonus points on your way to the top of the leaderboard!
Gunball Game

Plays: 10462
Category: Action Games
Fascinating Top-down shooter with lots of variety of weapons, different enemies and a variety of levels. Can you defeat all guardians of the arena and become the new emperor?
Spaceship Game

Plays: 9061
Category: Shooting Games
Spaceship is a game (space shooter) in which we control our cosmic ship and shoot the enemies that are coming. We score points for shooting down the enemy ship.
Subluceo Game

Plays: 6212
Category: Shooting Games
Fight off the enemy ships in this fast paced arcade game! Follow the mouse or press the space bar to anchor yourself in the middle of the screen. Collect powerups and shoot enemies in succession to get combos and score big.

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.