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Online español Games
Power Touch Basketball Game

Plays: 3242
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Use your mouse to move the ball and throw it into the basket. Score as many points as you can in the given time. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para empujar la pelota y lanzarla a la canasta. Marca tantos puntos como puedas en el tiempo dado. Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos!! (Boton SEND) pero no cierres la ventana que se abrira o no se enviara tu puntuacion. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Twins Dylan and Cole dress up Game

Plays: 3187
Category: Customize Games
Dylan and Cole are american actors. Here is your chance to dress up these twins with fashion clothes.
Go-Karts Español Game

Plays: 3084
Category: Action Games
Este es un juego sencillo en el que usted corre su Go Kart Azul contra el Rojo del Computador.
Foto Pong Game

Plays: 2899
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your paddle to avoid the ball to leave by your side and bounce it back to the right side. Make the ball leave from right side 10 times to win. Descripcion ========= Mueve tu raqueta para evitar que la bola se vaya por tu lado y rebotalo al lado derecho. Haz que la bola salga por el lado derecho 10 veces para ganar.
Adiós! ZP Game

Plays: 2838
Category: Action Games
Español: ZP se va de La Moncloa, tienes 1 minuto para despedirte de él!. English: ZP goes away from Moncloa, you have 1 minute to tell him goodbye!.
Selena at the beach dress up Game

Plays: 2804
Category: Customize Games
Selena is an american actress and singer. Here is your chance to dress up Selena with fashion clothes.
Do You Know Flash Games? Game

Plays: 2798
Category: Education Games
Do you like to play games? And do you know much about them? Test you knowledge! Beat all the 3 game modes of this quiz and score several million points. There are 200+ questions of various difficulty about 140+ wonderful games. If you're unsure you can always use a hint. This game is also a great way to find out about the games you haven't seen before. The game is available in 8 languages: English, Dansk, Deutsch, Italiano, Español, Français, Nederlands, ???????
Teenage girl dress up game Game

Plays: 2759
Category: Customize Games
Eiza is an Mexican teen actress and singer. Here is your chance to dress up Eiza with cute clothes.
Funny Justin dress up game Game

Plays: 2712
Category: Customize Games
Justin is one of the most famous teen celebrity. Here is your chance to dress up the cute new young star with funny costumes.
make an awesome avatar Game

Plays: 2709
Category: Customize Games
is a simple and incredible creator of avatars with over 100 parts incredible, (really amazing).
Pook Sweep Game

Plays: 2701
Category: Action Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO ENGLISH ======= Pook Sweep is similar to Mine Sweeper. Your goal is to NOT pick the Pookies (Mines) hidden under the squares. When you click certain squares you will get numbers that show you how many Pookies (Mines) are around that cell. ESPAÑOL ======== Pook Sweep es similar al BuscaMinas. Tu mision es NO pinchar en los Pookies (Minas) escondidos bajo los cuadros, cuando haces click en algunos cuadros conseguiras unos numeros que te muestran cuantos Pookies (Minas) estan alrededor de esa casilla.
Miranda dress up game Game

Plays: 2669
Category: Customize Games
Miranda is an American teen actress and singer. Here is your chance to dress up Miranda with funny costumes.
Foto Cupido Game

Plays: 2581
Category: Action Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO Click and Drag to throw the arrows to the hearts ESPAÑOL Haz click y arrastra con el boton izquierdo pulsado para lanzar las flechas y darle a los corazones
Find The Dog!! Game

Plays: 2573
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your mouse to locate the hidden dog, the higher you hear his voice the closer you are to him. The faster you finish means more points. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para localizar el perro escondido, a mas alto oigas su voz mas cerca estaras de el. A mas rapido acabes mas puntos logras Cuando obtengas tus puntos envia tu score! pero no cierres las ventana que se abra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
Power Touch Table Tennis Game

Plays: 2558
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move the racket with your mouse, make the balls bounce as much as you can, after every 10 bounces a new ball is added and every ball has different features. CLICK to change the side of your racket, RED side makes a small bounce while BLACK is for higher bounce. Dont let the balls fall, you can only loose up to 3 of them. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve la raqueta con el raton, haz que las pelotas de Ping Pong reboten en la raqueta tanto como sea posible, despues de cada 10 rebotes se añade una bola y cada bola tiene caracteristicas diferentes. HAZ CLICK para cambiar el lado de la raqueta, el lado ROJO crea un pequeño rebote, mientras que el NEGRO es para un bote mas alto. No dejes caer las bolas, solo puedes perder hasta 3 de ellas. Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos!! (Boton SEND) pero no cierres la ventana que se abrira o no se enviara tu puntuacion. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
3D Animated Puzzle Evening Chocolate Game

Plays: 2548
Category: Education Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO Move the pieces with the mouse to make the image within the rectangle marked with the white line. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL Mueve las piezas con el raton hasta formar la imagen dentro del rectangulo marcado con la linea blanca Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos (Boton SEND)! pero no cierres la ventana que saldra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Pook Pong Game

Plays: 2472
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your paddle to avoid the Poolie to leave by your side and bounce it back to the right side. Make the Pookie leave from right side 10 times to win. Descripcion ========= Mueve tu raqueta para evitar que el Pookie se vaya por tu lado y rebotalo al lado derecho. Haz que el Pookie salga por el lado derecho 10 veces para ganar.
Tower Defense ElSopapeador Game

Plays: 2318
Category: Strategy Games
It's a simple tower defense.
Atrapa Peces Game

Plays: 1447
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== You have to capture as many fishes as you can. Use your glove for that. Be careful to not capture Bomb Fish without a Metal Glove. Every new fish you capture goes to your Aquarium. Move yourself with cursors LEFT and RIGHT Shoot the glove with SPACE BAR Some very rare especies and decorations for your Aquarium only appear in certain levels, try to get them all!! You will find items in levels, they work as follows: CLOCK - Gives you extra time for your mission ICE CUBE - Freezes time for few seconds, enough for you to catch what you need SHIELD - Gives you Metal Glove for the level, with this you can capture Bomb Fish Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Tienes que capturar tantos peces como te sea posible. Usa tu guante para conseguirlo. Ten cuidado de no capturar un Pez Bomba sin un Guante de Metal. Cada nuevo pez que captures va a tu Aquarium (Acuario). Muevete con los cursores IZQUIERDA y DERECHA Disapara el guante con la BARRA ESPACIADORA Algunas especies muy raras y decoraciones para tu acuario solo aparecen en algunos niveles, intenta conseguirlos todos!! En los niveles encontraras algunos items: RELOJ - Te da extra tiempo para tu mision CUBO DE HIELO - Congela el tiempo por unos segundos, suficiente para que captures lo que necesitas. ESCUDO - Te da el Guante de Metal àra ese nivel, con este puedes capturar el Pez Bomba Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos! pero no cierres la ventana emergente que se abrira o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
Diseña tu moda!! Game

Plays: 1328
Category: Customize Games
(ESPAÑOL mas abajo) Click on the variety of choices to obtain the aspect you like, drag the cloth to move the pattern as you prefer, when you are ready print it or print using special acetate paper to get a surprising result. ESPAÑOL Haz click en la variedad de opciones para conseguir el aspecto que te gusta, arrastra la tela para mover el diseño como prefieras, cuando estes preparado/a imprimelo o imprimelo usando una hoja de acetato para un resultado sorprendente.

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Tips: Use sound files that are a multiple of 22050Hz.