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Online multiplayer Games
Multiplayer Battleship Game

Plays: 81604
Category: Multiplayer Games
The purpose of this game is to sink all the enemy ships. You and the computer first arrange ships in an area, and then will take turn to bomb each other's ships. Since you do not know the location of each other's ships, you need to bomb strategically in order to be as efficient as possible when bombing the ships.
Multiplayer Mancala Game

Plays: 74110
Category: Multiplayer Games
This is the ancient game of Mancala, the object of this game is to collect as many gems in your mancala (the large cup on the right) as possible. You and your opponent will take turns to move the gems, each time you want to move the gems, you need to pick up a cup on your side. And then you will take out all the gems in that cup and then distribute them to the next cups in the anti clockwise direction, one by one. If the last gem lands on your mancala, then you can pick another cup and move again. If the last gem lands on an empty cup on your side and the opposite cup has some gems in it, then you can capture all the gems in the two cups and put them into you mancala. The game ends when all the cups on your side or your opponent's side are empty. The remaining gems on a player's side will be counted as the gems of that player.
Multiplayer Blackjack Game

Plays: 73662
Category: Multiplayer Games
Play multiplayer blackjack with other players to take down the house. You can chat with the other players at the same table and see other peoples avatars.
Ludo Mania Game

Plays: 72377
Category: BoardGame Games
Ludo is a popular simple board game for at most four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to dice rolls. This is a single player version of Ludo. The multiplayer version will be made soon Rules: A player can move her token after rolling a six. She can kill oponents token only if oponents token is not in a star marked area. Player can roll if she rolles a six/kills an oponents token. In Team Mode: Normal rules and a player can only kill oponents tokens. Winning Condition: In Single Player: A player wins if all her tokens reach the home location. In Team Mode: A player wins if she and her buddie's all tokens have reached home location.
EGO Texas Hold 'Em Game

Plays: 69980
Category: Casino Games
EGO Texas Hold ‘Em is the classic poker game with the all the fun that comes with interactive EGO avatars! Create your avatar, meet other players, banter with friends, have a drink, and upgrade your avatar as you win big money! Take your avatar to the award-winning world of for more games and activities. EGO Texas Hold ‘Em is the most exciting multiplayer poker game you’ll find anywhere!
Deepolis Game

Plays: 69664
Category: Multiplayer Games
Dive into the fascinating underwater world of Deepolis! Dive into the abysmal depths of the 3D oceans and experience the rapture of the deep. Fight in exciting battles and navigate your sub through mysterious subaquatic worlds and unknown ocean rifts. Use your tactical skill at the trading stations and attack enemy fractions and fleets.
Multiplayer Dominoes Game

Plays: 69295
Category: BoardGame Games
Ever wondered why dominoes is one of the most famous tile-based games in the world? Come and experience its unlimited fun with a friend now! Your goal in Multiplayer Dominoes is to place all tiles in your hand onto the table before your opponent does so. The game is played with a set of 28 tiles. Each of the tiles has two sides, each of the sides is marked with 0 to 6 pips, for example 0-0 (a completely blank tile), 1-0, 1-1, 2-0, and so on. A tile which has the same number on both sides is called a "double." All combinations of numbers on the tiles are unique so that no two tiles are the same. When the game begins, each player will be dealt 7 tiles. The player who holds the highest double, or the highest rank of tiles if neither player is holding a double, will start the game. The two players will take turns to place a tile onto the table. During your turn, you can choose a tile in your hand which has a matching number of pips on one side with that of a tile on either end of the domino chain, then click and drag the tile to that end. For example if the tile on one end of the domino chain is a 5-4, you can choose the 4-3 in your hand and connect it with the 5-4. Note that when a tile is placed, it must be in a vertical or horizontal position that the matching sides of the two tiles are adjacent. A double must be placed perpendicularly to the previous tile, while the next tile played to a double must also be perpendicular to the double. Note that you can no longer connect a tile to an end of the domino chain when it is blocked by other tiles or when it reaches the edge of the table. If you have run out of moves, you can draw a tile from the stock pile, but you cannot do so if the stock decreases to 2 or below, and in this case, you will need to pass the turn to your opponent. The round continues until a player empties his hand and wins the round, then the total number of pips on the other player's remaining tiles will be added to the winning player's score. If both players still have tiles in their hands but neither of them can make a move, the round will also end. In this case, the player who has a smaller number of pips on the tiles in his hand wins, and the difference in the two players' numbers of pips will be added to the winning player's score. Then the next round starts until a player's score reaches 100 and wins the game. Make use of wise tactics to block your opponent's path, get rid of all your tiles as quickly as possible to be crowned king of dominoes!
Cheat! - Multiplayer card game Game

Plays: 62018
Category: Casino Games
Are you a good liar? Play Multiplayer Cheat, and see if you can lie yourself to the win ,a great card game for two, One-on-One, turn based game with auto-matching and virtual tokens betting!
Mafia 1930 Game

Plays: 61216
Category: Multiplayer Games
Live your legend as a ruthless godfather in Mafia1930! Become the most powerful Mafia boss of all time and get your start in a new Mafia era! Respect is everything! Friendship, loyalty, treason - your gangster epic on the streets of crime! Enjoy a wicked new design Play with optimized navigation Use clever management features Experience a spellbinding story Become the boss of organized crime and make a name for yourself as the godfather of your district. A world full of backroom casinos, full of cigar smoke and with nightly drug convoys awaits you!
Ikariam Game

Plays: 59009
Category: Multiplayer Games
The sound of the sea, a white sandy beach and sun! On a small island somewhere in the Mediterranean, an ancient civilization arises. Under your leadership an era of wealth and discovery begins. Welcome to Ikariam.
Goodgame Poker Game

Plays: 55928
Category: Multiplayer Games
Goodgame Poker presents a whole new poker experience to players. Goodgame Poker combines all the strategy, skill and excitement of Texas Hold’em with customisable avatars and a fresh and modern style. Raise the stakes, bluff with the best and look good while you do it! Buy exclusive items, send gifts to your buddies and raise your rankings. True Texas Hold’em rules with a new twist - GoodGame Poker.
Damoria Game

Plays: 54293
Category: Multiplayer Games
This browser game will lure you into another world, one which you will not want to leave again. Damoria is a mystical browser game scenario. A world in which everything happens in an orderly manner. Build your castle with all the trimmings: construction office, military training grounds and quarry. Mine raw materials and finance the construction of other buildings. Put your army together and arm them with swords, catapults, bows and arrows. Here you will find everything your little conqueror heart desires. The idyll is, however, only a facade. How could it be anything else; even here in Damoria, battles for power are raging. Everyone wants to have the biggest castle and kingdom. Turn your castle into a stronghold, unconquerable for enemy attackers, because without your fortress, you are a sitting duck for your enemies. You know the saying: "Offense is the best defense!" Put together a once-in-a-lifetime army and conquer Damoria.You can play this browser game right in your own Internet browser, without having to buy or install any software. Prepare yourself for battle and let the fight begin.
Multiplayer Backgammon Game

Plays: 51590
Category: Multiplayer Games
The object of this game is to move all your pegs in the counter clockwise direction until they are all at the lower right region, they can then be removed from the board. The first player to remove all the pegs win. To move the pegs, roll a pair of dice first, the numbers shown on the dice are the number of steps you can move. For example, if 3 and 6 are shown, then you can move one peg three steps, and another peg (or the same peg) 6 steps. If you roll a double, then you can use each die twice, making 4 moves. For example if you roll a double 5, then you can move 4 pegs by 5 steps. You can move your pegs to a column if it is empty or if it is occupied by your pegs, but you cannot move your pegs to columns occupied by 2 or more of your opponent's pegs. If a column is only occupied by 1 of your opponent's pegs, then you can land on this column and knock off the opponent peg. The knocked off peg will have to start from the beginning again. If some of your pegs are knocked off, then you must move them first. You cannot move other pegs unless you no longer have knocked off pegs. You must make as many moves from a roll as possible, for example if you rolled 6 and 3, and you can move 6 or 3 but not both, then you must move 6.
Multiplayer Chinese Checkers Game

Plays: 47135
Category: Multiplayer Games
This is the acient game of Chinese Checkers. In this game you and the computer compete to move the pegs to the enemy base as quickly as possible. A peg can make consecutive jumps to speed up its movement, so you need to strategically place your pegs so that your other pegs can make long consecutive jumps. At the same time you should also try your best to block the jumps of the computer.
Multiplayer Four In A Row Game

Plays: 46464
Category: Multiplayer Games
In this game there will be a board with holes and you can slide in the pegs. You and your opponent should take turns to slide in your own pegs, the own who connects 4 or more of one's peg in a straight line wins. The pegs can be connected either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Use the mouse to select the column to slide the peg and press the mouse button to slide the peg.
Multiplayer Five In A Row Game

Plays: 45465
Category: Multiplayer Games
In this game there will be a board of 19 x 19 lines. You an your opponent will take turns to put pegs on the intersection of the lines. The one who lines up 5 or more of his/her own pegs horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins.
Multiplayer Checkers Game

Plays: 45190
Category: Multiplayer Games
This game is played by two people. In this game there will be a board of 8 x 8 squares, the squares will have alternate black and white colours, and each player has 3 rows of pieces put on the black squares. A piece can only move forward, it can either move one step diagonally or capture an opponent piece by jumping over it. In a single move, a piece can jump consecutively to capture multiple opponent pieces. When an opponent piece can be captured, you must capture the opponent piece, i.e. you cannot move without capturing when there are some pieces that you can capture. When a piece reaches the last row, it will be crowned and gains the ability to move backwards. When you capture all the pieces of the other player, you win. You can also win when the opponent cannot make any moves. It is possible that none of the players can force a win, in this case a draw game occurs when both players agree so. Use the mouse to click a piece to move it, the places where it can move to will be highlighted, click the highlighted place to move the piece to its location.
Godhand Game

Plays: 44160
Category: Multiplayer Games
Follow the orders of Godhand or feel his divine wrath!
Starland Multiplayer TD Game

Plays: 42983
Category: Multiplayer Games
A multiplayer tower defense game. Play against a friend and beat them!
TDP4 Team Battle Game

Plays: 42390
Category: Action Games
You can play 3 types of battles: "Deathmatch", "Team Deathmatch" and "Capture The Flag". In "Deathmatch" you will play against everybody. Kill everyone and get experience and coins to buy new powerful weapons or items. In "Team Deathmatch" you can choose either to play in red or blue team. You will get experience and coins by killing enemies like in "Deathmatch". Also you will receive team points by killing enemies from other team. In "Capture The Flag" your team will get flag-points for capturing enemy flag and delivering it to your base. Once your level is increased, you'll be able to increase your avatar's skills to be more dangerous and invulnerable. Weapons are also require some skills such as accuracy, strength and explosions. You can receive medals for completing different achievements. You will get extra cash for each medal of for every 250 frags in the room. Cash is needed to buy some powerful weapons and artefacts which cannot be bought only for coins. Report you feedback, bugs, feature requests and etc. in 'Support' section. Have a fun playtime!

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Tips: For a scope shot set the Player weapon speed to zero. Change the player weapon graphic to a circle that gets quickly smaller and then stretch the frame out around 4000 frames so it doesn't repeat itself.