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Online saw Games
Casino JukeBoxRoulette Game

Plays: 5432
Category: Casino Games
You never saw such a combination. Sit down, take a deep breathe, roll a ball and enjoy in music :)
Jig Saw - Basketball Game

Plays: 5430
Category: Puzzles Games
You have 20 minutes to reassemble the basketball.
Birds Recall Challenge Game

Plays: 5279
Category: BoardGame Games
Yes I saw a bird... I want to search the same.. No Problem, I swear that you will find the another one.. Just try.. and see

Plays: 5259
Category: Action Games
THE INSANITY follows the tradtion of many previous point'n'click games but also features many action sub-games to keep the player on his toes, which involve battles or solving puzzles within set time limits. You play as Peter Langdon, a well-known journalist who is investigating the possible source of a spree of horrific movies that have sprouted up over over the web recently. Each video depicts a type of horrific torture or surgery, the combining of humans&animals, performed by a mysterious person known as Dr.Edgar Friendly. Such a stir has been created within the internet community that you and a team of fellow journalists have taken it upon yourself to trace the source. Days ago you lost contact with your team and following their trail you unwittingly fall into the lair of the Dr.Edgar Friendly himself. Is it all make-believe? Or is it real? Game features extreme horror scenarios and of both disturbing visual gore, shock tactics and psychological horror, and should be a crowd pleaser for anyone who is into 18 rated thriller chiller movies.
Allied Escape Game

Plays: 5242
Category: Puzzles Games
You just woke up in a room you never saw before. Investigate the room to get out as fast as you can! Allied Escape is an escape game from
Escape from Magic World Game

Plays: 4799
Category: Puzzles Games
One day, John, saw a cave while walking in the woods. He wondered what's in there. In the end, decided to enter the cave. A surprise was waiting for him. Evil witch in the cave, imprisoned him in a room in the world of magic. Hid the key. John, by finding the key to escape from the main gate within 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will remain in prison forever in this room.
Barbie Puzzle Collection Game

Plays: 4536
Category: Puzzles Games
Play this puzzle game from the Barbie Tales pictures. Put the jig saw pieces in the right position on the right place and create a beautiful picture.
Seesaw Logic (Facebook) Game

Plays: 4191
Category: Puzzles Games
Find out the heaviest item based on their relative weights.
brat-evolution Game

Plays: 4148
Category: Customize Games
bratz girl, saw this beautiful doll bratz prepares beautiful doll with your best combination
Escape!!! The Haunted House Game

Plays: 4026
Category: Action Games
Timmy and his friends were playing around a haunted house one day and Kim and her friend came over to play. Later as the night grew over the house, Kim told them that this house is haunted and only someone really brave would enter and make it back here without running out crying. Timmy wanted to show off to everyone so he headed into the haunted house. After he entered the door he turned around and saw the door fade away. Before Timmy could grab the door it disappeared. And to add more to his bad luck, ghosts started to show up. Your goal is to help Timmy dodge the ghosts and find a way out. Good luck!
Restore Draculas Castle Game

Plays: 3967
Category: BoardGame Games
Restore Dracula's castle before the owner's arrival. So far we have not heard new stories about the most famous vampire Count Dracula. But recently renewed talk, that someone saw him again in the city. Strange things have become to happen in his desolated castle and chilling sounds could be heard from there.
Nerd's Journey Halloween Night Game

Plays: 3931
Category: Action Games
Hello, Halloween Night is a retro-styled game that aims for Addictive gameplay and Great Upgrades. The goal is to Collect as many CDs as you can. By collecting CDs you turn into different Monsters from Halloween, like A Vampire, a Ghost, a Mummy, a Zombie, a Werewolf, ect there are over 9 Monsters to become plus the main character is 10. There are 6 levels with a rank system built in, there are two comic style movies in this game, there is also a full-upgrade system that you will need to earn money to buy upgrades, You earn money by fighting monsters and collecting CDs. Thank you for taking the time to read this. IS THERE ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO ADD TO THE GAME OR CHANGE FEEL FREE TO ASK. Story: A boy named Nerd headed out of Happy Town unknowing to him he was entering the town of Halloween Night. A town filled with monsters and magic. As he headed past the sign that read GO BACK! He was about a few minutes in town and that's when it happened! The sky grew darker and from every turn were shadows! The Nerd grew scared and started to run wishing he never came here because he didn't know why he came? As he ran he could see Zombies, and Ghosts. He ran so fast he hit in to some big green monster known as the Dr. Monster. Yelling in fear he jumped over him and took off. After he ran for a while he made a stop to see where he was. He found him self lost! And then he heard a loud sound. He turned and again he heard the loud sound. He then heard it again but this time it sounded more like a roar! He started to run again without looking until he ran into someone! It was a werewolf! the Nerd screamed and ran into a tomb to find a Sleeping Mummy and behide him a vampire sneaking up to him. As he was about to be controled by the vampire's gaze. He ran away seeing a small light. He ran to it leaving him outside once again, that's when A witch flew past the Nerd laughing and laughing! The Nerd kicked and screamed! as he ran making a stop by a lagoon that's when a Monster jumped out of the Lagoon. As the Lagoon monster jumped all the nerd's clothes were filled with green ooze. He started to ring his clothes out but as he did he heard a sound from behind. It was a Lagoon Monster about to grab him. But before he did the Nerd dodged and started to run as fast as he could. He found himself in a Pumpkin Field that's when he saw a man, but not like any man this man had a Pumkin for his Head...He threw his head at the nerd making the nerd have to run faster and faster to out run it. That's when he fell into a deep hole. As he fell he could see all the monsters that he met before falling with him going into the deep... deep ground. When he made impact with the ground he felt like he was shielded by a magic defense but not taking any chances he ran inner. That's when he saw that he was at a dead end. There was nonthing here only a CD and The only way out he could see was up from him, but He saw all the monsters he met starting to Surround him. That's when the Nerd started to yell for help and that's when The Cd behide him started to spin and Tremble that's when a big bursts of light shot out. Pulling every monster to the CD, after the light faded all the monsters were gone. He started to feel like he was being pulled to the CD like it were calling him. That's when the CD started to talk to the nerd in his head. Saying I have been waiting for you, pick me up and lets save this world! The Nerd now knew why he came to this town It was calling him. This is why he came here in the first place. As he Grabbed the CD he could feel a magic shock to his whole body, the nerd smiled and started to exit this unknow place. That's when he found him self in the middle of town and a group of monsters starting around him. That's when he knew deep down inside. This was going to be the start of a quest he wouldn't forget!
i saw her standing there Game

Plays: 3862
Category: Action Games
i saw her standing there... but then she was a zombie. A game about zombies, guns, love and dealing with your girlfriend when she turns into a zombie.
Journey of Horror Game

Plays: 3859
Category: Action Games
Update: Changed the Start, Main, Movies, and Setting Menu Added A new Menu called Treasures Added Customize Controls Added Nerd Training School (Show you how to play the game) +Plus Voice Navigation Added a Help Button in the Level Select (Showing you how to unlock Level 2) Ton of Bugs fixed Story A boy named Nerd headed out of Happy Town unknowing to him he was entering the town of Halloween Night a town filled with monsters and magic. He was about a few minutes in town and that’s when it happened, he heard a loud sound. He started to run without looking until he ram into someone! It was a werewolf! The Nerd screamed and turned around only to find a vampire sneaking up on him, as he was about to be controlled by the vampire’s gaze. A witch flew past the vampire and grabbed the Nerd. The Nerd kicked and screamed! And at last was able to push away from the witch and fell into a lagoon. Then a fish monster tried to eat him. But before he did the Nerd dodged and started to run as fast as he could. He was somewhere in the center of town when he saw a CD just floating there. He felt a force pulling him to it. This was the same feeling he had when woke up today. It was calling him. The monsters were now around him and before they could get him, he took the CD and it brought out a light that made all the monsters fade into the CD.
Killer Escape Game

Plays: 3823
Category: Adventure Games
You awake in a cell confronted by a man in an asbestos mask, a serial killer. He tells you there is no escape and that he'll be back soon! You have to get out of this place regardless of what this psycho says, you have to escape!
Jig Saw - Monkey Game

Plays: 3821
Category: Puzzles Games
Reassemble the monkey! You have five minutes!
Treasure Chase Game

Plays: 3701
Category: Action Games
It was a beautiful sunny day. You are walking on the street and heard the latest news on the radio: "The Central Museum is robbed! Unique treasures of Caribbean sea pirates are stolen!". And suddenly you found a gold coin lying on the edge of the pavement. Here it is! The treasure is somewhere near. On the other side of the street you saw an another coin and realized that it's time to act! Enjoy an interesting adventure full of hazards! On your way there will be the city streets, dark forests, rivers and trains, but no one barrier will stand in front of you!
Warm Christmas Room Escape Game

Plays: 3603
Category: Adventure Games
It is a room escape puzzle point and click game ,Christmas Day is comming, you found yourself were in a beautiful house and saw Santa Claus had braught you Christmas gift.But only clever enough children can get though the hard test,and leave with the gift, Can you do it? You need to find all hidden objects and solve some easy puzzle to get the key of door to escape.
Crash Landing Escape Game

Plays: 3559
Category: Puzzles Games
Crash Landing Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Game2p. This time, you are on your way back home, you saw a mysterious light shined above you. The last thing you know, you're trapped inside a spaceship that's about to crash into earth. Your only hope of survival now is to escape before it crashes? Good luck and have fun!
SkillShow Game

Plays: 3494
Category: Other Games
Take the ultimate test of skill at the SkillShow! Tonight's events feature robots, penguins, lasers, fire dodging, magnets, Crush-a-goat, mine cart drop, Balance-The-Pig, electric laser raceway, Dragon Sheep Drop!?, wack a mole, koalas & fire, ducks jumping saw-blades, Blowfish! and more. Press play and enhance your skills today!

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