Online square. Games |
Spongebob Color Game
     Plays: 32156 Category: Other Games Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGE-BOB SQUARE PANTS and now he is available on Fupa to color!
Color this cute picture of Spongebob. Use the paintbrush to select colors and click on each section to paint in it. Color the various clothes, people, accessories, and hair of the characters to make them look their best. | SquareShifter Game
     Plays: 11755 Category: Adventure Games Short Description: Fast paced 2D platformer, which features the ability to fly and 10 levels. Easy to pick up and play.
Full Description:
Square Shifter is based around the simple yet effective concept of collection and this comes in the form of "Squares", you must touch all the squares in order to progress to the next level.
The game must be competed in 20 minutes and will keep record of how long you take. This means the game is in no way time consuming, yet it offers excellent replayability in the form of breaking your old best times and in the next update, a time based score board.
Watch out for enemies! they will try to steal back your squares! |
Red & Blu Game
     Plays: 7423 Category: Puzzles Games A game where you have to make all of the colors in a row the same. This can be done by clicking each square or by clicking and dragging across multiple squares.
For every square that you change the color, you get one point. For every row that you complete, you get 100 points and 1 second added to your time. | BUZZYBEE Game
     Plays: 7251 Category: Puzzles Games Super exciting game of blocks! |
The Grid Game
     Plays: 5167 Category: Action Games Using your mouse, color in every square in the grid as quickly as possible. The fastest colorers will be rewarded with a place on our groovy leaderboard and the international recognition that comes with it! | MouWay Game
     Plays: 3665 Category: Action Games Move the mouse and move it fast. |
Matchstick Puzzle Game
     Plays: 1383 Category: Puzzles Games Take away a specific number of matches to form a specified number of squares. All the squares are counted and each match must be a part of a square. Click on match to remove it. Be careful, you cannot undo your moves. | Tirwik Game
     Plays: 14662 Category: Puzzles Games Tirwik it's a puzzle game in which you have to form color lines using boxes that change color every time you select a line. This boxes are set in a 5x5 board and change from red to yellow, to green and then back to red. You have 3 different game modes: Normal (get as much points as you can before your turns run out), Endless (play against your patience and get as much points as you can) or Board (try to set all the squares one same color in as few turns as you can). |