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Online first Games
SmileOfTheDeath Game

Plays: 5828
Category: Adventure Games
Platform game for emote and ninja lovers ! Use the arrow key to move and "X" or "C" to fight ! Try the First level ot see the tutorial how to play.
Fashion High Heel 2 Game

Plays: 5823
Category: Dress-Up Games
The second game Fashion High heel is like the first one but with way more things to dress. If you like high heel, this is the perfect time to design them as you want.
Smarty Pants Quest Game

Plays: 5821
Category: Adventure Games
Who will be the first? Use your knowledge and skills to finish the quest. The objective is to get to the highest level you can. The quest gets harder and crazier the higher level you get to.
WWII Stalingrad Game

Plays: 5819
Category: Action Games
World War 2 first person shooter game. Play as war hero on a mission to survive the enemy attack. Shoot your way through 10 waves of enemy assault, unlock 12 trophies and beat the highscore.
City Siege 4: Alien Siege Game

Plays: 5811
Category: Action Games
The fourth installment of the City Siege franchise and the first to be set on another planet. Arm yourself with advanced units and lazer guns and take on the evil plants from this crazy world. After all they have valuable gems we need... Oh, and there are also some humans they abducted for you to save. Get out there and kick some alien-plant butt!
Suzy The Receptionist Game

Plays: 5808
Category: Customize Games
Suzy the receptionist is the person everyone sees first when they enter this office. Suzy needs to look presentable and coordinated as she is representing the company. The company president has asked you (the stylist) to help revamp Suzys look so that she looks more like a front office executive. Take your time to go through all your different options until you feel like you have come across the best looking outfit for the job at hand.
Pedicure Passion Game

Plays: 5807
Category: Customize Games
This is your first day as a pedicure artist and the clients are queuing up outside. Choose from a great selection of colors, patterns and foot accessories including shoes, tattoos and jewellery to create the best look for the different occasions and customers.
Toootem Game

Plays: 5801
Category: Puzzles Games
Fight the insults of a cranky old totem pole, one word at a time! Toootem is a Match-3 and Word game mashup where the goal is to create words from random letters before time is up or a taunt doled out, whichever comes first. Bonus points for being clever, and verbal abuse for...otherwise.
Adorable Baby Fairy Game

Plays: 5793
Category: Dress-Up Games
This adorable baby fairy flies out to the nature for the first time. She is so curious about everything. The blossoms, the trees, and the butterflies. Please dress her up by changing her hair styles, facial expressions, clothes and wings. Enjoy!
Mina's Beach House 2 Game

Plays: 5777
Category: Dress-Up Games
Mina want to decorate her house again. She wanna to make her beach house more beautiful and pretty. First you have to choose one room which you like the best. After decorating it, you also could press "Save" button to save an image.
A Game. Game

Plays: 5768
Category: Shooting Games
First proper game :) If you can’t tell i couldn’t think of a name. And thats about it. Short game mind.
Pets Beauty Salon Game

Plays: 5764
Category: Dress-Up Games
Beauty salon is not only the people trend but also in pets. Today three pets go to a beauty salon to make a beautiful and pretty makeover. Help them washing first and dress them up, they will be more cool!
Treasure of Big Totem 8 Game

Plays: 5737
Category: Adventure Games
To get the next scroll you have to rescue Nadia first.
Chinese Chili Chicken Game

Plays: 5728
Category: Customize Games
First slice and dice the ingredients before following the recipe to make some tasty Chinese Chili Chicken. Follow the Chef's instructions to make this exciting and flavorful meal which includes peppers, onions, and lots of spice.
Eighteen Card Game

Plays: 5712
Category: Casino Games
In this card game,You play cards against the computer. both you and computer have eighteen cards and play cards in turn. The first one who plays out all his cards is the winner.
13 be dar ba pride Game

Plays: 5708
Category: Driving Games
Sizdahbedar or Sizdah Be-dar (Persian Sizdah Bedar ) is the name of a ceremony in Persian Culture. Sizdah is the Persian term for thirteen. Leaving the house on the Thirteenth Day of Farvardin (the first month of Iranian calendar), and joyfully spending the day outdoors have been a national tradition since ancient times in Iran.
Commander's Ludo Game

Plays: 5699
Category: BoardGame Games
Crack down on the computer's Army,keen on taking your lands on these key battle-grounds which demand strategic intelligence, You Battle on the Fronts like - Northern Swamps, Hills of Koodu, Esternia Riverside You command 3 Tanks & 3 Mobile Rocket Launchers, which are located on different locations across the fronts. A Platoon Carrier unit awaits your ordersto move and circle the battlefront before reaching back the base safely and securing the front.The Army platoon which circles around the battle front to reach back its base first, Wins the Battle. The game is controlled by dice scores.If the dice rolls a six you can regenerate your destroyed units, or you can destroy the opponent units and continue your playing turn. Make sure you cripple the Rebel Army to restrict their platoons from reaching back to their base and move all your units with the best possible strategy to stand out as the Winning Commander
Airline Stewardess Styling Game

Plays: 5695
Category: Customize Games
Gloria is getting ready to board her first flight as a flight attendant. She is very much exited about her venture but is not sure how to dress up as a stewardess. She is looking for fashion and dressing tips from you. She needs to look elegant, fashionable and appropriate in her attendant uniform. Help her dress as an attendant and apply a good makeup. Be quick. The flight crew members are waiting for her
Blue Lighter Cult Game

Plays: 5692
Category: Puzzles Games
Find five differences in each of ten scenes from the first few pages of 'Blue Lighter Cult', a comic by Busy Slacker Comics.
JetPac Game

Plays: 5677
Category: Shooting Games
The classic ZX Spectrum game converted to Flash . Jetman has crash-landed on a distant planet, with ledges suspended in mid-air and populated by various nasties, and he must escape and find his way home. Your first task is to retrieve each of the three parts of his spaceship, in order, and carry them over the base part. After this, you must collect enough fuel to be able to fly away, again by picking it up and dropping it over the ship (you don't have to actually make contact with the ship in doing this). Once you've filled the ship up, you can fly on to the next level, in which you must again refuel. Each level contains various bad guys, with different attack patterns; you have a lazer to shoot them for points, and must avoid contact with them.

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