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Online impossible Games
Just Another Shadow Game

Plays: 4759
Category: Action Games
Escape the maze you find yourself in, no matter how many times you need to beat the same level. And don't let your shadow distract you!
My Impossible Quiz Game

Plays: 4758
Category: Puzzles Games
See if you can beat my impossible quiz!
The Nearly Impossible Quiz 2 Game

Plays: 4755
Category: Action Games
just a fun and simple game
TriPeakz Game

Plays: 4607
Category: BoardGame Games
TriPeakz! is the first solitaire game with a multiplayer option. The rules are quite easy. Remove all the cards from the playing field to the deck at the bottom. Click the card you want to move that is one higher or lower than the opened card at the bottom. You may use UNDO button to cancel your last move. HINT button shows possible move. The game play is really addicting, once you start playing - it's impossible to stop;)! Play card game TriPeakz!, compete in a multiplayer mode and have fun!
Chicken Impossible Game

Plays: 4532
Category: Shooting Games
Help chicken across the farmyard by launching and landing him safely.
The Maze Game Extreme Game

Plays: 4493
Category: Fighting Games
Try your luck with 15 levels of this (almost) impossible maze game!
Room 24 Game

Plays: 4434
Category: Adventure Games
You evolve in an impossible game where each of the 24 rooms have an anigma. Oh... And you're a heroin !
Mind Teaser Game

Plays: 4406
Category: Puzzles Games
It's a tough quiz, it really tease your brain. Read the question carefully and answer.
Impossible Ninja Game

Plays: 4379
Category: Shooting Games
Trapped in a ninja's lair, fight for survival as you are hailed by a storm of weapons. All you have is your gun. There are 30 waves. How long will you last?
ThE ImPoSsiBlE qUiZ SqUaReD Game

Plays: 4348
Category: Strategy Games
This is very hard impossible quiz. Can you beat it? (You have to use your brain, and smarts don't matter)
Impossible Labyrinth 6 Game

Plays: 4317
Category: Action Games
The Chapter SIx from impossible Labyrinth Saga. Exit from the labyrinth in 30 seconds.
Addictive Maze: Impossible Game

Plays: 4309
Category: Adventure Games
Maze game very addictive and hard to finish, test your accuracy and speed to try to win in this difficult game.
13 Game

Plays: 4274
Category: Action Games
You have 13 seconds to collect all the green pills. Use your mouse to hover over the very middle of them. HINT – Start from the bottom and snake up line by line. DON’T just wiggle the mouse over them or you won’t even get close. Some say this is too hard, some say impossible. It isn’t, it just takes a bit of practise, but that’s what games are about! This game tests your hand to eye co-ordination to the very limit!
Dodge the Squares Game

Plays: 4200
Category: Puzzles Games
Use your mouse cursor to dodge the moving squares. Starts off easy but gets progressively harder as your cursor gets bigger and more squares appear for you to dodge! And don't touch the sides!
Animal Olympics - Diving Game

Plays: 4193
Category: Action Games
Join the Animal Olympics and seize the gold in 10m Platform Diving! In this game you will play as the penguin representing the Penguin Kingdom to compete in the final of the diving competition. Your opponents include beaver, frog, seal, otter and kingfisher, and your goal is to beat these contestants by performing the best jumps in a total of 5 rounds. To ensure fairness, the contestants are only allowed to perform groups 1 to 4 in tuck (C) position and group 5 in free (D) position. The game begins with the penguin walking to the edge of the platform, and you can choose backward or forward as the jumping direction by clicking the corresponding icon. If you have selected a direction but would like to change your mind, you can click the other icon to choose the other direction. When you have made your choice, click the Dive button at the bottom, and the penguin will prepare to jump. A vertical power gauge will be shown on the screen, indicating the power of the jump. To set the power, simply click the mouse or press any key on your keyboard when the red line moves to the desired position. Then another guage in the shape of a sector will appear on the right of the power gauge, indicating the angle of the jump. Click the mouse or press any key on your keyboard to set the angle, and the penguin will perform the jump. The height and distance of the jump are determined by the jumping direction and angle. If the jumping direction and angle are set to the extreme, the penguin will hit the platform and become dizzy, resulting in an epic failure. If the jump is successful, the penguin can perform special tricks in the air before reaching the water. You can press the up or down arrow key on the screen or on your keyboard to perform a flip, or hit the left or right arrow key for a twist. Note that once a flipping or twisting direction is chosen, you will not be allowed to flip or twist in an opposite direction, for example, when you have pressed the down arrow key to perform a forward flip, you will not be allowed to perform a backward flip. It is also impossible to perform flip and twist at the same instance, therefore you need to release the arrow keys for flip or twist before performing another trick. When the penguin reaches 5m above the water, a blinking Spacebar will appear at the upper part of the screen, hinting the entry. Press the Spacebar on your keyboard, and the penguin will extend its arms forward and prepare for the entry. The flip and twist buttons on the screen will be removed, and another blinking Spacebar will appear at the upper part of the screen, hinting the suppression of water splash. Press the Spacebar on your keyboard again so that the splash can be minimized. After the dive is completed, each of the 5 judges will give you a score within the range of 0.0 to 10.0 based on the jump and the entry. The highest and the lowest scores will be eliminated, while the remaining 3 will be summed and multiplied by the Degree of Difficulty (DD) based on actual diving. The penguin will be delighted if the average score is not lower than 7.0, but it will be disappointed if the average score is lower than 7.0. The current score and rank of each contestant will be displayed on the leaderboard after each round. Upon the completion of all 5 rounds, the penguin will stand on the podium if it has won a medal. If the penguin receives no medal, you lose. Showcase your flawless jumps and spectacular movements to become the laureate!
Teleporter Twins Game

Plays: 4179
Category: Puzzles Games
The goal of the game is to help boxes find their lost little children. It is a hard job. but with the help of Teleporter Twins, many impossible tasks can be finished now.
Impossible 2: Jungle Escape Game

Plays: 4021
Category: Puzzles Games
Impossible is back with round two! Now with 15 levels to play through, each as hard as the last, can you fight your way through the jungle to escape at the end? The game has an auto save function, so players can exit the game, and continue playing at a later data without having to start from level1. Use the arrow keys to move, and like in the last game, don't touch anything. Hope you enjoy the game
Impossible Tic Tac Toe aka Inky Pinky Blinky Game

Plays: 4015
Category: BoardGame Games
This is an usual Tic Tac Toe Game with very few possible methods of solving, Those who win get listed.
The Pointless Maze game Game

Plays: 3963
Category: Puzzles Games
Try and beat all 15 levels of this almost impossible maze game!
Link-Em Bamboo Game

Plays: 3959
Category: Action Games
Link-Em Bamboo is a frantic, cute, and addictive puzzle game that's impossible to put down. Link the bamboo pipes together to score big points, and appease the vicious panda boy. Bigger chains score more, but be careful not to get carried away. You're under a tight time limit!

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