Online part Games |
Gjuhë dhe letërsi - Pjesa e shtatë Game
     Plays: 1301 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Gjuha dhe Letërsia shqipe dhe e huaj. Kjo është pjesa e shtatë e këtij kuizi dhe përmban 10 pyetje ku secila pyetje ka 4 opcione ku vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Pra testoni veten se sa dini rreth gjuhës dhe letërsisë shqipe dhe të huaj.
This is a quiz from Albanian Language and Literature and foreign. This is the seventh part of this quiz contains 10 questions and each question has four options with only one option is correct. So test yourself how much you know about the Albanian language and literature and foreign. | Flawless Look Makeover Game
     Plays: 1301 Category: Customize Games A new makeover session is about to get started and you girls have to be a part of it! This one is all about how to get a flawless look in just a few minutes. If you want to look brilliant from head-to-toe, to have a perfect skin, to wear unbeliavable make up and you want your hairstyle to rock, this is it. Start the flawless makeover session now and let the world admire your supreme beauty! |
Kuizi Kimia - Pjesa e 18 Game
     Plays: 1299 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Kimia. Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje. Secila pyetje ka 4 opcione, ku vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë.Kjo është pjesa e 18 e këtij kuizi. Testoni njohuritë tuaja në Kimi si dhe mësoni gjërat që nuk i keni ditur më parë.
This is a quiz of Chemistry. The quiz contains 10 questions. Each question has four options, only one option is correct.This is part 18 of this quiz. Test your knowledge in chemistry and learn things you did not know before.
Dies ist ein Quiz für Chemie. Das Quiz enthält 10 Fragen. Jede Frage hat vier Optionen, nur eine Option korrekt ist. Dies ist Teil 18 von diesem Quiz. Testen Sie Ihr Wissen in Chemie und erfahren Sie Dinge, die Sie vorher nicht kannten.C'est un quiz de chimie. Le quiz contient 10 questions. Chaque question a quatre options, une seule option est correcte. Cela fait partie 18 de ce quiz. Testez vos connaissances en chimie et en apprendre des choses que vous ne saviez pas avant.Detta är en frågesport för kemi. Testet innehåller 10 frågor. Varje fråga har fyra alternativ, endast ett alternativ är korrekt. Detta är del 18 i det här testet. Testa dina kunskaper i kemi och lär dig saker du inte visste innan.Si tratta di un quiz di chimica. Il quiz contiene 10 domande. Ogni domanda ha quattro opzioni, una sola opzione è corretta. Questo fa parte 18 di questo quiz. Testa le tue conoscenze in chimica e imparare cose che non sapevate prima. | Winter Princess Game
     Plays: 1298 Category: Customize Games Kathy is going to play the part of a winter princess in her school's play. She wants you to help her with all the princess wedding accessories that is required to dress her up. Can you do it? |
Gjuhë dhe letërsi - Pjesa e 15 Game
     Plays: 1295 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Gjuha dhe Letërsia shqipe dhe e huaj. Kjo është pjesa e pesëmbëdhjetë e këtij kuizi dhe përmban 10 pyetje ku secila pyetje ka 4 opcione ku vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Pra testoni veten se sa dini rreth gjuhës dhe letërsisë shqipe dhe të huaj.
This is a quiz from Albanian Language and Literature and foreign. This is the 15 part of this quiz contains 10 questions and each question has four options with only one option is correct. So test yourself how much you know about the Albanian language and literature and foreign. | Kuizi Matematika - pjesa e pestë Game
     Plays: 1294 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga matematika. Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 përgjigje ku vetëm njëra përgjigje është e saktë. Kjo është pjesa e pestë e këtij kuizi, Testoni njohuritë tuaja në matematikë.
This is a math quiz. The quiz contains 10 questions with four answers where only one answer is correct. This is the fifth part of the quiz, Test your knowledge in mathematics. |
Oftalmologjia- pjesa e parë Game
     Plays: 1291 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Oftalmologjia. Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje, ku secila pyetje ka 3 opcione, vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Kjo është pjesa e parë e këtij kuizi. Testoni njohuritë tuaja në Oftalmologji ose mësoni ato gjëra që nuk i keni ditur. This is a quiz of Ophthalmology. The quiz contains 10 questions, each question has three options, only one option is correct. This is the first part of the quiz. Test your knowledge in ophthalmology or learn things that you did not know.Dies ist ein Quiz für Augenheilkunde. Das Quiz enthält 10 Fragen, hat drei Optionen jede Frage ist nur eine Option korrekt. Dies ist der erste Teil des Quiz. Testen Sie Ihr Wissen in der Augenheilkunde oder lernen Sie Dinge, die Sie nicht kennen.Il s'agit d'un questionnaire d'ophtalmologie. Le quiz contient 10 questions, chaque question a trois options, une seule option est correcte. Il s'agit de la première partie du questionnaire. Testez vos connaissances en ophtalmologie ou apprendre des choses que vous ne saviez pas.
Si tratta di un quiz di Oftalmologia. Il quiz contiene 10 domande, ogni domanda ha tre opzioni, una sola opzione è corretta. Questa è la prima parte del quiz. Metti alla prova la tua conoscenza in oftalmologia o imparare cose che non sapevate.??? ? ???? ?? ?????????????. ???? ?????? 10 ???????, ????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????, ???? ???? ?????? ? ?????. ??? ? ?????? ??? ?? ??????. ????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??????.??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???????.???? ?????? 10 ??????, ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????, ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????????. ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????. ?????????? ????? ????? ? ????????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????.Ovo je kviz za oftalmologiju. Kviz sadrži 10 pitanja, svako pitanje ima tri opcije, samo jedna opcija je ispravan. Ovo je prvi dio kviza. Testirajte svoje znanje u oftalmologiji ili uce stvari koje niste znali.??? ????, ?????????????. ????????? ???????? 10 ????????, ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ????????, ?????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??????????. ??? ?????? ????? ?????????. ????????? ???? ?????? ? ????????????? ??? ?????? ????, ??????? ?? ?? ?????. | Princess Mia Makeover suoky Game
     Plays: 1291 Category: Dress-Up Games Mia is one of the most beautiful princesses ever and now, we girls are all invited to her wonderful world! Wow, this looks incredible and we have to prepare for a stupendous princess facial makeover. Mia wants to try it all and she is ready to give her entire look a new touch. Start the facial session, continuu with the makeup and the hairstyling part and finish your creation with a great dress up shoot. Have fun with princes Mia makeover! |
Destination Wedding Prep Ireland Game
     Plays: 1289 Category: Other Games Hello ladies! I don't know about you but I absolutely love destination weddings. I find them so romantic. Today we have a new game for you from our Destination Weddings Series and this time the destination is a beautiful location that combines the history and folklore with modernity and friendly light hearted people. This beautiful fairy tale land will embrace the lovely couple and will make their beautiful dream come true. This beautiful lady is planning to tie the knot away from home and her dream destination is a Victorian castle in Ireland. Her groom wants her to have her dream wedding so he is willing to make all of her wishes come true. Everything is carefully planned for the big day but this beautiful bride needs your help with one more thing: helping her prepare for the big day with a complete makeover. Start with a facial treatment that will make the bride look radiant and flawless, then continue with a stylish make up session that will emphasize her natural beauty and her best features. After you are done choose a lovely bride dress for her and some beautiful accessories. Her dream destination is Ireland so we have prepared some pretty Irish-inspired accessories for you. I'm sure this event will be a great success- and you will play and important part- and the bride and the groom will have the best wedding in this idyllic location from Ireland. Have a fabulous time playing this awesome new Enjoydressup game called Destination Wedding Prep: Ireland! | Motorjoust Game
     Plays: 1285 Category: Driving Games Take on the roll of a knight who has been invited to take part in the King's Tournament of Champions. You will have to fight your way through the best jousters in the land, while dodging obstacles and gaining air on crazy jumps! |
Kuizi Kimia - pjesa pestë Game
     Plays: 1285 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Kimia. Kjo është pjesa e pestë e këtij kuizi, i cili përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione për secilën pyetje ku vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Testoni veten se sa keni njohuri për lëndën e kimisë , ndërsa mësoni ato që nuk i keni ditur.
This is a quiz of Chemistry. This is the fifth part of this quiz, which contains 10 questions with four options for each question where only one option is correct. Test yourself how much you know about the subject of chemistry, and learn what you do not know. | Kuizi Fizika - pjesa e tretë Game
     Plays: 1283 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Fizika.Në këtë kuiz janë pyetje te ndryshme për dhe rreth Fizikës .Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione apo përgjigje ku vetëm njëra është e saktë. Kjo është pjesa e tretë e këtij kuizi.
This is a quiz from Fizika.Në this quiz are different questions for and about Physics. Quiz contains 10 questions with 4 options or where only one answer is correct. This is the third part of this quiz. |
Run Lamb Run! Game
     Plays: 1283 Category: Puzzles Games All lambs in the farmland refuse to be sold and killed by the farmer, so they work out a perfect escape strategy. Please be a part of this thrilling plan and release them as soon as possilbe from the sheepfold by clicking two lambs with identical emotional expressions. If you failed in the rescue action, one of the poor lambs will be hung up and killed! Wooo, scary! The clock is ticking, run lamb, run! | Wedding Prince and Princess Game
     Plays: 1282 Category: Dress-Up Games Their is famous proverb saying, Marriages are made in heaven, and its memorable moment of ones lifetime, this cute looking royal couple are about to get married, they like to invite you for their wedding and looking forward to help them in choosing the marriage dress. Help them to choose the best royal outfit and take part in the royal wedding. |
Kuizi Biologjia - pjesa e 17 Game
     Plays: 1280 Category: Education Games Ky është nje kuiz nga Biologjia. Pjesa e 17 përmban 51 pyetje të ndryshme nga Biologjia. Pra testoni njohuritë tuaja se sa dini rreth Biologjisë. Secila pyetje është me nga 4 opcione apo përgjigje ku vetëm njëra është e saktë.
This is a quiz of Biology. Part 17 contains 10 different questions Biology. So test your knowledge than you know about biology. Each question is from 4 options or where only one answer is correct. | Kuizi Biologjia - pjesa e 15 Game
     Plays: 1279 Category: Education Games Ky eshte nje kuiz nga Biologjia. Pjesa e 15 permban 10 pyetje te ndryshme nga Biologjia. Pra testoni njohurite tuaja se sa dini rreth biologjise. Secila pyetje eshte me nga 4 opcione apo pergjigje ku vetem njera eshte e sakte.
This is a quiz of Biology. Part 15 comprises 10 different questions Biology. So test your knowledge than you know about biology. Each question is from 4 options or where only one answer is correct. |
Kuizi Gjuha angleze - pjesa e tretë Game
     Plays: 1279 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Gjuha Angleze. Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje, ku secila pyetje ka 3 opcione, vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Kjo është pjesa e tretë e këtij kuizi, Testoni njohuritë tuaja në gjuhën angleze.
This is a quiz from the English language. The quiz contains 10 questions, each question has three options, only one option is correct. This is the third part of this quiz, Test your knowledge in English. | Kuizi Biologjia - pjesa e 20 Game
     Plays: 1278 Category: Education Games Ky është nje kuiz nga Biologjia. Pjesa e 20 përmban 10 pyetje të ndryshme nga Biologjia. Pra testoni njohuritë tuaja se sa dini rreth Biologjisë. Secila pyetje është me nga 4 opcione apo përgjigje ku vetëm njëra është e saktë. This is a quiz of Biology. Part 20 contains 10 different questions Biology. So test your knowledge than you know about biology. Each question is from 4 options or where only one answer is correct. Dies ist ein Quiz für Biologie. Teil 20 enthält 10 verschiedene Fragen aus Biologie. So testen Sie Ihr Wissen über Biologie, als Sie wissen. Jede Frage ist von vier Optionen oder wo nur eine Antwort richtig ist. Se trata de un concurso de Biología. Parte 20 contiene 10 preguntas diferentes de Biología. Así que prueba su conocimiento de lo que sabes acerca de la biología. Cada pregunta es de 4 opciones o donde solo una respuesta es correcta. |
Kuizi Kimia - pjesa e katërt Game
     Plays: 1272 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga Kimia. Kjo është pjesa e katërt e këtij kuizi, i cili përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione për secilën pyetje ku vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Testoni veten se sa keni njohuri për lëndën e kimisë , ndërsa mësoni ato që nuk i keni ditur.
This is a quiz of Chemistry. This is the fourth part of this quiz, which contains 10 questions with four options for each question where only one option is correct. Test yourself how much you know about the subject of chemistry, and learn what you do not know. | My Beautiful Spring Party Game
     Plays: 1261 Category: Dress-Up Games Spring is a colorful season. All girls will put on beautiful clothes to bathe in the spring sunshine. On a spring party, excellent dress style will make you attractive. Now our beauty is going to take part in a party. Come and help her choose the suitable clothes and shoes and make her the most shining one in the spring! |