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Online Pig Games
Pig Zen Game

Plays: 3586
Category: Puzzles Games
A relaxing puzzle game where you have to find the right combination of pigs to place on each platform.
Pig TNT Game

Plays: 3551
Category: Puzzles Games
The bad pig steals the lovely piggy's cheese, use bombs to drive them away but don't hurt the lovely pigs!
Click'n Chicken Game

Plays: 3542
Category: Action Games
Click the chicken to help it squeeze out an egg! These eggs aren't like the ones from your grocery store. These are super jumbo eggs, and lets face it, this chicken needs some help handling such a large duty.
Farm Frenzy Pizza Party Game

Plays: 3526
Category: Adventure Games
Pizza lovers unite! It's time to return to the farm to create your favorite food! You'll start out by growing grass, feeding animals and collecting produce, and then you'll turn your goods into the ingredients you need to make different pizzas. From China to Germany and from Italy to New York City -- where pizza is considered one of the main food groups -- your mouth-watering creations will be enjoyed around the world! As you strive to master the fast-paced point-and-click gameplay, you'll fend off bears, purchase buildings that produce different ingredients and upgrade your vehicles so you can transport more goods. You'll also enjoy some of the zaniest animations ever created for a casual game! Don't miss all the fun in Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party! Full version features 90 levels Ten animals 28 goods to produce 15 buildings Upgradeable truck and plane Unlimited game time Full customer support Free upgrades to new versions
Barnyard Brawl Game

Plays: 3497
Category: Action Games
The animals have decided to settle their differences with a game of Rock, Scissors, Paper...except this time it's cow, chicken, goat, pig, duck.
SkillShow Game

Plays: 3494
Category: Other Games
Take the ultimate test of skill at the SkillShow! Tonight's events feature robots, penguins, lasers, fire dodging, magnets, Crush-a-goat, mine cart drop, Balance-The-Pig, electric laser raceway, Dragon Sheep Drop!?, wack a mole, koalas & fire, ducks jumping saw-blades, Blowfish! and more. Press play and enhance your skills today!
Animal Pop 4 Holiday Edition Game

Plays: 3454
Category: Action Games
The new Animal Pop 4, Holiday Edition, allows you to juggle four paddles at once, all while trying to bounce the golden ball off of the animals and competing for a high score.
Wicked Pig Game

Plays: 3433
Category: Action Games
Hit the wicked pig and save the animals.
Gingerbread Men Cookies Game

Plays: 3418
Category: Other Games
Christmas is clearly not a good time for losing pounds! Gingerbreads cookies have to be part of your christmas dishes. It's easy to accomplish, just follow the simple steps with the funny pig.
Animal Pop Holiday Edition Game

Plays: 3417
Category: Action Games
A special edition of Animal Pop just in time for the holidays. Bounce the golden ball off of the animals and compete for a high score.
Poke A Pig (TM) Game

Plays: 3371
Category: Rhythm Games
The pudgy pigs are your musical instrument! Learn to play songs, mimic the pigs or record your own songs to share with friends!
Swine Flu Game

Plays: 3293
Category: Action Games
To stifle the spread of swine flu in the bud is only one solution. We have to attack the evil at its root. Therefore you have to prevent that the spread fan out among pigs. Once an animal gets sick you have to give him the antidote immediately. For this you only need to click on the sick pig. If more than three pigs die you loose and the disease will take over humanity.
Aporkalypse Now! Game

Plays: 3267
Category: Adventure Games
It's Armagammon! Grab your trusty weapon (shotgun or frying pan) and make bacon with the poorly piggies! How long before they get you?
Pig On The Rocket Game

Plays: 3261
Category: Other Games
Pig on the Rocket: Pigs Fly! The day has come!
Fun Ringtone Pig game Game

Plays: 3252
Category: Education Games
Fun Ringtone Pig game,, allhotgame, ashitagames,,,,,,
Animal Pop Trio Game

Plays: 3213
Category: Action Games
Animal Pop Trio has you juggling three paddles at once while trying to bounce a spinning koala off of other animals and trying to achieve a high score. Fun for the whole family!
Fast Trax Game

Plays: 3204
Category: Action Games
Build a track from the start to finish in Fast Trax. Make sure to run down any animals in your way and collect bonus trophies along the way for extra points. Steer clear of gopher holes as you can't build through them.
Animal Pop Game

Plays: 3200
Category: Action Games
Animal Pop has you bouncing a spinning koala off of other animals while trying to achieve a high score. Fun for the whole family!
The Pig Escape Game

Plays: 3184
Category: Sports Games
Pig is stuck in jail and needs your help to break out! Can you meet the challenge and sling him to safety?
The Farmer's Daughter Game

Plays: 3124
Category: Customize Games
Every harvest season brings with it a variety of strong-armed farmer boys to Maggie's farm, and although she hardly has enough time to get to know them, Marco has made a point to make his way back to the farm to see Maggie again. Let their romance bloom like this year's crops!

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.