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Online First Games
Heart Stopper Game

Plays: 3405
Category: Rhythm Games
This is the first ever game from Jay Stansfield ( and Tom Cross. Music by Jay Stansfield. 'I See A Rainbow (8-Bit Mix)' interpreted from the original song 'I See A Rainbow' from the album LOVISM. (C) & (P) White Label Music Ltd. 2012. Artwork by Tom Cross and Jay Stansfield. Programming by Jay Stansfield.
Chemistry Lab Game

Plays: 3399
Category: Puzzles Games
This is my very first finished game. It's quite simple, but pretty catching. Take the role of an unknown chemist and help him gain enough elements to create... um... it doesn't matter. But be careful. One incorrect element and the game is over.
Christmas Baking Game

Plays: 3395
Category: Other Games
It is Christmas Eve and Amy is baking for her boyfriend\'s family. They are coming over for dinner and shes wants them to have the perfect dessert. Amy woke up at 7am today and start baking because it is her first time. Help Amy dress up for tonight. Don\'t forget to put on an apron because it may get dirty when she is baking! You don\'t want to get her beautiful clothes dirty for the night =p. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years guys!!!
Cute Beach Sweetheart Game

Plays: 3388
Category: Dress-Up Games
The summer is coming, and the sea looks wonderful. Bill invites lina to enjoy on the beach. This is the first date between them, and they wants to macth great.Please help them choose the clothes,and try to make them outfit each other. With your help ,they will become the most attractive sweetheart.
Simple Wire Maze - EP 3 Game

Plays: 3376
Category: Adventure Games
Escape this maze made of color metal wireframes.
Celebrity Spotting Game

Plays: 3374
Category: Dress-Up Games
Look! Is that them? It must be! OMG! This is my first celebrity spotting, and wouldn't you know it? They are going into the same store I'm going into! I'm just going to stand over here and talk their latest movie, and maybe strike up a conversation!
Oriental Secret Hidden Object Game

Plays: 3371
Category: BoardGame Games
A classic but amazingly challenging hidden object game by The New Year cannot be without gifts and surprises that's why Helen sets out in search of something extraordinary for her friends in the oriental figts shop. At first you should find all items from the list, and then look for twelve dragons and at last spot all differences between two rooms. Be in hurry as the time is limited at each level.
Princess Sofia Hidden Stars Game

Plays: 3371
Category: Other Games
You have to find the hidden stars in different images of Princess Sofia. Get your best rank and go to the next level.
Arcade Race Extreme Game

Plays: 3370
Category: Driving Games
Free online racing game with shooting elements by Take part in this fascinating race, shoot at the rivals, avoid their bullets and bombs and be the first at the finish. Collect bonuses: acceleration, money and car repair. Do not forget about the timer. Get money for each successful level that can be spent on car upgrade or on new weapon. There are ten skill levels for continuous and addictive play. Use arrows to drive and space to shoot.
Monkey Curling Game

Plays: 3353
Category: Sports Games
First select a set of 3 monkeys to curl (you can select multiple 'standard' monkeys, but only one of each of the rest). There are 5 to choose from... the more they cost, the more points (and ultimately cash) they can earn you on each shot. The object is to score points to get enough cash ($300 min) to buy 3 monkeys for each round.
Fantasy Football Game

Plays: 3350
Category: Driving Games
Let us test out your skill at puzzle and skill games. You need to find out the difference between the two pictures. Once you complete the first level you will be taken to the next level. Try!
ASD Piano Maestro Compositor Game

Plays: 3336
Category: Education Games
ESPAÑOL (English bellow) ======= El ASD Piano es un dispositivo creado por I2 Interactive y vendido ampliamente por todo el mundo. Aqui puedes divertirte jugando con el. Tiene 7 teclas que se corresponden con las 7 notas y puedes tocarlas presionando la tecla correspondiente en tu teclado A-S-D-F-G-H-J En este juego tiene 3 modos para pasar un buen rato con el ASD Piano TM. Free Mode: Aqui puedes jugar como quieras, presionando las teclas como desees. Haz click en el boton Back para regresar a la pantalla de titulo. Memory: Oiras una corta melodia y despues deberas tocarla de nuevo, muchas cortas melodias iran apareciendo y una vez que las toques correctamente puedes enviar tus puntos a la tabla de Hi-Score Composer: Puedes componer tus propias piezas originales!! y compartirlas con tus amigos, muestra al mundo el talento que tienes!! En la pantalla del Composer presiona el boton "REC" para empezar a crear tu composicion, toca las teclas como prefieras y sientas de la mejor manera, puedes tocar varias notas a la vez y conseguir increibles resultados. Cuando sientas que esta terminada dale al boton de "STOP" para detener la grabacion. Puedes ajustar la velocidad de la pieza variando el valor dado abajo a la izquierda y tambien puedes añadir una musica de fondo como acompañamiento seleccionandola de la lista de Tunes disponibles de 1 a 6. Puedes tu pieza original dandole a "PLAY", haz click en "STOP" para detenerla en cualquier punto, con la cabeza lectora (flecha verde) parada puedes hacer click en cualquier parte del pentagrama, la cabeza lectora ira alli, tocando cualquier nota ahi modificara esa parte, puedes hacer click en "ERASE PART" para borrar solo esa parte. Si haces click en "ERASE ALL" se borrara toda la composicion asi que ten cuidado, tambien haciendo click en "Back" se borrara toda la composicion asi que salva antes de salir. Para salvar tu composicion debes hacer click en "SAVE" y luego, en un cuadro blanco situado abajo, haz click con el boton derecho del raton, y en el menu que sale haz click en "Seleccionar todo" luego haz click de nuevo con el boton derecho y selecciona "Copiar" ahora abre tu Bloc de Notas de Windows, ve a "Inicio", luego en "Todos los programas" y despues en "Accesorios", luego haz click en "Bloc de Notas", una vez que se abra, en el menu "Edicion" selecciona "Pegar", luego haz click en "Archivo" y "Guardar" para guardarlo donde quieras. Para cargar tu pieza o la de tus amigos primero de todo selecciona toda la composicion que tu has recivido (comienza y termina con un numero), luego haz click con el boton derecho en ella y elige "Copiar", luego en el ASD Piano, una vez que estes en el modo Composer, haz click con el boton derecho en el cuadro blanco de abajo y elige "Pegar" luego haz click en el boton "LOAD" y ya puedes hacer click en "PLAY" para escucharla o puedes editarla para añadir tus modificaciones. Puedes tambien hacer click en las canciones prefabricadas "Premade" para cargar una de las 5 melodias disponibles, haciendo esto cargara la cancion entera asi que asegurate de salvar tu composicion antes, mira lo que nuestro talentoso equipo ha hecho y aprende a la vez. ENGLISH ============= The ASD Piano is a device made by I2 Interactive and sold widely everywhere. Here you can have fun playing with it. It has 7 keys that correspond to the 7 notes and you can play them by pressing the corresponding keys on your Keyboard A-S-D-F-G-H-J In this game you have 3 modes to have your fun time with the ASD Piano TM. Free Mode: Here you can play as you like, pressing the keys as you wish, click the Back button to go to tittle screen. Memory: You will hear a short melody and then you have to play it again, many short melodies will pop and after succesfully playing them you can submit your score to the Hi-Score table. Composer: You can compose your own original pieces!! and share with your friends, show the world the talent you have!! In the composer screen press the "REC" button to start making your composition, play the keys that you wish and feel the best, you can play several keys at the same time and get awesome results. When you feel its finished hit the "STOP" button to finish the recording, You can adjust your piece speed altering the value given at the bottom left and also you can add a background loop to acompany it selecting from the available tunes from 1 to 6. You can hear your original piece clicking the "PLAY" button, click "STOP" to halt it at any point, with the playhead stopped you can click on any part of your pentagram, the playhead will go there, and playing any keys there will modify that part, you can click on "ERASE PART" to delete the notes on that part. If you click "ERASE ALL" the whole piece will be deleted so be careful, also clicking "Back" will delete the piece so save first. To save it you have to click the "SAVE" button and then, there is a white square at the bottom, right click on it and on the menu click "Select all" then right click again and on the menu click on "Copy" then open your Windows Notepad, go to START then ALL PROGRAMS and then ACCESORIES, then click on Notepad and there select Edit menu and Paste, then click on File and Save to save it anywhere you like. To load your piece or your friends compositions first of all select the whole composition that you have received (starts and ends with a number), then right click on it and select Copy, then in the ASD Piano, once in the Composer mode right click on the white square at the bottom and select Paste then click on the "LOAD" button and now you can click on "PLAY" to listen to it, or you can edit that to add your own modifications. You can also click on the premade songs to load them, doing that will load the entire song so be sure to save your work first, see what our talented team has made and learn from there.
Balloon Popper Game

Plays: 3334
Category: Action Games
The title says it all. A simple game that took a few hours to create. My first AS3 game, and the second one that I've actually finished. Contains a few achievements for you to complete.
Pink Gowns Makeover Game

Plays: 3326
Category: Dress-Up Games
Pink is the color of the season... or even better, the color of the year! You know how much you love it, and what better way to enjoy it at the max then trying on these stunningly-ravishing pink gowns? First enjoy a facial makeover, step by step, treat your skin and let it shine of beauty, and then choose a delightful makeup to match your outfit. Your favorite party is coming soon, make sure you’re gonna be ready to rock it!
Dush Nyao Game

Plays: 3325
Category: Shooting Games
First person shoot em up game. Kill 80% to proceed to next level but the more valid body shots before a kill shot the higher the score
Mouse Avoider Game

Plays: 3325
Category: Puzzles Games
This is my first game, and I hope you like it.
Mei-Xings Oriental Fashion Game

Plays: 3324
Category: Dress-Up Games
Mei-Xing always wanted to wear a kimono, but it seams to difficult with so many clothing parts that you have to mix. Japanese fashion is very strict about their traditions. But don't worry, in this game you'll learn how to create a kimono. Choose first the top part, the sleeves, the bottom part, maybe an accessory and a belt. Or you can use the full kimono already created. Add accessories and be the best geisha.
Dracula vs Zombies 2 Game

Plays: 3319
Category: Adventure Games
After defeating the first wave of zombies, Dracula is back and ready to face another hungry hoard of Zombie invaders! This time they brought friends!
Jerry’s Ear Doctor Game

Plays: 3319
Category: Other Games
Jerry is having a horrible ear ache and now she is on the hospital and really need some help. Your job is to make her feel better, can you do this? As an ear doctor you first need to analyze your patient wound so look carefully and decide your next step, a good treatment and some painkillers. Good luck!
Sea Gems of Neptune Game

Plays: 3316
Category: BoardGame Games
New free online hidden object, find differences, point and click game with bright high-quality graphics in underwater theme and relaxing music from games in one! You are a brave diver who is combing the seabed for the gems. You should find differences between two pictures in the first level; you have a list of the hidden objects that should be found in the second level and your task is to find gems in the third level.

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Tips: Games that use a modified opponent graphic instead of an explosion graphic should disable Bosses in the Gameplay section.