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Online School Games
Knock out memories Game

Plays: 1280
Category: Action Games
An old school round beat'en up with a unique graphics style.
Little Beauty Makeover Game

Plays: 1279
Category: Dress-Up Games
Today this little girl has a beauty contest in her school, so that she has come here for the beauty parlor. She wants to win title of the contest, beautify her with your make up skill.
Strawberry Game

Plays: 1278
Category: Education Games
strawberry game is one of Chinese school games,fresh and beautiful game screen and chinese language pronunciation,the gameplay is very simple,mouse to drag the box to spell out the strawberry,this game for all cute kids and friends like china.
Gangnam Fashion Game

Plays: 1277
Category: Customize Games
Roberts is going to make an appearance on the stage and is going to sing. He wants to put on the hottest new fashion trends of dress. Can you help him out in this? Try!
WoodDoo School 1 (hard) Game

Plays: 1276
Category: Adventure Games
Point’n’click game from (hard version) The clever owl opened the School of Magic in our fairy forest. Everyone can join the “WoodDoo” educational program. Take the chance to crack a book! Learn how to transform old rubbish into works of art.
Peache Game

Plays: 1275
Category: Education Games
peache game is one of Chinese school games,fresh and beautiful game screen and chinese language pronunciation,the gameplay is very simple,mouse to drag the box to spell out the peache,this game for all cute kids and friends like china.
Lipy Summer Vacation Dress up Game

Plays: 1271
Category: Dress-Up Games
Summer is here! School's out and that means family vacation, awesome! Your parents are even letting you choose where to go, how cool is that?! But now the vacation is booked, plane tickets bought, suitcases packed all you need to do now is think of the perfect outfit for your flight and the first day on holiday. Choose something, summery, fresh, young and trendy, make several outfits until you can pick a favorite. I know whatever you come up with will be gorgeous!
Krissy Back to School Game

Plays: 1268
Category: Dress-Up Games
Krissy is a schoolgirl and she is going back to school after summer holidays. You is supposed to give her a hand with choosing new fashionable clothes for her first school day this autumn.
Slip into Slippers Game

Plays: 1266
Category: Dress-Up Games
After a long day of studying at school, all you want to do is go home and slip on your favorite pair of comfy slippers. Unfortunately, you can't seem to find your slippers anywhere and will need to design a new pair of slippers so that you can lounge around the house in style. Browse the wide selection of fancy fabrics, colorful patterns, stylish accessories and more, to design the perfect pair of cozy slippers in this fun online shoe game for girls!
Tropical Paradise Vacation Game

Plays: 1263
Category: Dress-Up Games
Margret Sweet is out on a tropical paradise vacation. She seeks your help in dressing her up in fashionable outfits for girls. Can you do that for her now please? Try!
Pxl Runner Game

Plays: 1262
Category: Adventure Games
Its a full on fight for food in this old school scroller!
Black And White Emo Chic Game

Plays: 1261
Category: Customize Games
Black And White Emo Chic
Back To School Haircuts Game

Plays: 1260
Category: Dress-Up Games
This first day of the school year is going to be your last chance to flaunt a perfect look since you are a senior now... so roll up your sleeves girls, get the 'Back To School Haircuts' game started and let's find out together what new hairstyle would best fit the outfit you have prepared for the big day =)! First of all, you have to take a really good care of your hair by shampooing it, drying it and brushing it! Once the hair care treatment is complete, you can go ahead with your work and start using that professional pair of scissors and begin cutting it until you obtain the desired length. Style your girly-girl brand new haircut the way you want and then accessorize it with a cute bow or with a fancy hat! You can complete your back to school chic look with a fashionable outfit, which you can accessorize. Have a blast!
Dilaran Bolos Sekolah Game

Plays: 1256
Category: Action Games
Bahasa Indonesia : Pada tahun 20xx terjadi kekacauan di dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Banyak terjadi aksi Bolos Sekolah Massal. kekacauan ini sudah tidak dapat ditangani olah pihak-pihak sekolah. untuk itu KPKSD(Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Sejak Dini) datang untuk mencegah hal ini!.. English in 20xx, there is chaos in world of education in Indonesia. so many student did skipping school. These chaos cannot be handled on staff school. so that why KPKSD (Corrupstion Eradication Commision since childhood) come to prevent this!..
Lovely School Fashion Game

Plays: 1253
Category: Dress-Up Games
Kuizi Kimia - Pjesa e nëntë Game

Plays: 1253
Category: Education Games
Ky është një kuiz nga Kimia. Kjo është pjesa e nëntë e këtij kuizi, i cili përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione për secilën pyetje ku vetëm njëri opcion është i saktë. Testoni veten se sa keni njohuri për lëndën e kimisë , ndërsa mësoni ato që nuk i keni ditur. This is a quiz of Chemistry. This is part nine of this quiz, which contains 10 questions with four options for each question where only one option is correct. Test yourself how much you know about the subject of chemistry, and learn what you do not know.
Emo School Girl Dress Up Game

Plays: 1251
Category: Action Games
Akira is starting at a new school today, and she wants to make a good impression when she introduces herself to her class. Dress to show off your emo attitude with some super colorful scene clothes.
High School Girly Uniform Game

Plays: 1251
Category: Customize Games
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Monster Bride Game

Plays: 1250
Category: Dress-Up Games
Donna is enacting a play in her school and she is playing the role of a monster bride. She has asked you to help her with the make up for bridesmaid. Can you do it? Try!
First Proposal Game

Plays: 1249
Category: Dress-Up Games
Pamela and Prince are very good friends. Today they are going on their first romantic date where Prince is going to propose to Pamela. Hence help them to dress up accordingly. Make them look as if they are made for each other. Can you?

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Tips: Explosion graphics animate until the end of their timeline and then disappear. A single frame explosion will disappear almost instantly and not look that great. Usually 20-40 frames for an explosion should work well.