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Online creator Games
DM Background Creator Game

Plays: 3649
Category: Customize Games
Create backgrounds/scenes/rooms for use in games, wallpaper etc. Lots of options to edit and customize each item with lots of tools to choose from.
UnPerfect Scene and Character Creator Game

Plays: 3643
Category: Customize Games
Perfection tends to make things boring, so we've whipped up an un-perfect scene game with an un-perfect description. (Not that the developers wanted to make a dressup game like others before, with today's assumed specs.) Tons (200+) of clothing and props to create a scene. Use your imagination if you have one that isn't decided for you. You can create guys and girls and up to 8 different bases all at once. Everything is drag, no themes, no story, no snapping in place, no smooth lines (we are in love with jagged bitmaps), and a nice whopping 2MBs worth of game that can leave between 1 minute to unlimited game length, if you are given the chance to play this game.
Shoujo manga avatar creator:Male Game

Plays: 3610
Category: Dress-Up Games
create your own shoujo manga character and dress him up with cool accessories.
Little Sweet Pea Dressup Game

Plays: 3586
Category: Customize Games
Dress up and create your own sweet pea cartoon character. Make her look funny, cute or like a diva with tons of items and accessories to choose from. We specifically designed this game so that it is easy to play for small kids up to adult. You can save your creation and share with friends.
Anime Spring Makeover Game

Plays: 3545
Category: Dress-Up Games
This cute girl loves spring. That is why she wants to look perfect during this season. Play this game and become the creator of a special spring look!
TAOFEWA - Kaito Hero Creator Game

Plays: 3528
Category: Customize Games
Create your own manga super hero with the TAOFEWA Kaito Hero Creator game. Select from several unique weapons from the TAOFEWA manga universe, give Kaito special abilities or even fiery or bat-like wings - or what about watery tentacles ? You can even mutate Kaitos body so that his legs become undead, elemental or even fungi!
TAOFEWA - Knight of Fire - Hero Creator Game

Plays: 3523
Category: Customize Games
Create your very own Manga hero by upgrading and changing the Knight of Fire character from the TAOFEWA manga universe. The TAOFEWA Knight of Fire has a unique magical fiery armor and is very strong with fire magic. Use the TAOFEWA - Knight of Fire - Hero Creator game to make your own version of the Knight of Fire. You can select from several different weapons in several categories, - and even give the TAOFEWA Knight of Fire mystical watery tentacles, a shield of dust, demon-like bat wings or a fiery barrier of fire!
4th of July Card Creator Game

Plays: 3512
Category: Other Games
The time of year for fireworks and American pride has come again. Celebrate the holiday by coloring some patriotic coloring pages. Print them out and give them to friends and family this weekend!
Shoujo manga avatar creator:Pajamas Game

Plays: 3492
Category: Dress-Up Games
create your own shoujo manga character,choose her super cute pillows and dress her up with cute pajamas.
Mega Yukata Creator Game

Plays: 3475
Category: Dress-Up Games
A fantastic Yukata Maker.Create your own traditional or kawaii style yukata with endless options.
TAOFEWA - Fire Skeleton - Hero Creator Game

Plays: 3463
Category: Customize Games
Create your very own manga super hero with the TAOFEWA Fire Skeleton and an arsenal of weapons. Change the scene from desert to ancient tree and add magical abilities to the TAOFEWA Skeleton creature.
Combo Out Mini Game

Plays: 3376
Category: Other Games
Combo Out Mini is a Breakout clone where players can create their own levels for use on their site.
TAOFEWA - Tuulikki - Hero Creator Game

Plays: 3358
Category: Customize Games
Create your very own manga hero with the TAOFEWA - Tuulikki Hero Creator. Customize Tuulikki from the TAOFEWA manga universe and upgrade her with unique magical and elemental abilities, strange wings and set her up with an arsenal of different weapons.
ASD Piano Maestro Compositor Game

Plays: 3340
Category: Education Games
ESPAÑOL (English bellow) ======= El ASD Piano es un dispositivo creado por I2 Interactive y vendido ampliamente por todo el mundo. Aqui puedes divertirte jugando con el. Tiene 7 teclas que se corresponden con las 7 notas y puedes tocarlas presionando la tecla correspondiente en tu teclado A-S-D-F-G-H-J En este juego tiene 3 modos para pasar un buen rato con el ASD Piano TM. Free Mode: Aqui puedes jugar como quieras, presionando las teclas como desees. Haz click en el boton Back para regresar a la pantalla de titulo. Memory: Oiras una corta melodia y despues deberas tocarla de nuevo, muchas cortas melodias iran apareciendo y una vez que las toques correctamente puedes enviar tus puntos a la tabla de Hi-Score Composer: Puedes componer tus propias piezas originales!! y compartirlas con tus amigos, muestra al mundo el talento que tienes!! En la pantalla del Composer presiona el boton "REC" para empezar a crear tu composicion, toca las teclas como prefieras y sientas de la mejor manera, puedes tocar varias notas a la vez y conseguir increibles resultados. Cuando sientas que esta terminada dale al boton de "STOP" para detener la grabacion. Puedes ajustar la velocidad de la pieza variando el valor dado abajo a la izquierda y tambien puedes añadir una musica de fondo como acompañamiento seleccionandola de la lista de Tunes disponibles de 1 a 6. Puedes tu pieza original dandole a "PLAY", haz click en "STOP" para detenerla en cualquier punto, con la cabeza lectora (flecha verde) parada puedes hacer click en cualquier parte del pentagrama, la cabeza lectora ira alli, tocando cualquier nota ahi modificara esa parte, puedes hacer click en "ERASE PART" para borrar solo esa parte. Si haces click en "ERASE ALL" se borrara toda la composicion asi que ten cuidado, tambien haciendo click en "Back" se borrara toda la composicion asi que salva antes de salir. Para salvar tu composicion debes hacer click en "SAVE" y luego, en un cuadro blanco situado abajo, haz click con el boton derecho del raton, y en el menu que sale haz click en "Seleccionar todo" luego haz click de nuevo con el boton derecho y selecciona "Copiar" ahora abre tu Bloc de Notas de Windows, ve a "Inicio", luego en "Todos los programas" y despues en "Accesorios", luego haz click en "Bloc de Notas", una vez que se abra, en el menu "Edicion" selecciona "Pegar", luego haz click en "Archivo" y "Guardar" para guardarlo donde quieras. Para cargar tu pieza o la de tus amigos primero de todo selecciona toda la composicion que tu has recivido (comienza y termina con un numero), luego haz click con el boton derecho en ella y elige "Copiar", luego en el ASD Piano, una vez que estes en el modo Composer, haz click con el boton derecho en el cuadro blanco de abajo y elige "Pegar" luego haz click en el boton "LOAD" y ya puedes hacer click en "PLAY" para escucharla o puedes editarla para añadir tus modificaciones. Puedes tambien hacer click en las canciones prefabricadas "Premade" para cargar una de las 5 melodias disponibles, haciendo esto cargara la cancion entera asi que asegurate de salvar tu composicion antes, mira lo que nuestro talentoso equipo ha hecho y aprende a la vez. ENGLISH ============= The ASD Piano is a device made by I2 Interactive and sold widely everywhere. Here you can have fun playing with it. It has 7 keys that correspond to the 7 notes and you can play them by pressing the corresponding keys on your Keyboard A-S-D-F-G-H-J In this game you have 3 modes to have your fun time with the ASD Piano TM. Free Mode: Here you can play as you like, pressing the keys as you wish, click the Back button to go to tittle screen. Memory: You will hear a short melody and then you have to play it again, many short melodies will pop and after succesfully playing them you can submit your score to the Hi-Score table. Composer: You can compose your own original pieces!! and share with your friends, show the world the talent you have!! In the composer screen press the "REC" button to start making your composition, play the keys that you wish and feel the best, you can play several keys at the same time and get awesome results. When you feel its finished hit the "STOP" button to finish the recording, You can adjust your piece speed altering the value given at the bottom left and also you can add a background loop to acompany it selecting from the available tunes from 1 to 6. You can hear your original piece clicking the "PLAY" button, click "STOP" to halt it at any point, with the playhead stopped you can click on any part of your pentagram, the playhead will go there, and playing any keys there will modify that part, you can click on "ERASE PART" to delete the notes on that part. If you click "ERASE ALL" the whole piece will be deleted so be careful, also clicking "Back" will delete the piece so save first. To save it you have to click the "SAVE" button and then, there is a white square at the bottom, right click on it and on the menu click "Select all" then right click again and on the menu click on "Copy" then open your Windows Notepad, go to START then ALL PROGRAMS and then ACCESORIES, then click on Notepad and there select Edit menu and Paste, then click on File and Save to save it anywhere you like. To load your piece or your friends compositions first of all select the whole composition that you have received (starts and ends with a number), then right click on it and select Copy, then in the ASD Piano, once in the Composer mode right click on the white square at the bottom and select Paste then click on the "LOAD" button and now you can click on "PLAY" to listen to it, or you can edit that to add your own modifications. You can also click on the premade songs to load them, doing that will load the entire song so be sure to save your work first, see what our talented team has made and learn from there.
TAOFEWA - Knight of Air - Hero Creator Game

Plays: 3322
Category: Customize Games
Create your very own Manga hero by upgrading and changing the Knight of Air character from the TAOFEWA manga universe. The TAOFEWA Knight of Air live without being affected by gravity and is very strong with air magic. Use the TAOFEWA - Knight of Air - Hero Creator game to make your own version of the Knight of Air. You can select from several different weapons in several categories, - and even give the TAOFEWA Knight of Air mystical watery tentacles, a shield of dust, demon-like bat wings or a fiery barrier of fire!
Shoujo manga avatar creator:Pets Game

Plays: 3302
Category: Dress-Up Games
create your own shoujo manga character,choose her super cute pet and dress her up with cute accessories.
Vampire Fever Game

Plays: 3301
Category: Action Games
You're "Viro", a ninja who fights against evil creatures! But instead of using conventional weapons, you spread a virus which only affects demons and the undead. Vampire Fever is a billiard-like physics game, which you control your character "Viro" (instead of the cue ball) and try to infect the other creatures on the screen by touching them. The virus is very contagious, but it has one weakness: If two infected creature collide, they both heal. As you progress, you encounter with different creatures (vampires, mummies, ghosts, electric demons, chocolate demons, and many more) and artifacts (barrels, bombs, slicers, trees, portals, etc.) which have different properties and physical behaviours, which call for new strategies! There are three modes included: "Main Game" (with 120 levels), Challenge Mode (which include 6 arenas where you have to survive against a constant influx of enemies) and a Level Creator with the ability to save and load levels as passwords which can be easily shared by IM, email, blog comments, etc.
Pirate girl creator game Game

Plays: 3243
Category: Dress-Up Games
create your own pirate girl! Sail to the great adventures!
Avatar portrait creator game Game

Plays: 3239
Category: Dress-Up Games
Create your own avatar's portrait with very detailed facial options and so much more.
Snowman Creator Game

Plays: 3237
Category: Customize Games
Snowman Creator, snowman dressup game.

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Tips: Use sound files that are a multiple of 22050Hz.