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Online Shapes Games
Mobile:Learn Languages Pronto: Italian Game

Plays: 3543
Category: Education Games
Learn Italian on your Mobile Phone for free Lessons include: Fruits,Vegetables,Colors,shapes, and Numbers
Little Newton Says Game

Plays: 3522
Category: Puzzles Games
Follow Little Newtons directions to answer these questions about Shapes, Colors and Numbers
Shape Assault Game

Plays: 3520
Category: Other Games
A game where you must defend yourself from the oncoming waves of shapes.
Dream Stack Game

Plays: 3483
Category: Puzzles Games
Dream Stack is a relaxing game based on physics engine. You have to keep the colored shapes from filling the screen. To destroy a shape, you must hit it with a bullet of the same color. If a shape has a pattern, you must use a bullet with the same pattern and color to destroy it.
Mars Cannon Game

Plays: 3474
Category: Action Games
While exploring planet Mars you notice unusual activities. Protect the expedition, aiming and shooting with the cannon the unfriendly creatures on planet Mars.
009 Galaxy Fireballs Game

Plays: 3463
Category: Action Games
Collect Brush to start drawing Press mouse button to draw the shape. Save your shape and brush from burning balls, it will burn it, and you will lose one life. You can attempt 8 shapes in a level to draw the required pixels. You have total 8 chances to play this game, means if burning balls hits you 8 times, game will be over. Use different strategies and skills to collect maximum score by playing maximum levels.
Guess What Game

Plays: 3456
Category: BoardGame Games
You need to find correct words with less than 10 mistakes. Each time you find a right character, it will appear on it's place. Every character found gives you +1 point, while each mistake costs you -1. Also, every word found gives you bonus poits depending on number of characters in it.
Ziung Game

Plays: 3444
Category: Action Games
Adapt to the proper shape to get over the obstacles! To advance in this game you have to use your skill and some strategy to choose the proper path.
The Wizard of Blox Mobile Game

Plays: 3442
Category: Puzzles Games
Only a true wizard can perform these 45 magic tricks and make the blocks disappear.
Slice the Box Game

Plays: 3428
Category: Puzzles Games
Little boy stayed alone at home. He got bored. So, he decided to walk through the house. When he entered to garage he found big bunch of empty cardboard boxes. And to have fun he decided to cut shapes from the boxes.
Hidden Objects Shapes Game

Plays: 3423
Category: Puzzles Games
Hidden Objects Shapes
Nuclearoids Game

Plays: 3412
Category: Puzzles Games
Blast your way through Nuclearoids world, where explosions come in various shapes and sizes!
Shape Evader Game

Plays: 3403
Category: Action Games
be sure to avoid gruesome doom from odd falling shapes as the part of a nervous face.
Doorsets Tetris Game

Plays: 3385
Category: Puzzles Games
Doorsets Tetris- new addictive arcade flash colorful game for all ages and tastes. Stack the falling shapes in rows to score points and prevent them from reaching the top of the screen. As the levels progress, the blocks will fall faster.
Wireframe Game

Plays: 3373
Category: Action Games
In Wireframe, your goal is to create the shape given by clicking to add nodes (vertices) of the shape. Nodes can also be removed and moved. If the shape is correct to within a certain tolerance, the player is given a new shape to make.
Imperfect Balance Mobile Game

Plays: 3359
Category: Puzzles Games
Unbalance your way to victory and riches! Make towers fall, constructions collapse and shapes explode in this spinoff of Perfect Balance. Mobile Flash version!
Hungry Shapes 2 Game

Plays: 3331
Category: Puzzles Games
Feed the hungry shapes again in this addictive physics puzzle.
Big-Time Butter Baron Game

Plays: 3326
Category: Puzzles Games
A.P.Butterworth needs YOU! Clock in at the butter factory and slot together those butter shapes ready for delivery in this creamily-smooth puzzler!
Push Cannon Game

Plays: 3324
Category: Shooting Games
In this game, you must avoid the various types of shapes while trying to use your shot to bump these shapes into the four fangs of death on the 4 sides of the playing area. You cannot move outside the red-lined area. Shapes, when they initially spawn also cannot move outside this area. After they get shot, they turn purple and can leave the red-lined area, bump into the fangs of death, and die. The angle you shoot them from will effect how they move afterwards so auto-fire is not recommended.
Avoider Game

Plays: 3303
Category: Action Games
Avoid the shapes!

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Tips: Export your SWF files to support Flash 8.