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Online aliens Games
Alien Escape! Game

Plays: 5036
Category: Action Games
Defeat aliens and make your escape!
TetriShoot Game

Plays: 5018
Category: Action Games
Bad green aliens are everywhere. Kill them all!
Galactic 123 The Droid Army Game

Plays: 5012
Category: Action Games
Galactic 123. A manga anime , action adventure scifi game with a plot. Lead your droid army to victory and beat the enemy republic. Also pilot spaceships and use a series of weapons. --- How to play: Arrow keys (or WASD keys) to move. SPACEBAR (or Z) to fire. Keys 1-3 to select weapon. H to heal (ground mode only). If you have unlocked / equipped any optional extra weapons in any of the episodes, you can access them with keys 4-7 (ground mode only). And checkpoints are your friends! If you lose, you will return to the last checkpoint, not to the beginning of the game! (They also replenish your health and weapons) --- 15
Mission Codename: Delta Game

Plays: 5006
Category: Action Games
Fight of hords of aliens and monsters, defende your planet and when your done submit your score to the world.
Aliens from Outer Space! Game

Plays: 4999
Category: Shooting Games
The Aliens are invading! Only you can stop them, Commander... Aliens! is a light-hearted, b-movie themed space invaders style game, with varied waves of aliens and an upgradable ship.
Essentials Shooter Game

Plays: 4946
Category: Action Games
Essentials Shooter exploring the expressive power of abstract shooters. 20 types of weapon and bonuses 15 types of enemys Ship costumization!
2 mins in Space Game

Plays: 4924
Category: Action Games
Destroy all you can for 2 mins in Space.
UFO Joe Game

Plays: 4918
Category: Action Games
UFO Joe and his fellow aliens are bored. To rectify the situation, UFO Joe has been given the task of collecting mysterious creatures for the local Zoo. That'll put the fun back in alien life!

Plays: 4914
Category: Shooting Games
What does shooting aliens have to do with math? Nothing, that's why this game is so awesome!.
The Defender Game

Plays: 4904
Category: Action Games
Physical shooter. Save 5 world capitals (Paris, Washington, London, Moscow, Berlin) and the Earth from 5 types of enemies. In the game: - 26 levels with different difficulty; - large variety of enemies and items (over 50!), having its own unique properties. Defend the Earth!
Aliens Busted Game

Plays: 4896
Category: Driving Games
In the not so far future, it is possible that there will be a cohabitation of this planet by humans and aliens. And if that happens, it will probably be a peaceful one. But what if there will also be some rebel aliens, who think they can do just anything they want over here? No problem, agent Scully will be there, to bust those nasty aliens.
Contra Spirits Reloaded Game

Plays: 4894
Category: Action Games
Set in a dystopian future in the year 2636, the alien invaders that were defeated during the previous installments have decided to launch a full-scale war against mankind on Earth. The player takes control of an armed commando who must thwart the alien army. Contra Spirits Reloaded is a remake of this classic game for the Gameboy. It has been built by fans, for fans. Everything is just like the original.
Stop the Aliens! Game

Plays: 4887
Category: Shooting Games
You control up to 3 tanks to defend your planet. Each tank is designed to do a different task. The red one can kill red enemies. The blue one can kill blue enemies and the yellow one can stop beams from those aliens.
Ancient Civilization Defense Game

Plays: 4886
Category: Strategy Games
Currently a game in progres if anyone can help me program it i would appreciate it email [email protected] Aliens have attacked earth and you must stop them with the oldes civilizations around based off of Elemental Tower Defense
Aliens Attack - Alien Shooter Game

Plays: 4876
Category: Action Games
15 levels of shooting with 10 types of aliens and 8 guns on a space station. 1. Excellent Graphics 2. Good Story Board 3. Levels: a. 15 Zones to Explore b. Each zone has a different difficulty c. Player can go in any zone and play if unlocked. 4. Mind Blowing Store: a. Purchase - Equip Weapons b. Upgrade Health c. Upgrade Weapons 5. You must fight in a zone that contains a weapon unlock and survive one wave to unlock that weapon. 6. Once unlocked you can buy/upgrade/equip that weapon. Each weapon has its own sound. 7. Game Quest is collecting pieces of Kryptonite. 8. Messaging System a. When zombies are getting enraged b. Reloading c. Updates 9. 6 Achievements to Earn 10. Shared Objects – Your player's progress is saved. All weapons unlocked/purchased, money, levels unlocked is saved. 11. Music Player - Choose to play three different types of tracks or shut just the music and keep game sound.
Invasion Revenge Game

Plays: 4874
Category: Strategy Games
Aliens is attack our planet and start the invasion! It's our time to do the our last defense!
B-Type Game

Plays: 4869
Category: Shooting Games
Take command of your red triangle and just survive as long as you can against the increasingly more numerous and faster vile green squares!
P.O.D. Game

Plays: 4865
Category: Shooting Games
This is my re-interpretation of the arcade classics Space Invaders and Missile Command, with some new gameplay elements. P.O.D. is an arcade-style game of all-out alien bombardment. Your city is under attack by aliens, and they don’t give up easily! Take control of different units and power-ups to blast those suckers out of orbit. You are Planetary Orbital Defense.
D-Strike Game

Plays: 4814
Category: Action Games
Single-level, replayable shooter game. Difficulty and variety of enemies increase as the player progresses through the level.
Harry Quantum Game

Plays: 4808
Category: Adventure Games
Harry Quantum's first outing, this time he's got a job to recover some TV shows for a producer called Mr C who has mislaid them. The job involved Aliens, The Holy Grail, Hospital Dramas, 60's rock and roll and a vr machine with attitude. The latest game by robotJAM and Longanimals. Daily award at Newgrounds and weelky award at Kongregate.

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