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Online Monkey Games
Gorilla Madness Game

Plays: 17886
Category: Action
While roaming through the jungle with her baby one of her worst nightmares became reality. Her baby was captured by humans. Help the mama gorilla get her baby back in the game 'Gorilla madness'.
Revenge of Powder Monkey Game

Plays: 9647
Category: Adventure
You have been sailing in the Ocean of Fire near the Great Volcano looking for treasure when suddenly you notice that the Pirates of the Ever Night have boarded your ship and are attacking you. Defend your ship from the attacking zombie pirate hordes!
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Shoot the Monkey Game

Plays: 4103
Category: Shooting
Shoot the Monkey to kill
Monkey and the Fruits Game

Plays: 3861
Category: Action
Monkey will collect the fruits and you will get the points. As you cross the level the game will get difficult and you also get some extra powers and points too.
monkey jump Game

Plays: 3289
Category: Adventure
ninja monkey running and jumping manually.banana weapons.bad guys as humans with guns.really stong bad guys as ninjas.the monkeys backup will be super strong apes.the backup will be a special move earned when you kill 20 bad guys.banana weapons will be boomerangs, swords,and a staff.there is 20 levels.
Crazy Ape Game

Plays: 23147
Category: Shooting Games
Attempt to survive 15 levels of fast paced platform action in the world of the Crazy Ape. This game is a side-scrolling platformer. Unlike traditional platformers, Crazy Ape does not require the player to navigate through platforms to find a way through. The key gameplay feature here is survival. The player must survive by avoiding, or shooting enemies.
Monkey Fu Game

Plays: 17969
Category: Adventure Games
Stop poachers now, but how? With deadly monkey paw kung fu powers! Chop and roundhouse your way through mobs of stupid bald apes and saves the animals!
JadeMonkey Beta Game

Plays: 69584
Category: Puzzles Games
'Jade Monkey Beta' will have you dancing with excitement while you play this game! Another variation of the match games, you will have to match the gems of the same color together! You have to be fast though because time is not on your side. Game tip: Several items will be dispersed throughout the map to help you destroy gems use them to your advantage!
Monkey Trouble 2 Game

Plays: 43532
Category: Puzzles Games
Monkey popping fun is back with this sequel to the hit game Monkey Trouble! With 30 levels of monkey-filled slidy match-3 action, 3 difficulties to suit all players, and lots of bonuses to collect – it is sure to put a cheeky monkey grin on your face!
Monkey'n'Bananas Game

Plays: 33099
Category: Action Games
This big mean gorilla had taken all of the bananas and you are starving!!!! You and you monkey friends have come up with a plan to distract the gorilla while you sneak bananas from his huge banana stack! be quick though because if he sees you he will beat you up!
Kami Game

Plays: 15598
Category: Puzzles Games
Win friends. Influence people. Then screw them over. Play Kami, the power game that tells you how ambitious you are. Kami is an ancient game invented in China by the revered Emperor Yao in order to teach his son the skills he would need to lead the Dynasty. Sadly the game exposed his heir as a dullard who was lacking in all of the qualities needed to rule the state: tenacity, charm, will, foresight and intensity. Kami is a game of territory and power decided by ever shifting alliances and ever changing strategies. In Kami you will learn that ruthlessness without charm is not enough. That charm without intelligence is meaningless. That intelligence without allies is ineffectual. And in the process you will learn about yourself and just how far you would be prepared to go to attain your ambitions. As the poet wrote: If Kami is a game, then so is life, both governed by the same four rules: When you wish to lead, watch those behind you. When you wish to follow, watch those ahead. When you want to love, look beside you. When you want to hate, look inside your head. In life we learn these things over many years ... In Kami we learn them in an instant. Kami is a satisfying real time flash game for 1 – 9 players that operates on many levels and provides you with an accurate reading of your character and ability as a tactician. The rules are easy, until you realise that the battle is raging inside your head!
Online Physics Phrenzy Game

Plays: 10089
Category: Action Games
An online multiplayer physics game where you have to get your monkey to collect his bananas before your opponent!
Monkey game Game

Plays: 6941
Category: Puzzles Games
Coloring game with monkey
Choose Your Weapon 3 Game

Plays: 103773
Category: Fighting Games
Glow monkey needs your help in eliminating the virus! The virus seems to have unfortunately gotten smarter.You will have to use a combination of some old and new weapons to eliminate the virus. Good luck!
Giraffe Above Game

Plays: 75080
Category: Puzzles Games
Jerry The Giraffe is one hungry animal in the African safari!!! He also loves apples! Jerry needs you help to eating as many apples as he can eat! Lead him through the puzzles and avoid the obstacles trying to prevent his apple consumption!
Monkey GO Happy 3 Game

Plays: 54968
Category: Adventure Games
You wot be able to stop pleasing this monkey in this super addicting game of ' Monkey Go happy 3'. This poor monkey and her family always seem to be getting in complicated situations and they need your help. Go through several levels helping this adorable monkey. Keep your thinking cap on because as you help her her situations will become harder and harder!
Adventure Ho! Game

Plays: 50444
Category: Fighting Games
Play as the Moose, Drunk Monkey, Lizardman or Hamster and battle your way through 10 fiendish locations to rescue the Princess! Buy weapons and armor, upgrade your abilities and earn medals for game completion.
Karate Monkey Game

Plays: 36542
Category: Fighting Games
Can you turn a chimp into a Black Belt Karate Master? Train this monkey in the ways of Karate, perform different movements and try not to hit the Sensei! Karate Monkey is a funny and addictive game where you will assume the role of a monkey trained by a Sensei to become a Black Belt Karate Master. You will do sequences of karate attacks following the Master instructions. React quickly but remember: if you make the wrong move, it’s the Sensei who’ll take the beating!
Maniac Monkey Game

Plays: 33418
Category: Action Games
Boo, a Maniac Monkey living on a tree,uses a very long hooked string to grab the fruits from the carts.
Monkey GO Happy 4 Game

Plays: 28686
Category: Action Games
The hugely popular Monkey GO Happy game is back with a fourth installment! Solve puzzles, shoot stuff and more!

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Tips: Export your SWF files to support Flash 8.