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  Air Battles A Free Online Game
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Online america Games
Censorship Pig Game

Plays: 20251
Category: Adventure
The greedy lobbyist pigs are in the US capital spreading their money around trying to get SOPA and PROTECT IP passed to bring censorship to America. Your job is to stop them! Lob pies at the greedy lobbyists to keep them at bay!
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Epic Dog Fighter Game

Plays: 11957
Category: Adventure
You are a special ops team that has discovered an enemy base with mixed countries, fly in and make sure their plans of attack on America are destroyed!
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Stealth Bomber 2 Game

Plays: 9900
Category: Action
After your success with your last stealth missions you have been ordered to take out some enemy military, that hold intel of America's plans for war! Take them out!
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Kamikaze Assault Game

Plays: 9680
Category: Action
The japaese military has declared war on the United Stated, Defend your country from the hordes of Kamakaze plane pilots before they take over America and destroy you, and our free nation as well!
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Artillery vs Air Combat (AvAc) Game

Plays: 5786
Category: Shooting
America is being attacked by Japanese War Planes. Its up to you to take the out before America is destoyed.
Occupy Wall Street Game

Plays: 4730
Category: Action
Take back America in this video game!
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Farm Frenzy 3 Game

Plays: 71963
Category: Action Games
Featuring expanded gameplay and a delightful new central character, Farm Frenzy 3 has arrived! In the arcade business sim, Scarlett travels to Africa, South America and other exotic locations to manage five farms and try her hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making. Her goal is to become the president of the farmers union by earning the votes of the people she helps.
United States GeoQuest Game

Plays: 7545
Category: Puzzles Games
Can you locate the states in the United States on the map? Put your geography skills to the test.
North America GeoQuest Game

Plays: 7172
Category: Puzzles Games
Can you locate the countries in North America on the map? Put your geography skills to the test.
Captain America Car Demolition Game

Plays: 70830
Category: Action Games
Go nuts and destroy all the cars while the clock ticks
Wheel of Fortune Game

Plays: 43505
Category: Facebook Games
Spin the wheel, buy a vowel or solve the puzzle as you become a contestant in America's #1 game show - Wheel Of Fortune!
Legend of the Golden Mask Game

Plays: 41349
Category: Adventure Games
This girls grandfather had mysteriously gone missing several years ago and now her mother and her are moving to take care of his estate. Unfortunately she had never gotten to meet him but she did hold close to her heart knowing he was an amazing explorer who traveled throughout the jungles of Latin America looking for lost temples. His estate is a mess and you must clean it to unveil secrets about her grandfather!
Wichita Faro Game

Plays: 40680
Category: Casino Games
Play faro, the card game of the Old West. Today, faro is all but forgotten, but when America was young, before blackjack, poker, or even baseball was invented, faro was the most played game in the country. Learn the rules and fascinating history of this antique pastime while you enjoy the authentic saloon atmosphere.
CIA Protection Game

Plays: 27558
Category: Action Games
Obama travels to different states to make speeches where people in those states want to take him out.
Gun Nomads Game

Plays: 25144
Category: Shooting Games
In an America that's no longer united, you must survive raider onslaughts and prevent corporate domination of Arizona.
World of Tanks Game

Plays: 23155
Category: Multiplayer Games
World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 160 armored vehicles from America, Germany, France and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrade and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant tanks to eliminate opposing armored forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace. But being a great tank commander alone isn't enough to win! In World of Tanks, it’s all about teamwork. Victory is achieved by combining your combat skills with those of the other members of your team, each playing their own role on the battlefield. Just add your favorite strategy to build your own iron empire and manifest the indisputable authority of the tank power!
Mind Flipper Game

Plays: 22677
Category: Word Games
C'mon down and try your luck at Mind Flipper, where spelling meets wit, brains outweigh brawn, and budget prevents us from creating a hot babe to flip the letters. Yep, it's America's new favorite game show, and with some ad support, it's free to play! Link letters, create words, max out on points, and do it quickly - time is your enemy!
Captain America Game

Plays: 16264
Category: Action Games
Captain america is fighting for the justice help him to overcome the evil !
American Truck Game

Plays: 15322
Category: Action Games
Get behind this big bad 18 wheeler and park it right!
Barack Obama's 100meter Dash Game

Plays: 14831
Category: Sports Games
Run the 100 meter dash with president Barack Obama in this exciting track and field game.

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