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Online clinton Games
Election Madness Game

Plays: 35066
Category: Fighting Games
Bash your election opponent to pieces with dozens of attacks, taunts, and objects at your dispense!
Superhero Clinton Game

Plays: 23666
Category: Adventure Games
On 4 Aug 09 when Bill Clinton met North Korea President, and tried to think some way to save 2 Korean female journalists with US citizenship. Help Clinton to save them through a negotiation with President North Korea. You can choose either Logic, Occasion or Story card to beat your opponent. There are 3 types of bonus card which will appear randomly to help you win. Your opponent's live bar will reduce as and when you beat him until you ultimately accomplish your mission.
Presidential Candidate Trials Game

Plays: 11940
Category: Sports Games
The Democrats are looking for a candidate to take on John McCain. Who will it be? You decide...
Race For The White House Game

Plays: 6892
Category: Other Games
Obama and Hilary are neck in neck in their quest to be the next President of the United States of America. Help your candidate travel the country in an exhaustive campaign from coast to coast. You can joining 3 or more similar balls together.
Hit Mr President Game

Plays: 5795
Category: Adventure Games
Bush or Clinton? Who do you want to hit in the face? 10 is the best score, try to reach that!
Celeb Table Tennis Game

Plays: 5123
Category: Action Games
Want to play Table Tennis with a Twist! Your aim is to hit as many Celebrity Heads as you can. Watch out though as the speed will pick up!
Celebrity Smackdown Game

Plays: 4606
Category: Fighting Games
It's NOT Paris Hilton, Barry Bonds, Hilary Clinton, and Donald Rumsfeld. It's four fictional celebrities duking it out!
Pipeline Purge (The O Team) Game

Plays: 3445
Category: Action Games
Oil is pouring into the sea and destroying the ecology of the gulf of mexico. Barack and the O-Team must save the day!
Hilary First Blood Game

Plays: 2453
Category: Action Games
Iran is holding a number of journalists hostage. Help US Secretary of state Hillary Clinton rescue them before her husband swoops in and steals her thunder!
Savior of the World Game

Plays: 2247
Category: Action Games
The virus is killing our economy now! You are requested to rescue the city from the virus. Play as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Hillary Rodham Clinton to save our country.
Punch-A-Prez Game

Plays: 25789
Category: Fighting Games
Attack presidential hopefuls Clinton, Obama, McCain, and Nader! Not too complicated, just punch them in the face! Defeat one candidate to unlock the Boss!

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.