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Online hands Games
Sharkies Revenge Game

Plays: 21593
Category: Adventure
You are an experimental robot shark that has escaped from the military's hands, destroy them for treating you and your species this way!
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World War Fupa Game

Plays: 5115
Category: Action
The world is no longer safe, There are fupas roaming free everywhere, destroying everything they get their little hands on, Fly your high technology plane and take them out before they destroy your planet!
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Fupa Space Blast Game

Plays: 4664
Category: Action
Earth is being invaded by little fupa space aliens because they are hungry, Take matters into your own hands and destroy them before they make contact with earth, and either destroy the planet or start eating humans! Good Luck!
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Minion: Zombie Survival Game

Plays: 13365
Category: Shooting Games
A toxic gas has turned everyone into zombies. Only Minion is the last one left. His fate lies in your hands...
DUI Game

Plays: 11952
Category: Puzzles Games
DUI is a world full of blocks. To pass the level, you should remove required amount of blocks and get the left blocks stay inactive(NOT ON GRAY BLOCK). Furthermore, we strongly recommend that you get your hands wet with the level editor through which you can create your own blocks world and then share the levels you made with your friends. DUI took us two months to bring it to reality from scratch. Although it’s far more from perfect, hopefully you all like it and thanks a lot for your play and comments. :)
Spyware Sonicx Game

Plays: 7664
Category: Other Games
Gameplay: You are a spyware, and you can hack computers, open people's secret files, surf on the internet... and you must avoid the antivirus! Plot: Humans created the most intelligent (who can even talk) and powerfull spyware ever done (it's like a super intelligent computer virus)! They called im sonicx, because he can quickly and smartly travel on many computers, hack them, control them! Then, the creators saw how dangerous this spyware with self-intelligence could be! And they tryed to delete him, but the spyware escaped! Now, this little spyware want's a revenge! He want to control the army's base computers and launch míssiles using them to create a war between humans! Will such a thing happen? or something stronger than a revenge will make this spyware change is mind? It's on your hands, you are the spyware sonicx! by: Filipe Misael Esteves Lopes, Dj Sonicx Productions
Rainbow Ring 2 Game

Plays: 5598
Category: Action Games
What if you had to control the rainbow? Rainbow Ring 2 is a fast-paced, color-based endurance game where you never get to rest your mind - nor your fingers for that matter. The power of the rainbow lies in your hands - use it wisely.
Dream Nail Designer Game

Plays: 287926
Category: Dress-Up Games
Create your Dream Nails
Pretty Dish Washer Game

Plays: 99586
Category: Dress-Up Games
You have not went shopping on the longest time because you are broke!!! What to do! Aha, there is a job posting for a restaurant looking for dish washers... hmmm... is it worth it? why not? Anything is worth it for some pretty clothes. Dish washing is going to be hard and tiring. Just keep on thinking of the clothes you can buy for motivation. Oh, and don't forget to wear your rubber gloves so you hands will stay nice and soft. And wear an apron so your clothes won't gt dirty! Good luck and wash away!!!
High Speed Pursuit Game

Plays: 82138
Category: Action Games
Welcome to your first day on The Force. You are now part of an elite team of Police Officers that's our only line of defense from the criminals keeping the city under siege with their violent crimes against our citizens. You and your team are our last hope. Be careful these criminals mingle with average law abiding citizens make sure to discern between friend and foe. Good luck and remember the city lies in your hands.
Poker Patience Game

Plays: 78404
Category: Casino Games
This game is a fun spin on the classic game of poker! You must think strategically in this game! You are given a blank grid of rows with five card slots of them Set the cards to make the best poker hands vertically and horizontally. Compare your best scores to the other players.
The Junk Yard Game

Plays: 71488
Category: Action Games
Running a junkyard can be dangerous business. Your objective in this game is to work as a crane operator and move trashed cars, trucks and buses to the compactor. The trick is stacking the cars so that they don't fall over! During each level you are given a weight quota of vehicles to stack and a limited time to do it in. Aim carefully with the crane and try to stack the cars neatly - the neater the pile the more compact the final product will be (and the more points given). Once you have reached your quota weight, you must then operate the compactor directly to squash the vehicles into a small cube. Try to maximise the power settings for vertical and horizontal compaction to get the best result and score. Good luck, the awesome fate of the junkyard is in your hands.
Multiplayer Dominoes Game

Plays: 69311
Category: BoardGame Games
Ever wondered why dominoes is one of the most famous tile-based games in the world? Come and experience its unlimited fun with a friend now! Your goal in Multiplayer Dominoes is to place all tiles in your hand onto the table before your opponent does so. The game is played with a set of 28 tiles. Each of the tiles has two sides, each of the sides is marked with 0 to 6 pips, for example 0-0 (a completely blank tile), 1-0, 1-1, 2-0, and so on. A tile which has the same number on both sides is called a "double." All combinations of numbers on the tiles are unique so that no two tiles are the same. When the game begins, each player will be dealt 7 tiles. The player who holds the highest double, or the highest rank of tiles if neither player is holding a double, will start the game. The two players will take turns to place a tile onto the table. During your turn, you can choose a tile in your hand which has a matching number of pips on one side with that of a tile on either end of the domino chain, then click and drag the tile to that end. For example if the tile on one end of the domino chain is a 5-4, you can choose the 4-3 in your hand and connect it with the 5-4. Note that when a tile is placed, it must be in a vertical or horizontal position that the matching sides of the two tiles are adjacent. A double must be placed perpendicularly to the previous tile, while the next tile played to a double must also be perpendicular to the double. Note that you can no longer connect a tile to an end of the domino chain when it is blocked by other tiles or when it reaches the edge of the table. If you have run out of moves, you can draw a tile from the stock pile, but you cannot do so if the stock decreases to 2 or below, and in this case, you will need to pass the turn to your opponent. The round continues until a player empties his hand and wins the round, then the total number of pips on the other player's remaining tiles will be added to the winning player's score. If both players still have tiles in their hands but neither of them can make a move, the round will also end. In this case, the player who has a smaller number of pips on the tiles in his hand wins, and the difference in the two players' numbers of pips will be added to the winning player's score. Then the next round starts until a player's score reaches 100 and wins the game. Make use of wise tactics to block your opponent's path, get rid of all your tiles as quickly as possible to be crowned king of dominoes!
Papa's Hot Doggeria Game

Plays: 54209
Category: Strategy Games
Grill and serve hot dogs and other stadium snacks in Papa’s Hot Doggeria! You’ve got the best seat in the house at Griller Stadium, which happens to be behind the counter at the hot dog stand. You’ll need to grill dogs and sausages, add toppings and condiments, pour drinks, and pop popcorn for all of the fans at the game!
Nail Polish Designs Game

Plays: 44738
Category: Dress-Up Games
Elegant feet is as important as the hands.They should also be decorated for beauty.Giving you the chance to prettify feet.
Papa's Freezeria Game

Plays: 43115
Category: Strategy Games
You’ve just started an easy job at an ice cream shop on a laidback tropical island, but things get hectic when all of Papa Louie’s loyal customers arrive on the island for vacation! In this new installment in Papa Louie’s restaurant series, you’ll need to add ingredients, blend syrups and ice cream, add toppings, and serve the unique Freezeria Sundaes to your waiting customers. This latest game features dozens of syrups, candies, and toppings that unlock as you play, and a variety of new and returning customers looking to beat the heat with your ice cream sundaes. The time-management and hands-on gameplay of the series is back, with new challenges related to blending ingredients and serving the right amount of ice cream in sundae cups. Challenging “Closer” customers and the Food Critic return from “Papa’s Taco Mia!”, as well as weekly paychecks, upgrades, and 80 in-game Badges to earn while serving ice cream. New to the series, the sundae shop features over 100 lobby decorations that you can purchase in the Furniture Shop, with each item affecting your scores while playing. You can place decorations any way you like in your lobby, letting you fully customize your shop with wallpaper, posters, furniture and more. Go for a Tiki Island theme, add bookshelves and coffee stands, fill the room with jukeboxes – the choice is yours!
Poker Match Game

Plays: 42694
Category: Casino Games
Swap cards to make poker hands.
Bench Press Game

Plays: 37055
Category: Sports Games
How much ya bench? Hammer the keyboard with both hands till your arms fall off or the keyboard breaks in this ultimate test of strength. Thanks to the custom made physics engine, there is more to this button bashing game than brute strength, though. Balance of the bar, wise expenditure of energy, and precise timing for use of elasticity are additional game play factors. The retro gaming connoisseur will perhaps acknowledge this as the mix of two classic videogame genres exemplified by Konami's Track & Field and Atari's Lunar Lander.
Defense of Big Green Game

Plays: 32327
Category: Action Games
Big green is under sttack and it is your duty to save him!!!! Help Mr. No Hands hold back the attacks from High Roller’s army. Build cannons by choosing a turtle, a weapon and an ammo type to defend against the different enemies. Don’t forget to collect the GOLD to build more weapons.
Handstand Harriet Game

Plays: 30689
Category: Dress-Up Games
You can't stop Harriet from jumping on her hands and doing a handstand! Don't dare her to do a handstand because she's done them at the mall, at the ballpark, and now she's at the beach! A lifetime of gymnastics and fashion has made Harriet a great girl to hang out with!

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