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  Air Battles A Free Online Game
Last Save A Free Online Game
Last Save
Mad Tank Rampage A Free Online Game
Mad Tank Rampage
Behing enemy lines episode one A Free Online Game
Behing enemy lines episode one
Dollar vs Euro A Free Online Game
Dollar vs Euro
Earth Fight A Free Online Game
Earth Fight
War Ship Defense A Free Online Game
War Ship Defense

Online protect Games
Censorship Pig Game

Plays: 20251
Category: Adventure
The greedy lobbyist pigs are in the US capital spreading their money around trying to get SOPA and PROTECT IP passed to bring censorship to America. Your job is to stop them! Lob pies at the greedy lobbyists to keep them at bay!
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Pacific 1941 Game

Plays: 13046
Category: Action
The world has been at war for months now, You have been ordered to protect small military islands for the United States over the pacific, Defend the islands from invasion under any circumstances DONT let them take over the pacific!
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Solar Flare Game

Plays: 9636
Category: Action
Protect the planet earth from devastating solar flares before the planets communications and possibly people lives.
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Sniper Rocks Game

Plays: 9009
Category: Shooting
Shoot asteroids to protect earth!
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TSA Invaders Game

Plays: 8195
Category: Adventure
Protect yourself from groping by the TSA!
big bang block Game

Plays: 5456
Category: Strategy
aliens and crabs invade help destroy them and protect the earth from destruction with one of their ships.(fun for all ages:D)
Night Walkers Game

Plays: 4664
Category: Shooting
The dead have risen. Zombies freely roam the land and there are few places left to hide. You find an abandoned house and try to survive the nightly waves of hungry zombies. Protect the house at any cost!
TSA vs Santa Game

Plays: 4125
Category: Adventure
Protect North Pole From Hungry Polar Bears
Earth Protector 1.1 Game

Plays: 2926
Category: Shooting
Aliens has invaded earth protect earth through 25 different levels
Defence of New York Game

Plays: 2618
Category: Adventure
Protect New York form Meteors
Helic Game

Plays: 17281
Category: Action Games
Protect your base and destroy the enemy with your helicopter.
Towering Forever Game

Plays: 15447
Category: Strategy Games
Robots are invading! Protect the tree of life in this side-scrolling tower defense brawler by building up defenses or bashing them to bits the old-fashioned way.
Eco Ego Game

Plays: 10164
Category: Strategy Games
Eco-Ego is a game that simulates relation between ecology and the ego of human being. You can make it in evil way, don'tcare about the ecology and be happy for a while, or you can give up almost all of your life to protect the world!.....
Elite Forces:Conquest Game

Plays: 51384
Category: Shooting Games
Droids are threatening world domination and there are only a few humans left to stand up to them! Defend key territories from an onslaught of merciless droids as you struggle to protect the precious resources you have left. Build towers from the same group to raise a total damage. Each group of towers increases something special for all groups.
Monster TD Game

Plays: 10496
Category: Shooting Games
A shooting game where you can buy weapons and shoot monster to protect the castle.
ant move Game

Plays: 9738
Category: Shooting Games
Moving house is not a fun thing to do. It's even tougher if you're an ant. Your objective is to protect the ants while they are moving their eggs to a new house. Watch out for nasty critters, as they love to eat ants or block them from moving.
Dodge Stuff Game

Plays: 8776
Category: Other Games
Life on a construction site is hard. When it gets windy lot's of stuff comes falling down. I'm afraid your hard hat isn't enough to protect you, dodge that stuff! Dodge Stuff is a fast-paced and very accessible avoider game. It sets itself apart from avoider games with its (optional) webcam functionality and power-ups. The game saves your high-score so you can come back later to have another go at it.
Protect Easter Egg Game

Plays: 7870
Category: Shooting Games
Happy Easter!
Counter Terror Game

Plays: 6317
Category: Shooting Games
In a war against terror, world governments have developed a new defense. Protected by an experimental armored suit, a Special Tactics Commando will free our cities of the terrorist threat before infiltrating the terrorist homeland. This is our last chance for a free world. This side-scrolling shooter consists of several levels, each set in a different city. The player controls an armored commando on a mission to destroy terrorists before they destroy the city. As the game progresses, the player encounters an increasing variety of enemies.
Swarm Game

Plays: 4663
Category: Shooting Games
Definitive Arcade! Move your ship around the central matrix and protect the energy cells. Destroy the bugs before they polarise the cells. Shoot the cells to restore to normal. This highly original game features compelling gameplay. The player moves in around the screen while remaining focused on the central matrix. In addition to destroying waves of bugs, the player must also aim at grey energy cells to convert them back to a healthy blue color. The bugs swarm in and attempt to convert the blue cells to grey, and thus the battle continues...

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Tips: When using the Multiple Opponents option you must create an SWF where each frame is a different opponent. It will detect how many frames you have and randomly choose one each time they spawn. Each individual frame can have it's own independant animating movieclip inside.