Online ya Games |
lets do this Game
     Plays: 4763 Category: Driving drive untill ya dead Tags: |
plane blaster Game
     Plays: 4708 Category: Action Shoot these planes up with a classic alien ship and see how far you can get in this super hard game of airport stars! Tags: space, violence, fun, gun, kill, these, ponies, ya, balls |
Ya! Dice Game
     Plays: 250566 Category: BoardGame Games In the game Ya Dice you will roll the dice to set up the best pattern so you can win the game! You will roll five dice and match the result with the patterns to score points. When you first roll your five dice you can choose to keep a number of dice and roll the rest again. After you get the set up you want you can match the final result with one of the patterns, each pattern can only be used once so you need to assign with care.After each set of rolls you complete you must match the result to an unmatched pattern so unfortunately it is possible that you can score zero for some patterns. | Extreme Racing 2 Game
     Plays: 232421 Category: Sports Games Stay on the racing track for 90 seconds. Be sure to avoid all of the oil spills, traffic cones and oh ya other race cars. |
Farmville Game
     Plays: 150431 Category: Facebook Games Howdy Ya'll! Come on down to the Farm today and play with your friends. We got plenty of land for everyone. Come and see what everyone is hootin' and hollerin' about. | Bloods Vs Crips Game
     Plays: 85863 Category: Action Games Red or Blue? Who ya down wit? Grab ya gat, rep ya set! Do battle with them fools in this gang war shootout game. Pick your side and blast as many of the enemy gang as possible. Head shots earn extra points and you can collect trophies for various achievements. Unlock bonus weapons and become the Top Blood or Top Crip in your set by posting the highscore. |
Bench Press Game
     Plays: 37051 Category: Sports Games How much ya bench?
Hammer the keyboard with both hands till your arms fall off or the keyboard breaks in this ultimate test of strength.
Thanks to the custom made physics engine, there is more to this button bashing game than brute strength, though. Balance of the bar, wise expenditure of energy, and precise timing for use of elasticity are additional game play factors.
The retro gaming connoisseur will perhaps acknowledge this as the mix of two classic videogame genres exemplified by Konami's Track & Field and Atari's Lunar Lander. | Primary Game
     Plays: 11310 Category: Action Games Primary is about Roy, a super soldier in the land of the HUEman (get it? Ya we are lame.), who must climb to the top of Prizim tower to try to find a way to close the portal that is allowing horrible black goopy creatures into his world. |
The Big Red Button Game
     Plays: 8396 Category: Puzzles Games DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON, well, go on then, i dare ya. | S O S Game
     Plays: 7582 Category: BoardGame Games Okul siralarinin vazgeçilmez oyunu S.O.S. artik bilgisayar ekraninda.3 Tane S harfini yanyana, üstüste ya da çapraz bir sekilde ardarda getirirseniz oyunu kazaniyorsunuz. Oyun Kolay ve Zor olmak üzere iki seçenekten olusuyor. Bu iki seçenekten birini seçin ve oynamaya baslayin. Iyi eglenceler... |
Forearm Workout Game
     Plays: 7311 Category: Action Games Mash keys very quickly for as long as possible. It actually gives your forearms a killer burn... play it when ya wanna impress the ladies. | Causality 4 Game
     Plays: 7093 Category: Puzzles Games Get ready for some Causality History epiccnesss!! Kill the Stick Kingman in a castle siege, watch out for the hungry alligators and protect your horsey will 'ya! Cause, airport mayhem and make stick travelers lose their frequent flier miles (who needs those anyway) out for security! Ski resorts are supposed to be relaxing but squirrel thinks it santa! |
The Pimps Game
     Plays: 6065 Category: Multiplayer Games Are you a tough guy? Do you know your neighborhood like the back of your hand? Then off to the Bronx: With The Pimps you show everyone in your district who's the boss.
Rule the streets, pimp up your life!
Choose your district from over 200 US or European cities.
Check out the situation: First you need a hot set of wheels. Which are the right rims?
Pimp up your gang with the most badass revolvers. Lead them into the Fight of Honor.
Weedfarms, coke pushers and your hookers bring the dough home.
Pimp up ya life and look forward to some really tough fights.
Get into the big business. In your urban street game you are right at the top of the ranks!
Who has the broadest shoulders and can deal with anyone who gets in his way? | ASD Piano Master Composer Game
     Plays: 6046 Category: Education Games ESPAÑOL ABAJO
The ASD Piano is a device made by I2 Interactive and sold widely everywhere. Here you can have fun playing with it. It has 7 keys that correspond to the 7 notes and you can play them by pressing the corresponding keys on your Keyboard A-S-D-F-G-H-J
In this game you have 3 modes to have your fun time with the ASD Piano TM.
Free Mode: Here you can play as you like, pressing the keys as you wish, click the Back button to go to tittle screen.
Memory: You will hear a short melody and then you have to play it again, many short melodies will pop and after succesfully playing them you can submit your score to the Hi-Score table.
Composer: You can compose your own original pieces!! and share with your friends, show the world the talent you have!!
In the composer screen press the "REC" button to start making your composition, play the keys that you wish and feel the best, you can play several keys at the same time and get awesome results. When you feel its finished hit the "STOP" button to finish the recording,
You can adjust your piece speed altering the value given at the bottom left and also you can add a background loop to acompany it selecting from the available tunes from 1 to 6.
You can hear your original piece clicking the "PLAY" button, click "STOP" to halt it at any point, with the playhead stopped you can click on any part of your pentagram, the playhead will go there, and playing any keys there will modify that part, you can click on "ERASE PART" to delete the notes on that part.
If you click "ERASE ALL" the whole piece will be deleted so be careful, also clicking "Back" will delete the piece so save first.
To save it you have to click the "SAVE" button and then, there is a white square at the bottom, right click on it and on the menu click "Select all" then right click again and on the menu click on "Copy" then open your Windows Notepad, go to START then ALL PROGRAMS and then ACCESORIES, then click on Notepad and there select Edit menu and Paste, then click on File and Save to save it anywhere you like.
To load your piece or your friends compositions first of all select the whole composition that you have received (starts and ends with a number), then right click on it and select Copy, then in the ASD Piano, once in the Composer mode right click on the white square at the bottom and select Paste then click on the "LOAD" button and now you can click on "PLAY" to listen to it, or you can edit that to add your own modifications.
You can also click on the premade songs to load them, doing that will load the entire song so be sure to save your work first, see what our talented team has made and learn from there.
El ASD Piano es un dispositivo creado por I2 Interactive y vendido ampliamente por todo el mundo. Aqui puedes divertirte jugando con el. Tiene 7 teclas que se corresponden con las 7 notas y puedes tocarlas presionando la tecla correspondiente en tu teclado A-S-D-F-G-H-J
En este juego tiene 3 modos para pasar un buen rato con el ASD Piano TM.
Free Mode: Aqui puedes jugar como quieras, presionando las teclas como desees. Haz click en el boton Back para regresar a la pantalla de titulo.
Memory: Oiras una corta melodia y despues deberas tocarla de nuevo, muchas cortas melodias iran apareciendo y una vez que las toques correctamente puedes enviar tus puntos a la tabla de Hi-Score
Composer: Puedes componer tus propias piezas originales!! y compartirlas con tus amigos, muestra al mundo el talento que tienes!!
En la pantalla del Composer presiona el boton "REC" para empezar a crear tu composicion, toca las teclas como prefieras y sientas de la mejor manera, puedes tocar varias notas a la vez y conseguir increibles resultados. Cuando sientas que esta terminada dale al boton de "STOP" para detener la grabacion. Puedes ajustar la velocidad de la pieza variando el valor dado abajo a la izquierda y tambien puedes añadir una musica de fondo como acompañamiento seleccionandola de la lista de Tunes disponibles de 1 a 6. Puedes tu pieza original dandole a "PLAY", haz click en "STOP" para detenerla en cualquier punto, con la cabeza lectora (flecha verde) parada puedes hacer click en cualquier parte del pentagrama, la cabeza lectora ira alli, tocando cualquier nota ahi modificara esa parte, puedes hacer click en "ERASE PART" para borrar solo esa parte. Si haces click en "ERASE ALL" se borrara toda la composicion asi que ten cuidado, tambien haciendo click en "Back" se borrara toda la composicion asi que salva antes de salir.
Para salvar tu composicion debes hacer click en "SAVE" y luego, en un cuadro blanco situado abajo, haz click con el boton derecho del raton, y en el menu que sale haz click en "Seleccionar todo" luego haz click de nuevo con el boton derecho y selecciona "Copiar" ahora abre tu Bloc de Notas de Windows, ve a "Inicio", luego en "Todos los programas" y despues en "Accesorios", luego haz click en "Bloc de Notas", una vez que se abra, en el menu "Edicion" selecciona "Pegar", luego haz click en "Archivo" y "Guardar" para guardarlo donde quieras.
Para cargar tu pieza o la de tus amigos primero de todo selecciona toda la composicion que tu has recivido (comienza y termina con un numero), luego haz click con el boton derecho en ella y elige "Copiar", luego en el ASD Piano, una vez que estes en el modo Composer, haz click con el boton derecho en el cuadro blanco de abajo y elige "Pegar" luego haz click en el boton "LOAD" y ya puedes hacer click en "PLAY" para escucharla o puedes editarla para añadir tus modificaciones. Puedes tambien hacer click en las canciones prefabricadas "Premade" para cargar una de las 5 melodias disponibles, haciendo esto cargara la cancion entera asi que asegurate de salvar tu composicion antes, mira lo que nuestro talentoso equipo ha hecho y aprende a la vez. |
Primary (Chinese Version) Game
     Plays: 5907 Category: Action Games Primary is about Roy, a super soldier in the land of the HUEman (get it? Ya we are lame.), who must climb to the top of Prizim tower to try to find a way to close the portal that is allowing horrible black goopy creatures into his world. | Tsunami Fighter Game
     Plays: 5481 Category: Action Games This charity game is dedicated to the people of Japan. May those who were lost rest in peace. Nana korobi, ya oki.
Please consider donating whatever you can spare to the people of Japan to help them heal from the recent disaster. |
Behalloweened Game
     Plays: 4679 Category: Puzzles Games Scary Halloween bejuwled game. Don't let the FX Scare ya. See if you can beat the highscore! | sarhos muro Game
     Plays: 4522 Category: Shooting Games Muro games you fight muro artist.
Muro OPolati çok kizdirmis ve polat dövmek istiyor ama Polatin çok isi var... Polat size Muroyu Dövmenizi emretti haydi bakalim... FanatikOYUN da Muro dövmek için asagidaki butonlari tiklayin bakin bakalim Muro ya ne oluyor... Oyun Mouse ile oynaniyor... Her yasta eglence için size yeter... Iyi eglenceler... |
Shake Ya MetalHead! Game
     Plays: 4217 Category: Action Games Rhythm game, by MondLicht Game Studios. More games on the way! | Caught Ya Game
     Plays: 3839 Category: Puzzles Games dont get caught |