Online te Games |
Clique les balles 6 Game
Plays: 2650 Category: Action Games Clique les balles avec ta souris. Chaque balle te donne un point, sauf les balles noires qui t'en enlèvent un. Tu as 60 secondes pour gagner augtant de points possibles. | Labyrinth secret 5 Game
Plays: 2617 Category: Rhythm Games Hola que tal te invito a que juegues aunque se que no podrás pasar los niveles inténtalo |
Parku i Skeletave Game
Plays: 2534 Category: Adventure Games Mbledh pjeset e eshtrave dhe bashkoi ato je nerrezik te madh nga qent te terbuar... | Labyrinth secret 6 Game
Plays: 2357 Category: Driving Games hola que tal te invito a que pases estos niveles podras |
Labyrinth secret 4 Game
Plays: 2343 Category: Strategy Games Hola te reto a que pases los 6 niveles pero "cuidado" hay varias trampas | Ducks Corner Game
Plays: 2313 Category: BoardGame Games Create a rectangle where all four corners have a bird of the same colour by clicking and holding your left mouse button. Release the button to make the rectangle.
When you have flipped the entired board at least once, you will move on to the next level.
Use the Shuffle button to the right if you are stuck.
Match all - Counts as a bird of any colour. This power is triggered when it is one of the four corners in a rectangle.
Color bird - Selects randomly one color and flips all birds of the same color.This power is triggered when it is one of the four corners in a rectangle.
Time bonus - Adds 10 seconds to your time. This power is triggered when it is one of the four corners in a rectangle.
Score bonus - Adds (score j add thato hoi te) to your score. This power is triggered when it is one of the four corners in a rectangle.
True match - Create rectangles where each corner consists of a bird of the same colour as the others, and they will flip over!
Wrong match - If each corner does not consists same color bird then it will vibrate! Make sure that each corner of the rectangle consists of a same color birds for true match. |
Ghosrun Game
Plays: 2213 Category: Action Games Create match 3 color or more to escape from te haunted house. Simple addictive match three game with good quality. | Tomato Engine 02 - Fat Knight Game
Plays: 2129 Category: Adventure Games A new Tomato Engine adventure game! TE #02 - Fat Knight. The story puts you in the shoes of the town jerk who also happens to be fat. Those two things are completely unrelated. In hopes of gaining the love from his fellow townsfolk, he goes out to slay the Evil Wizard. Can you solve the one puzzle in this game? Can you find the Evil Wizard's weakness?! |
Indian Traditional Girl Game
Plays: 2117 Category: Dress-Up Games Indian owns traditional custom, they looks very confident and fashion. What dresses would te girl be like to wear? Of course the custom traditional clothes! | labyrinth secret 10 Game
Plays: 2080 Category: Action Games te reto a que pases estos 4 sencillos niveles vamos inténtalo |
Labyrinth secret 8 Game
Plays: 2033 Category: Action Games te reto a que pases el ultimo nivel del laberinto secreto es el 8 podrás pasarlo | E pabesueshme por e vërtetë - pjesa e parë Game
Plays: 1947 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz shumë interesant ku përmban pyetje dhe përgjigje rreth fakteve të pabesueshme por të vërteta, pra ia vlen ta luani këtë kuiz sepse mësoni shumë gjëra për të cilat ndoshta as që i keni menduar ndonjëherë por që realisht ekzistojnë. Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione apo përgjigje ku vetëm njëra është e saktë. |
Rapitfulshot Game
Plays: 1845 Category: Shooting Games Rapitful-Shot. Albanian Games.Kosovo Games.Rapitful games.Use arrow keys and Space to play this game | Accion Game
Plays: 1713 Category: Action Games Este "shooter" te pondrá al mando de un cañón , para parar el asentamiento de una fuerza extraterrestre . |
Lance Citrouille Game
Plays: 1527 Category: Puzzles Games Lance citrouille : ce jeu est à la fois un jeu de réflexion, un jeu d'Halloween et un jeu de Bubble Shooter !
Vise la grappe de citrouilles colorées et envoi d'autres citrouilles de la même couleur afin de réaliser des groupes d'un minimum de 3 unités identiques. Les grappes de citrouilles ne cessent de descendre progressivement! Ne les laisse pas t'atteindre, il te faudra de l'adresse, de la réflexion et de la rapidité ! | Kuizi ''Shkolla ime'' Game
Plays: 1523 Category: Education Games Kuizi shkolla ime eshte nje kuiz rreth lendeve shkollore.Ky kuiz permban 10 pyetje te ndryshme qe ju duhet te pergjigjeni.Pra testoni veten se sa dini rreth lendeve shkollore. |
Pjesët e trupit - Anglisht - Pjesa e parë Game
Plays: 1520 Category: Education Games Ky eshte nje kuiz rreth pjesëve të trupit ne gjuhen angleze.Pra testoni njohurite tuaja rreth pjesëve të trupit se si quhen ne gjuhen angleze.Kuizi permban 11 pyetje me nga 4 opcione ku vetem njeri opcion eshte i sakte.Kjo eshte pjesa e e parë e ketij kuizi.Shpresoj dhe besoj se do t'ju pelqej. | Numrat anglisht nga 1 deri 10 Game
Plays: 1520 Category: Education Games Ky eshte nje kuiz rreth gjuhes angleze perkatesisht rreth numrave ne anglisht nga 1 deri 10. Testoni veten se sa dini rreth numrave se si shkruhen ne anglisht. |
Kuizi Matematika - pjesa e dytë Game
Plays: 1509 Category: Education Games Ky është një kuiz nga matematika. Kuizi përmban 10 pyetj me nga 4 përgjigje ku vetëm njëra përgjigje është e saktë. Kjo është pjesa e dytë e këtij kuizi, Testoni njohuritë tuaja në matematikë.
This is a math quiz. The quiz contains 10 questions with four answers where only one answer is correct. This is the second part of the quiz, Test your knowledge in mathematics. | Kuizi Biologjia - pjesa e tetë Game
Plays: 1443 Category: Education Games Ky eshte nje kuiz nga Biologjia.Pjesa e tetë permban 27 pyetje te ndryshme nga Biologjia.Pra testoni njohurite tuaja se sa dini rreth biologjise. |