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Online english Games
L'Héritage Game

Plays: 5517
Category: Adventure Games
English: A few days ago, you received a letter from the notary who informed you of your grand father death. You must gather your old memories before selling the house. Français: Voilà quelques jours que vous avez reçu la lettre du notaire vous informant du décès de votre grand père. Il faut que vous rassembliez vos vieux souvenirs avant de vendre la maison.
Rock Rush: Classic 1 Game

Plays: 5492
Category: Action Games
Fresh off the code press from us at Retrocade is Rock Rush, our very own Flash version of the classic Boulder Dash! Dig through bug-infested caves dodging boulders, triggering magic walls, and collecting diamonds until you have enough to open the exit. But it doesn't stop there. Depending on which version of Rock Rush you play there may be even more challenging elements to figure out before those gems come within your grasp... CLASSIC I: Boulder Dash is undoubtedly one of the most famous 8-bit games of all time. While it's still possible to play the original levels in many ways, either through emulation or by downloading one of its many remakes, this version of Rock Rush was made to keep things simple and just let you enjoy the head-scratching puzzles featured in the original Commodore 64 version of the game that started it all. We hope this brings back some memories!
Insect Word Search Game

Plays: 5475
Category: Education Games
Yes you can find bugs but can you find all the insect words? Play this cool insect word search puzzle game for free.
Horse Racing Typing Game

Plays: 5443
Category: Education Games
a funny typing game!horse racing typing.Type out the correct spelling of each word. Higher levels get progressively more difficult. Good luck! more games on
Quadronix Game

Plays: 5402
Category: Puzzles Games
An unusual puzzle game - Quadronix! Try to see, to gather and be in time! The game goes on scores, especially for many APIs. There are English and Russian versions
Geiles Mahjong Game

Plays: 5374
Category: BoardGame Games
Geiles Mahjong is an online german version of a traditional chinese game Mahjong. The main goal of the Geiles Mahjong is to remove all the tiles from the game field. Turn the game sound on and relax with the oriental music for long hours! Are you smart enough to finish the game at hard mode? (It's recommended to set the game dimensions as 800x570 in order to see the stones large enough). See also Online Mahjong for english version!
Basketball Word Search Game

Plays: 5330
Category: Education Games
Can you slam dunk all these basketball words? Play the coolest free basketball word search game.
Buttons Up (English) Game

Plays: 5318
Category: Action Games
Play buttons up.
Turret Tower Titans Game

Plays: 5313
Category: Action Games
Turret Tower Titans is a game where your player is a turret, and you must fend off thousands of enemies with your turret! This game features over 20 upgrades, the ability to multi-kill, in game bonuses and much much more! --- Turret Tower Titans is the latest game from 3Quarter-Aiming, the company who brought you the Sni[p]r series, and Turret Tower Attack 1 & 2.
3D Rally (English) Game

Plays: 5290
Category: Driving Games
Play 3D rally race
Word Search Maker Game

Plays: 5242
Category: Education Games
A very simple tool for making and playing word searches online, which includes 20 word searches covering USA Grades 1 to 5, UK KS1 to KS3.
Pac´s Revenge (English) Game

Plays: 5240
Category: Action Games
Pac is back for revenge. Now he has the ability to eat the equal or smaller size gohsts. However, the more he eats, the more he grows and the more and larger he can eat.
Asteroide dodge (English) Game

Plays: 5228
Category: Adventure Games
Use your mouse to move the ship and avoid getting hit by the asteroids. You must last 60 seconds to save your ship.
Combate a Dengue Game

Plays: 5218
Category: Education Games
(Game in Portuguese only) Combate a Dengue: Junte-se ao Agente de Saúde Tom para encontrar todos os focos de propagação da Dengue e acabe com o mosquito transmissor desta doença! (English translation: Dengue Combat: Join Health Inspector Tom to find all the Dengue propagation places and help him fight the mosquitos that transmits this desease!)
Money Truck Game

Plays: 5211
Category: Action Games
Money Truck is an awesome cargo delivery truck game. Drive this cool truck in 10 exciting levels. Load the money into the back and race as fast as you can to the end of each level. Do not drive too fast because you can not loose the money! A fun truck driving game.
Perfect Boyfriend (English) Game

Plays: 5167
Category: Adventure Games
Play perfect boyfriend
Miragine War Game

Plays: 5133
Category: Strategy Games
Outsmart your opponent and lay waste to their legions! Strategically outmaneuver your enemy by picking the perfect soldiers to counterattack! Each unit has a specific set of strengths and weaknesses—select wisely to win the war
Sni[p]r 2 Game

Plays: 5126
Category: Action Games
Fight off thousands of enemies in this action-packed sniper defence game!
3D Future Bike Racing Game

Plays: 5099
Category: Action Games
Race fast bikes of the future. Many race tracks to choose from, buy new upgrades for your bike and avoid all the obstacles.
3D Motorboat Game

Plays: 5018
Category: Action Games
Play 25 challenging levels, buy new upgrades for your boat and avoid the other boats and obstacles. Collect the special fuel and shield bonus items. Upgrade the steering for better handling. If you can fill the challenge meter, the level will be completed quicker. Race close next to the other boats for combo bonus points. A 3D game with lots of cool features. Try it today.

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.