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Online english Games
Penventures Game

Plays: 5017
Category: Action Games
Are you tricky enough to solve these Jump'n'Run Levels with P-Man?
King Of Golden Gun 2 Game

Plays: 5008
Category: Shooting Games
KingOfGoldenGun2 english is comming.Golden gatlin,Golden RPK,Golden M4A1,Golden AK47,Golden Bulldog,Golden Desert Eagle,collect dollar and buy gun in shop,have fun!
Space Invader Game

Plays: 4991
Category: Puzzles Games
An exploration of word manipulation through a single button interface.
Zombie Baseball Madness Game

Plays: 4979
Category: Action Games
You are trapped in an old baseball camp. All the people turned into zombies, the people in the hospital are still normal, only they can help you. Hit the baseball and shoot it to the hospital. Hit it hard so it will fly out of the stadium. Upgrade your bat so you can hit the ball harder. You are looking to the topview of the bat in the game.
Linx Game

Plays: 4965
Category: Puzzles Games
A unique logical game, where your objective is to collect all the same coloured bases with paths. The paths have a funky characteristic, that two paths of different colours cannot intersect. Add to it pits which can't hold paths on them, and you get a mixture of logical mayhem.
River Cat English Game

Plays: 4964
Category: Action Games
Feed River Cat by catching different fish! Do not make him cry!
Gone Fishing Word Search Game

Plays: 4934
Category: Education Games
Go back to that wonderful day of fishing by playing Gone Fishing Word Search game.
Crane Ball Game

Plays: 4933
Category: Action Games
Crane Ball is an arcade-style 5-minute game with a simple goal. Please refer to the manual for more information:
Backpack Travels Game

Plays: 4843
Category: Education Games
Backpack Travels is a hidden word game to build your English vocabulary from basic words to more specialized terms. This word search game is also a good exercise for speed reading and accurate spelling. Attain a higher level of literacy and become more articulate as you memorize both common and complex words from 8 grid categories: trip planning, tourism, vehicles, ships and boats, hotels, camping, bicycles, and air transportation.
Letters Game

Plays: 4833
Category: Rhythm Games
How fast are you on the keyboard?
Lightning Typing Game

Plays: 4796
Category: Education Games
Lightning Typing,Typing Game,Learn English Game
Illustrated Sports Crossword Game

Plays: 4696
Category: BoardGame Games
Jumbly Themed Crosswords presents: A puzzle for sports fans. Cryptic / humorous clues make this crossword fun and yet none-too-easy for native English speakers...The option of viewing a visual picture clue means that it is suitable for non-sports fans and even to English language learners. Persevere to complete the puzzle - the animation and music are worth it ! Theme = Sports. Game Type = Crosswords
Printer Destroyer Game

Plays: 4693
Category: Rhythm Games
ENGLISH (SPANISH IS BELLOW) NOTE: This game uses a Hi-Score table that will open in new window once you submit your personal best, if you cant see the new window open you should click on the top of your browser to allow pop-up and maybe you will have to deactivate any pop-up blocker. Description =========== Daisuke Hoshi just had his bad day at the office, help him to take revenge!! Test your skills and reflex with the mouse in this fun game and try to be the best of the world. SPANISH NOTA: Este juego usa una tabla de puntos (Hi-Scores) que se abrira en una nueva ventana una vez que envies tu mejor puntuacion, si no puedes ver la nueva ventana abrirse deberas hacer click en la parte superior de tu navegador para permitir ventanas emergentes temporalmente (pop-up) y quizas debas desactivar cualquier bloqueador de pop-ups. Descripcion =========== Daisuke Hoshi acaba de tener un mal dia en la oficina, ayudale a que tenga su venganza!! Pon a prueba tus habilidades y reflejos con el raton en este divertido juego e intenta ser el mejor del mundo.
Question Quest Game

Plays: 4642
Category: Adventure Games
Exciting and fun vocabulary learning game. With user developed content.
Crazy Cube 2 Game

Plays: 4580
Category: Education Games
Crazy Cube 2 English
Prison Break (English) Game

Plays: 4579
Category: Action Games
Escape from prison
Hotel Subura EN Game

Plays: 4577
Category: Puzzles Games
This is the English version of the game Hotel Subura. After being closed for a considerable time, the Hotel Subura is finally yours, the rightful heir of its previous owner – an eccentric who committed suicide in the hotel attic…Your uncle… Can you crack the mysteries of Hotel Subura?
Buta Zamurai Game

Plays: 4542
Category: Adventure Games
Buta Zamurai... Begins. A short choose-your-own adventure featuring the samurai pig, Buta Zamurai. Available in English and Japanese.
Fast car english Game

Plays: 4485
Category: Driving Games
Drive as fast as you can and beat the clock.
Easy Japanese Hiragana Study Game

Plays: 4481
Category: Education Games
Easy Japanese Hiragana flashcard study

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.