Online mccarthy Games |
Zombie Incumbents Game
     Plays: 42449 Category: Adventure Zombie incumbents have taken over Congress. Your job is to vote as many of them out as you can. Don't get overwhelmed! Tags: incumbent, congress, election, 2012, kevin, mccarthy, obama, bush, parody, funny, flash, game, games, democrat, republican |
Test Your Patience 2 Game
     Plays: 5227 Category: Education Games The sequel to the Hit game Test Your Patience which was hosted on a very popular flash game site called |
Kevin McCarthy Game
     Plays: 3439 Category: Customize Games Play this hilarious parody game of Congressman Kevin McCarthy. You get to slap all of the corporate logos of his donors onto his racing suit! Each time you add a new donor to Kevin McCarthy the unemployment in Kern County and Bakersfield go up. This is because the unemployment in Kern County Bakersfield - Delano has doubled to almost 15% since 2006 when Kevin McCarthy took office. He is the MajorityWhip and GOPWhip in the House of Representatives. He also voted for CISPA and NDAA which reduce privacy rights and allow for indefinite detention of Americans. |