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Online Flash Games
Zombie Incumbents Game

Plays: 42449
Category: Adventure
Zombie incumbents have taken over Congress. Your job is to vote as many of them out as you can. Don't get overwhelmed!
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Space Attack Game

Plays: 37785
Category: Action
Dis' gamz da bomb!
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WW2 Invasion Game

Plays: 25894
Category: Action
Take on the worlds military defences with your high tech space ship! Take control of Earth.
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Sharkies Revenge Game

Plays: 21593
Category: Adventure
You are an experimental robot shark that has escaped from the military's hands, destroy them for treating you and your species this way!
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Free Paddle Wack Game

Plays: 20053
Category: Action
Play a game in the same vein as the classic Arknoid and Breakout games.
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Quarterback Touchdown Pass Game

Plays: 17083
Category: Sports
You are the star quarter back training for the last game of the season, Help yourself and your team by doing passing drills on the field!
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WWII Fighter Game

Plays: 16962
Category: Action
Classic 1942 2D Scroller
Touchdown Palooza Game

Plays: 13761
Category: Adventure
You are the teams head quarterback and this is the last game of the season unless you can manage to throw nothing but pure perfection, think you've got what it takes? Get in there and bring us to state!
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Quarterback Palooza Game

Plays: 13739
Category: Sports
Work on your aim by chucking footballs at the enemy players, in order to get ready for the last game of the season!
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Cupids Football Challenge Game

Plays: 13288
Category: Action
Cupid has had it with people taking over his month of february. He decides to invade the major football game of the year and give them a taste of their own medicine, As cupid shoot love arrows into all the football stars, making them fall in love with eachother!
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Galaxy Shifter Game

Plays: 13079
Category: Action
The galaxy is being controlled by intergallactic aliens, Make sure they never pay any visits to our beautiful planet earth!
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Pacific 1941 Game

Plays: 13046
Category: Action
The world has been at war for months now, You have been ordered to protect small military islands for the United States over the pacific, Defend the islands from invasion under any circumstances DONT let them take over the pacific!
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Paddle Wack Game

Plays: 12683
Category: Action
Enter game descripton.
Phoenix Fighter Game

Plays: 11891
Category: Action
You as a fire alien must take out the opposing aliens before they find the source of your planets power!
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Raider Squadron Game

Plays: 11748
Category: Action
Raid and take over the dark space enemies space stations in order to regain power over the universe!
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Super Mario Flash Game

Plays: 30650
Category: Adventure Games
Super Mario Flash is based off the graphics from Super Mario Allstars on the Super Nintendo. This is one of the best Mario games online.
The Strangers 2 Game

Plays: 28506
Category: Shooting Games
The Strangers 2 is a sniper game very similar to the extremely popular flash game: The Strangers. The Strangers 2 offers a new map, new strategic positions and a different quest. A new weapon to and in this game, your are on your own to defend a village form strangers. New and original graphics which provides a dynamic and full of action game play. Enjoy this original and great flash game!
Desolation 2 Game

Plays: 24758
Category: Shooting Games
This game is based on desolation 1. Even if the gameplay is diffrent and that this game is made with some pictures, the story line follow the first game. In this one, you're out to find the remedey to clear off every infected citizen. In this game, you will have at your disposal three great weapons. A M16 Assault Rifle, Glock 17 and a combat knife. Only thing, you got to find somme ammo because when you get to the bunker, there's a path of dead zombies behind you! Try to survive this intense and amazing horror - suspense flash game!
Crazy Ape Game

Plays: 23123
Category: Shooting Games
Attempt to survive 15 levels of fast paced platform action in the world of the Crazy Ape. This game is a side-scrolling platformer. Unlike traditional platformers, Crazy Ape does not require the player to navigate through platforms to find a way through. The key gameplay feature here is survival. The player must survive by avoiding, or shooting enemies.
Replicator Game

Plays: 22964
Category: Shooting Games
The eggs keep hatching... the bugs are out of control... it cannot be done... it's insane! Destroy the bugs before they hatch more eggs. And remember... "the only good bug is a dead bug". In this arcade shooter, the player finds his/her ship surrounded my eggs. After a short time the eggs begin to hatch revealing bugs, which will seek and destroy the player. The bugs also produce more eggs. These will also hatch after a certain time. The player must destroy all the bugs and eggs on the screen in order to proceed to the next level.

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.